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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. [quote]I wouldn't like to try playing full chords though[/quote] I would I love chords on fretless bass.
  2. Share some pics EH, the beauty in having a fretless guitar with a metal fingerboard is that you can essentially create a 'slide' sound but with your fingers, kinda like four slides all at once.
  3. That's not a bad ambition P.S. Thanks Dood!
  4. Give me a short while to get used to it, and I'll do my best to throw some simple sound clips together
  5. [url="http://chestofbooks.com/reference/Henley-s-20th-Century-Formulas-Recipes-Processes-Vol1/Delta-Metal.html"]For example...[/url] DISCLAIMER: I am not, nor claim to be, a metallurgist or have any speciality in this area. This is just an example of the term 'delta metal' having a wider known meaning than just 'Vigier's special fingerboard'.
  6. It is indeed delta metal. Delta metal is an alloy, and, with some creative google searching, you can find the relative proportions of the different metal that make it up (at least for the official metallurgical meaning of 'delta metal' which may not be the same as the 'delta metal' term used by Vigier). The only reason it doesn't look shiny is because of the angle of the guitar means there's no discernible reflections on the fingerboard. I can assure you it is delta metal.
  7. I love the expressiveness of the guitar, and I love the expressiveness and challenge of the fretless bass. Just with the background of fretless bass, I sometimes find myself a little limited by the frets. I'm also masochistic and enjoy making things harder for myself than necessary
  8. All change! Edited original post for imminent delivery!
  9. It's something I've been interested in for a while. This particular guitar is truly stupendous and something extraordinary.
  10. I've put in an order for a fretless Vigier in fireburst just like the one below (sans matching headstock)... [attachment=50538:5292.jpg] No, this is not a bass. Yes, I am crazy. Specs are exactly the same as those [url="http://www.htd-uk.com/page/fiche_produit.php?id_prod=256&marque_post=Vigier&onglet=description"]listed here[/url]. Build time would be 5 months or so, but this one happens to be in stock! I am very excited about this particular instrument (particularly as it will now be an imminent delivery). Just wanted to share the joy.
  11. These are great pedal tuners. I have found that it saves huuuuge amounts of time on stage (primarily for guitar) as I can see an overview of my guitar's tuning with just one strum. Someone once commented that you can still only physically tune one string at a time, and that it might save a few seconds at best, however the more time you spend using it the quicker the process becomes. Absolute lifesaver.
  12. No-one interested in anything here? Am willing to do deals on things as I'm likely to be purchasing something very soon and would like to free up some cash. Mark
  13. Very cool, and very tempting. Unless you're interested in trades though, I will pass. Best of luck!
  14. Nice board Shep! Did you end up buying a PT mini in the end? I absolutely love mine. And with some creative layout planning you can cram a lot onto the mini.
  15. For sure! Just let drop me a message when you've got some free time coming up and fancy a jam.
  16. I'm pleased to hear things have come together well for you. You do realise, of course, that you will be required to let me test drive each of them at some point
  17. Flippin' heck mate! you've gone custom mad!
  18. Oh right! Gotcha. I tend to add it to my mental library/back catalog, or use some for etudes or the like. Generally when I transcribe something there's something I want to learn or absorb from it, so for me often the transcribing is the benefit in itself and may not use/play it again regularly.
  19. Good thread. I tend to do as much as possible just listening to the song on my ipod and work it out in my head. I then confirm and/or work out the trickier parts with an instrument (voice, guitar, bass, etc). I've used transcribe software for some very tricky guitar solos, but I primarily transcribe without an instrument and use my ear.
  20. Keyboard and module sold pending payment. C'mon people, some real bargains to be had here... these are priced to sell.
  21. Why thank you sir!... and replied.
  22. I have too much stuff. Here's a preliminary list. Prices are inclusive of postage (except for guitar amps): Boss MT2 (Metal Zone) - [b]£50 [/b](w/ box, as new) Boss CE5 (guitar chorus ensemble) - [b]£40 [/b](no box, used w/ more than a few small paint chips) Boss DD6 (discontinued tap tempo delay) - [b]£80 [/b](w/ box, 9/10 condition) Ibanez PD7 (OD/distortion) - [b]£25 [/b](no box, as new) Dunlop Volume pedal - [b]£40 [/b](w/ box, good condition, on loan to friend) Sansamp California - [b]£110 [/b](brand spanking new, w/ collectors tin and paper insides) Fender Champ 600 (great guitar amp) - [b]£100 [/b](love this thing so this is mainly a feeler) Let me know if anything interests you.
  23. I'd love to come but I am sadly not around that weekend, so I wouldn't be able to bring my Wood&tronics beauties.
  24. Congratulations! You do seem to have been hankering after that amp for a while. Can you tell us what special features you are hoping to have included on this build?
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