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Everything posted by matybigfro

  1. Having been lusting after a new amp/cab for far too long and having been mightly impresed with the Orange Bass Terror's performance in the music shop test. It was to great glee that I saw the backline for a local festival gig my band had been booked for (fear of fiction, Bristol) included an Orange Bass Terror and Aguilar 4x12 (not knowing these cab's by name for some reason I had imagine a overly wide guitar cab being in place) Much to my lust when I arrived and saw the well built tall beauty that was a GS412 sitting up on stage I'm not ashamed to say I was more than alittle aroused. The soundcheck and ensuing gig was awesome. Having developed a bad habit of never asking for anything during a soundcheck and so alwasy only ever hearing spill from the rest of the band on this gig I did not care as I delighted in hearing every sweet not that issued from my bass (apart from the increasingly annoying hiss/hum generated by the combo of a corvid fuzz and aguilar octave pedal). Having got used to the neccesity of boosting mid on the OBT to get a flatish sound this amp is really happening for me know and through this cab it sounded simply awesome. Vintage, warm, round and proud bass tone. Following a small tour last weekend supporting Menomena also using a BT this time into a ampeg SVT-15E I believe (great sound listen off stage but not placed in a helpfull place to hear when playing support) I'm definlty sold on the Bass Terror as my must purchased soon amp. Unfortunatly I will not have the room (either in my flat or in my band mates two cars that provide our gig transport) to look at pairing it with a Aguilar GS 412 any time soon. :-( Any hot tips on smaller cabs that will get me close to that sound.
  2. How's this sound on bass - any bass loss or mid bump?
  3. do you still have that tap trem nocking around ?
  4. Pics in the morning but considering moving on some if the below All prices posted recorded delivery add £4 for next day Electro Harmonix Octave Multiplexer, in box £35 T-Rex Squeezer - Valve driven compressor - £100 Sub decay flying tomato mk2 - modded fuzz face pedal £95 Way Huge Pork Loin Overdrive - £68
  5. Flying Tomato still available
  6. Is this the Farida FJB-6, it's shame if they are that good that you can only get them in Red or White, neither of which appeal to me and FJB-20’s seem to be going above £300 now even S/H Also the G&L shape doesn't hit the spot for me either I tend to favour tobacco sunburst, black or darker coloured basses I already have a mexican P&J so I’m just looking for pure J setup at the moment. I'd probably look to upgrade the pup's ony any cheap bass but not to interested in doing hardware upgrades unless absolutely necessary so the Squire CV's look liked they would pip the VM's . Interested in the Tokai (sounds too good to be true) would like to hear more about those particularly where I could pick one up keep the idea's coming
  7. We're talking tone and quality, names don't bother me at all I want to not spend too much but get a instrument that can stay with me for some time Let here your thoughts
  8. power tube valves are the real deal for valve sound put another way how many classic guitars sounds come from Overdrive Pedals through loud (clean/or not) valve amps (ie soild state drive going through valve gain stages before valve power)
  9. As new apart from the velcro which can be removed before dispatch
  10. Got Terror GAS after reading the Bass Mag Review and Tests
  11. Before buying a pedal it really is worth expermineting with the Parametric side of the EQ on this amp as the main differece the VT will make is added compressiong and some complex EQing all of which should be able to be done with the available controls of the stacato (spectra comp and EQing) The RH450 which this amp was based on was meant to be able to achieve sounds similar to a SVT so I would supprised if it couldn't get close
  12. I'd avoid Ashdown, i see they get a fair bit of love on here but I can only assosiate them with muddy and boomy bass sounds Before I saw the light and was a guitarist everytime I went to a gig and got annoyed that the bass was boomy, unclear and muddy sounding if i looked at what amp the bassist was using without fail it was a Ashdown. From touring rock bands in thousand seater venues to pub bands and church pands using combo's with little or no PA support I can't think Ashdown without think horrible useless bass tone. just my opinion though
  13. I only gig one of each I do have a no name Frettless Jazz bass sat at Home I barely ever play I do have a few 6 string guitars sitting around also
  14. Do the staccato heads allow you to shift the center frequencies of the tone control's like they do on the RH450, in which case have a play about with the mid and treble frequencies to see if you can find a boost similar to the SVT Might be worth checking out what freq's the tone stack on your SVT hits and try and get it close to that on the TC
  15. EHX LPB-2UBE Sold
  16. I tried a El Grande a few weeks ago in Hot Rox and didn't do much for me found it difficult to set to a sound i liked although I was playing it througha guitar amp so not ideal. I'm not a great DiYer I've still got a bunch of guitar overdrive clones that I've not boxed cos they didn't work great so I'm gonna stear away from trying that again and am happy to put some money the way of the interesting UK builders that have popped up over the last few years I'm gonna ahve to check out the Ruiner when I get home I'll admit I'm a bit Boss/Behriner phobic not a great fan of their buffer's to be honest
  17. So although skint I'm still gassing for a new Fuzz Pedal that hit's the right spot. I've pretty much given up on fuzz face based designs due to trying a load already. I'm after something between the 90's fuzz-rock bass tones of Dinosaur Jr/Pavement/Yuck to that modern bass heavy electronic/dub influenced fuzz sound similar to that heard in Radiohead(national anthem)/Mars Volta/Elbow(grounds for divorce). I play in a post-punk/ noise-rock/indie band see sig for links I have the EHX knockout to sculpt tone and add a low freq boost for a subby sound when required but need the fuzz to feed into it. Been through the following Fuzz's for the following reasons Fender Sub:lime - Almost perfect but a bit too subtle and nice, not enough bit/treble, also found myself struggling with the clean dirt cross over sounding a bit middy Wooly Mammoth - Too Bassey and one trickish Rat w/ruetx mod - Sounded too much like motorhead and too much low end loss Mojo Tone Huckleberry - Too much low end loss, just didn't sit right Sub:decay Flying Tomato - Too much low end loss/mid emphasis, sound not what I have in my head figure fuzz face tone is just not me Bogdan Polish Hate - not fuzzy/aggressive enough I want something with a full freq response, no loss of lows some aggressive highs and bite Currently I am eying up the following options a Brassmaster Clone (looks like it would be a custom request at the moment) , the Team Awesome Fuzz Machine or a Tone Bender derivative (MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe, [sfx] Micro Fuzz and Myrtle Corvid Fuzz) Opinions or suggestions invited?
  18. Mnn still interested in trades got propper gas for a streamliner
  19. FS: T.C.Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay programmable digital delay pedal £140 Fantastic digital Delay based on the legendary 2290 delay unit, tap tempo function tape, analog and digital delay's Also selling [url="http://http://basschat.co.uk/topic/170833-fsft-subdecay-flying-tomato-mkii-fuzz/"]FS/FT - Subdecay Flying Tomato MKII Fuzz,[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177835-ftfs-demeter-fod-fat-over-drivulator-electro-harmonix-lpb-2ube-stereo-tube-preamp-pedal/"]FT/FS Demeter FOD Fat Over Drivulator, Electro Harmonix LPB 2UBE Stereo Tube Preamp Pedal[/url]
  20. Much remis in my failure to leave feedback sooner following purchasing a Bogdan Mephisto from this fine gent All transacted smoothly
  21. Recently traded a pedal with this fine gentleman, proper job
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