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marcus bell

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Everything posted by marcus bell

  1. Been watching some videos by people like Hadrien feraud, Janek gwidzala and in particular Damien erskine... Been wondering how they get that sound, as far as I know it's setting the bass pretty flat and the amp too, and a bit of delay... Is there anything I have missed? Other than buying a fodera or a skjold bass haha
  2. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1368558549' post='2078593'] Marcus, can I have first refusal on the Kingbass next week?? Just kidding mate, I hope it is everything you want it to be!! [/quote] Hahaa thanks dude
  3. Great project dude!
  4. Unfortunately dude :/
  5. Found a Kingbass finally, putting a deposit down on Friday , just got the musicman here redundant. Hence why it needs to go
  6. Saw yolanda Charles playing one of these a few years back! Top bass! Top sound!
  7. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' timestamp='1368390026' post='2076545'] 100% with you. {removed by Rich} [/quote] What a lovely person
  8. Think my pricing may have been a little optimistic, taking £100 off now £950
  9. Cheers dude
  10. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1368310824' post='2075663'] Hey Marcus, its your money my man...but I find it hard keeping up with your bass infatuations. Just the other week the SR was the ultimate object of your desires! Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around my eyes, into my eyes...repeat after me "GAS is bad and can only lead to emptiness and loneliness". [/quote] I still love the sr it's just selling it would allow me to get a kb quickly that's all , if it doesn't sell quick ill keep it
  11. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1368303760' post='2075579'] That is beautiful. If you decide to move it on, please PM me [/quote] Love that!
  12. Love status and jaydee basses
  13. I'm not making money, simply using it as a way of saving! As if I have cash I spend it on rubbish. Hope that clears it up.
  14. Love the neck profile on a modern status bass, the thin, flat back feels lovely!
  15. I didn't know that! Thanks for that dude, hopefully clears up any queries for people interested
  16. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1368285945' post='2075313'] Ok chief. Just upholding my duty of care. There's an awful lot of money floating around in a short space of time. I mean, did you just pay £1050 for the SR4? [/quote] I actually traded a few basses and cash for the stingray, like I said I'm using basses to build up to a cash amount of the Kingbass. Which I will settle on believe it or not
  17. There will always be a desire to play the mk licks as they sound great on basses like status etc but I just think they look and sound awesome and fit me really well
  18. The Kingbass artist mk1 is perfect for me alongside my old jaydee, and when a bass fits I wouldn't sell, I'm just using the others as a means of saving as I've mentioned before Simple as that
  19. Satin finish neck and no mate sorry
  20. Well the price is up for negotiation.
  21. Potentially
  22. Haha, because they play themselves?
  23. Maybe getting an artist in cocobolo with green LEDs in a deal including my mm and cash, if not its a sale on the musicman and a new order from Rob
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