Up until around 3 weeks ago id only played stingray basses in shops and never really been impressed as im more of a jazz man out the big three(mm, p, j)...
around three weeks ago i put my washburn status up for trade on facebook and a mate of mine had a sub series sitngray for trade so i went ahead and swapped and its just amazing! and if this is that good i cant wait to get a real one!
Today i recieved an olp in the post and immediately deffreted it, and its just great too! Instant pino palladino with an octave pedal
So happy with these two basses cannot wait to get a real musicman soon (i have a nate mendel p if anyone wants to do a deal, thought id sneak that in there)...
ill put some photos of my basses in this thread and in the musicman porn thread too
hope everyone is okay, excuse my enthusiasm its been a good day