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About Rusco

  • Birthday 23/03/1971

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  1. Anyone with any thoughts or experience? Cheers.
  2. Hi, I'm looking to add a noise gate to 1) cut hmm and noise at some venues, and 2) pair with my Bass Big Muff for a synth sound. I don't necessarily need anything too sophisticated, just to tick those two boxes really. I've been looking at the EHX Silencer, TC Sentry and Pigtronix Gatekeeper - assuming they'll all cut noise but has anyone paired any off them with a BBM and had success or even it's not worked well? Cheers!
  3. That's a good summery. I've used ChatGPT and recently more Google Vertex and both broadly do what you've said. They are great at giving you a quick running start and a foundation to build upon but I wouldn't be using their output as anything close to a final version, where the audience has a level of knowledge.
  4. What are people’s experiences with delivery now they’re three issues in? Mine: Issue 1 - arrived on time. Issue 2 - didn’t, emailed them and Dan responded promptly, apologised, sent a link to their online version and sorted the hard copy which duly arrived. Issue 3 - nothing, emailed them multi times and nothing. Strings - nothing so far. Hopefully only teething problems but it’s not a great start. I’ll probably cancel.
  5. Interesting.. I've always found my CMD121 + NY121 pretty transparent with the Eq flat and the filters off, compared to the various Fender's, Ashdown's and Line6's I've used or owned anyway.
  6. Its the Mark Bass recommended way of setting although I don’t normally run it that high myself. I guess its calibrating the range to ensure bass at max goes up to just clipping but not beyond. Even with bass and gain at max it never clips when using the WL-20 🧐 From Mark Bass: ‘Set your bass volume on full, and start with the gain and master controls off.Play your bass at your hardest level, and turn up the gain until the blue clip light starts illuminating’
  7. It's easy to set the gain to clip (blue led) using a cable but not if I switch to the Boss wireless, the blue led never comes on no matter the gain setting.. even at max / 5 o'clock. Has anyone else had this or know why? Thinking there's probably an easy explanation and one that I should really already know! Cheers.
  8. Sounds like the well loved Markbass CMP121 combo + NY121 cab would be a perfect size/weight/volume/flexibility fit.... it's not very Ashdown-y though.
  9. Thanks all for the replies and suggestions 👍🏻
  10. I need to add an additional mini pedal to my Nano+ board which I think I can, just, do if I can find slimmer patch cables. The pedals currently on board are 4x TC minis and a Sansamp BDDIv2 I've been looking at RockBoard or EBS Flat Patch cables but I don't know anyone who's used them and it they really will save over a standard type pancake. Any thoughts? Cheers.
  11. Value based / value add pricing is a whole topic in itself. You're factoring in desirability, demand and availability + alternative options and value to the individual (plus pricing can influences all those too) As a place to start you could try looking at previously sold pricing (as mentioned above) and then possibly pick the mode value to stop the extremes at each end skewing it, like the collection only prices.
  12. Thanks for the replies, that's very helpful. I'd tried it with the Spectracomp off, which didn't seem to help, so will try it first in the chain before and then maybe after the Poly Tune and see how it gets on. Cheers.
  13. I recently bought a BDDI too, wish I done it before, a great and icon pedal! I also put together a small PT Nano + based board which includes a TC Corona Chorus mini. My chain is PolyTune mini -> Spectra Comp -> SubNUp mini -> Moorer FOG -> Corona Chorus mini -> BDDI.. even with all the mini pedals it's a very tight fit. I may change the order, I'm having issues with the FOG but that's another thread. BDDI had to go last so everything came out of the XLR. I played around with positioning before fixing the board down and found no obvious compromises and could always dial in a chorus sound, and any other, I liked (subjective I know). I actually preferred the BDDI last as it gave a unified effect over all of the others. I don't know of any demos but that was my experience and all good.
  14. Thanks. No it's the less illustrious Mooer Fog, the small green fuzz pedal
  15. I bought this for the few Muse tracks we do but I'm struggling to get it to trigger unless I really twang the strings hard. I've tried active (Stingray, Tanglewater) and passive (P, J, BB) with no noticeable difference and tried the knobs in every conceivable combination. It's after a Poly Tune mini 3 and Spectra comp in my chain and before a TC sub, TC chorus and S/A BDDI. Its seems to get a lot of love for what it does and as a cheap Woolly Mammoth clone so assuming its user error rather than the pedal. Before I dismantling the pedal board (it's tightly packed and tie wrapped) - I'd be interested to hear where people are placing this in their chain and the settings they use? Many thanks! 🙂
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