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marcus bell

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Everything posted by marcus bell

  1. statii thread, if its not about it, get out! joke its a free for all really... i must update the jaydee thread as it goes
  2. fair enough mate, well just sell it and get another series 2 yeah i think theres a cutlass at the back and the alembic... hold on this is the status thread so hop'it lol
  3. cool thanks for the info mike, how do i get in touch with him??
  4. cool! are you saving the preamp for a project??? would be interesting to see what you could come up wiith sir ... nice basses they are, ive seen the cocobolo one and the maple one at oxford and i got blown away, and im a jaydee man how comes your sellin the kingbass then??? marcus
  5. i like em all mate.... i think you should buy a walknut mk2 then youll have three sisters what have you had done to the old s2 then buddy??? mb
  6. oh yeah that pic is cool! yeah sounds fun wish i could get down there too! listen mate, youve got to go and see level 42 this year, the setlist is the B*llocks, as is the bass sound, so loud and punchy hows your statii? mb
  7. Stanley clarke-the toys of men or go old school, with school days get it lol
  8. twit twoo, i love the new kingbass mkII, what do you think of it mate...? marcus p.s. are you going to any level 42 gigs???
  9. yeah thats the one matey, looks nice though dont it?? mb
  10. LEVEL42-RETROGLIDE, brilliant album with brilliant bass playing in too... check out sleep talking
  11. hi from rainy rugby lol...! welcome to basschat dude!
  12. im not really a big fan of status headless basses, i dont really get on with the asthetics of headless basses... my favourites are the kingbass mk2 and i like the bass up on the right on this pic... has anyone got any idea of what it is, and has anyone got any pic of similar ones... much appreciated a happy marcus bell, counting down until sunday (level 42 bristol), x
  13. wish i had two hundred sheets matey id love it to put on my jazz, unfortunately i havent got the cash dude! good luck with getting it though and i cant wait to see your MKII regards marcus
  14. coll bass fella! well done gettting it for that price!
  15. its a bit more like an alembic and jaydee, with the back back end of the basss ..... i was going to go to cambridge but my dad cant come because hes going to a different gig that night the prices for the bass are on statii.com now 1895 for the kingbass mk2 not bad im gunna start saving love it
  16. 30 quid ish will do me to be honest tarr muchly marcus
  17. lol soz mate, im just really really poor! need the money! cum on peeps there must be someone who wants it??? offers
  18. seen them in action at oxford last saturday, the best bass sound since jaydee end of, theres no two ways about it, punchy clear...everything i like, glad im going to be hearing it again in bristol this sunday yay!!! a very happy marcus
  19. BUMP! offers people offers??
  20. Come on people i dont want much for it... BUMP!
  21. BUMP!!!!
  22. BUMP??? anyone making offers i need cash,
  23. deinately buddy, fancy making an offer lol thanks marcus
  24. brillliant chorus pedal for sale here im well skint and just need fast money tbh, so sadly a lot of my gear has to go which tbh im pretty gutted abot as i love this stuff, this pedal has rate, intensity and depth all built in so its pretty similar to look at and in suond to the boss pedal absolutely mint condition not a mark on it, and ill even chuck in a 9v battery (there not cheap) lol im guessing 20 quid??? thanks for lookin marcus
  25. brilliant effects unit, that sadly has to go as i am strapped for cash , what can i say about this, well it has some brilliant effects to use, that are easy to use too... and absolutely fantastic to power headphones for practice sessions e.t.c. mint condition 20 quid??? thanks for looking marcus
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