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Everything posted by mcgraham

  1. Hi there, Realised that I'd been posting here and there over the course of the summer but never actually introduced myself. My name's Mark, I've been playing for 6 or 7 years now, started off playing at church/youth group and various bands and for the last 3 years I've played in a 150-200 strong gospel choir. I played a Geddy Lee Jazz for the entirety of those three years, and recently acquired bassjamm's Smith which is proving to be instrumental (no pun intended) in helping me open up and find my own voice. I have several other basses and instruments but the other basses get no playing time and are being sold off at nomimal prices to friends in need of instruments, and as such i will refrain from listing. GAS list comprises of a Schroeder 1210R and a suitable head, though having never had my own rig means I have no clue as to what is suitable so if you're reading this and have some suggestions for a head capable of powering an 850watt rated cab, let me know! I have recently moved to Nottingham and am not at present involved in any musical endeavours here though I'm striving to change that. Thanks for reading and I'll see you on the forums! Mark
  2. ooo I'm so tempted but alas, I know what I genuinely want and it ain't that, I must resist! Good luck with the sale though! Mark
  3. That's a reasonable size. I'm not too worried about weight as I'm no lightweight myself, That's very honest of you to mention the drop off, I'm sorely tempted but I would need to try them out to see if the drop off was small enough to convince me to shell out, unfortunately the next 3 weekends I'm completely unfree Sorry man, if they're still for sale when i can make the time I will take you up on your offer, but with prices like that... hot cakes I say! Best of luck with the sale either way! Mark
  4. Consider me subscribed, verrrrry interested! Yea dimensions would be nice, they quite heavy? also can you describe the sound? Quite interested in picking up a cabinet in the 400-600w region for a good price like that Mark
  5. I've actually just been down to camden and had mr petersen do a complete set up and make a ramp from that same block of ebony on this Smith I bought from bassjamm. If you're after the pics I'd be happy to put some samples up (though I'm on the road for the next few days so it may be a few days before they're up). As a quick plug for the gallery (not that it needs it) they had it on Tuesday lunchtime and it was done when I popped by on Thursday lunchtime, how obscenely quick is that?! It is an extremely well executed job and fits the bass perfectly, it looks like the bass was designed and built with it. My proverbial hat is off to the guys at the gallery for such fast and professional work. Oh and the bass and ramp together play beautifully, you all missed out on a great bass, but hey! your loss is my gain
  6. Hahaha, I was very tempted, particularly as I had a pandora with me, tho i was more concerned with ensuring the boisterous kids pretending to be dogs hiding in and clambering over the bag rack didn't open it up or do something irreparable like sitting or urinating on it... Well you never know how far they would've taken the pretending
  7. It's a beauty bud, I set it up a bit more to my liking when I got back (THAT was an entertaining trip), action is almost perfect, extraordinarily low. And you're right, the high C fits that bass like a glove. Thanks for a great bass, I will treat her well! Mark
  8. PM'd, I'm quite interested! Spotted an older one for sale at the gallery a few months ago but missed it... Mark
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