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marcus bell

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Everything posted by marcus bell

  1. pics ... thanks for lookin'
  2. Cool Stagg Musicman for sale, erm, not really much to say about this, sunburst in colour, simple volume and tone layout... i brought this off a drummer friend about a month ago, as he didnt really want it anymore, so i plugged it in and was impressed by how close it sounded to an original musicman, being a mainly slap player, i instantly played micheal jackson's get on the floor and it sounded perfect, i also played sister sledge's thinkin of you, which featured the late, great bernard edwards on his musicman, and this also sounded perfect, so...in other words if you want the musicman sound for a very, very small price then this is the bass for you ... it would also make a great backup bass, or even for beginners , im pretty strapped for cash and this needs to go to be honest, offers??? thanks marcus
  3. Oh s*it lol im well tired you see but cant get to sleep [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy4jnGzciz4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy4jnGzciz4[/url] check it out omg its amazing sorry about that peeps!
  4. who think this is amazing??? look at his other videos too omg!!!!!!!!!!!! note to self: must learn marcus miller's teen town again lol another note to self: attempt solo this time MB
  5. nice jazz mate... i cant wait to fix mine again its under my bed being unplayed lol your jazz is coool tho
  6. the warwick, the warwick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. bassically anything that looks good, ive got a jazz bass which i love, and i do like trraditional body shapes although my favourite body shapes are the originial custom body shapes like the alembic mark king and the jaydee series 1...
  8. [quote name='Rayman' post='273112' date='Aug 30 2008, 01:01 PM']I [i]love[/i] the early Level 42 stuff, and have been a fan since the start, but strangely, I'd never gotten around to seeing them live until a couple of years ago at the King Georges Hall in Blackburn. It was truely awful, I was very dissapointed indeed. I think the venue was to blame to be fair, it was a sh*t view, with a stage about 6 foot high. I was on the front row and couldn't see a bloody thing as we were all sat down. The sound was terrible too, and I ended up moving from the front, to the circle upstairs (the place was half empty). The sound was better up there but not great. The band just looked out of sorts to me, and MK seemed to be just going through the motions. There's two basses I've always wanted, a Wal and a Jaydee Mark King, don't s'pose I'll ever have either, but I still dream about slapping away on a Jaydee in front of my Trace Elliot pretending to be MK. New album? Nah, I haven't bought a Level 42 album since World Machine.[/quote] you can use my jaydee, and stand infront of your trace elliot and pretent to be mark king, as long as i get a go too
  9. cant mate not on a college night lol...will firday night though bring on the weekend
  10. very nice, reminds me of a ritter for some reason... how much if you dont mind me asking??? i would quite like one in a four string thanks marcus
  11. lol i know i need to mate, i just love em tbh... plus im bored at night nowt to do
  12. that starchild of yours moo is absolutely stunning! more pics everyone!
  13. reminds me of mr millers rig very, very nice how does it sound??
  14. after lookin at this beautiful bass, i might...in the future (when ive got money ), get another roadie but in white with a few custom features what d'ya reckon???
  15. headed with tremolo, am i right??
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='278386' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:31 AM']What do you use now?[/quote] just play through my zoom pedal sounds really, really good, but no where near how good through the amp...
  17. i know what you mean mate, i used to have an ashdown and omg they sounded the bizniss!!!
  18. i can imagine it went down like the proverbial red balloon lol
  20. people have had and own some beautiful instruments here ... ive had: a SQUIER PRECISION BASS SPECIAL in white, omg i would love it back, has anyone got one?? and i own: a Jaydee roadie 2 acitve which is the best bass ever, ever, ever and a squier jazz bass which is coool! and a hofner 500/1 copy someone please contact me about the pbass
  21. [quote name='crez5150' post='277459' date='Sep 4 2008, 11:36 PM']I had a MK jaydee for a few years.... great bass.... very long..... Electronics were not great though.... I generally hate headed basses.... do love Jaydee's and Alembic's though[/quote] oh yes very long, what body shape did you have? electronics not great why???
  22. i know what you mean mate, well i love the mark king/series body shape but im not keen on the sound i guess that wy the jaydee is my number one fave...
  23. intersting that the stanley basses, look similar to the kingbass, you know symmetrical body n that???
  24. cool....do people have to pay postage?
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