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Everything posted by matybigfro

  1. Top fella, transaction was a charm
  2. I think the bass amp sim category is catered for well in the bass market (ie VT style pedals) most players want OD and Fuzz pedals that meld well with their current gear not completly change the tone of it IMHO. Personally I think any company that brought out low and med gain OD's, a classic fuzz and a full on modern synthy Fuzz with the following control's would be onto a winner Clean blend control with a tone control that is a low pass filter freq roll off control (ie so you have full signal clean blend or turn down for just the very lowest clean signal) and then sepeare control's of Gain, Low, Mid and Treble Tone control's both cut and boost (switches to change centre freq of each tone control would also be nice) and dirty signal volume control. If your really ambitious keep in a standard MXR size case, again a low gain, a medium gain, classic fuzz and synth modern fuzz would kill with these control's. Other idea's would be the Filter section of the EHX bass micro synth as stand alone pedal I'd pay for that favourite bass filter I've ever heard.
  3. Demeter FOD £Sold not dissimilar to the Diamond J-drive or a full range full gain Fulldrive with genuine independent clean boost Switch to choose from Germanium or Silicon diodes, Loads of Gain on tap, absolutely no bass loss on this one lovely natural drive sound [attachment=109127:Demeter.JPG] LPB 2UBE £Sold This is rather excellent for adding valve 'grit' or 'warmth' to anything you want to plug into it. Can be used for recording various things and also as a valve front-end with a solid state bass amp. You can hit it hard with overdrive pedals, sounds rather good. Use one channel at a time, or both at once for stereo, or have two different mono signals going through it at the same time. You can also cascade the L and R together and use it as a big balls overdrive pedal. each side has it's own 12AX7 Always open to trades, Fuzz and OD's are most likely to get my attention Also on the board [url="http://http//basschat.co.uk/topic/170833-fsft-subdecay-flying-tomato-mkii-fuzz/"]FS/FT - Subdecay Flying Tomato MKII Fuzz,[/url] [url="http://http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178607-fs-tcelectronic-nd-1-nova-delay-programmable-digital-delay-pedal/"]FS: T.C.Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay programmable digital delay pedal[/url]
  4. matybigfro

    Sub Bass Tone

    I've found the EHX knock out pretty usefull for this task. The high fulter is almost useless in my passive p/j for any meaning full eqing but the dry and low knob have a impressive aray of available sounds when tweaked. Rolling off all high and dry's and just setting the low knob for eIther unity or volume drop or boost give's a mean dub bass tone. Playing with low and dry mix takes from a slightly more defined Subby dub sound to just adding a little warmth or bass boost to your normal sound
  5. PM sent RE the Bogdan
  6. Could i tempt you with a fender Sub-Lime fuzz gas a great clean blend
  7. I've just uploaded my gremlin recy on soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/matybigfro/owen-electronics-gremlin-bass
  8. Also now for sale on ebay and gumtree also
  9. There's a few good vidz of the sublime on youTube tye gremlin is a little more elusive but i have some clips on my pc that i keep meaning to put on
  10. How's the inferno sound on bass (any bass loss) is the sound muff like or more fuzz face like
  11. or a fender Sub-Lime
  12. would you be interested in a fender sub lime fuzz
  13. couldn't tempt you with a owen gremlin
  14. The only thing holding back is the bypass i'm a total obsessive when it comes to true bypass. I maybe swayed over time so let me think on it
  15. Bought a a EHX LPB-2ube pedal from Sam, promtly posted and packed like a pro can't wait to get it home and test it out T'was a pleasure
  16. Subdecay Flying Tomato MKII Fuzz £95 posted [attachment=109463:photo(2).JPG] I believe this is Fuzz face based with Bass and Treble tone controls (active I believe) Bais control with synthy behavior, buffer switch to make active friendly volume and gain on top, Pre payday price drop [s]Seymour Duncan Tap Tremolo [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [s]Owen Gremlin Bass OD [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [s]Mojo Tone Huckleberry Fuzz [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [s]Bogdan Polish Hate [b]SOLD[/b][/s] also listed on the board [url="http://http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178607-fs-tcelectronic-nd-1-nova-delay-programmable-digital-delay-pedal/"]FS: T.C.Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay programmable digital delay pedal[/url]
  17. Yea i have a puma 212 combo too I also have same said GAS pm me if the current swap doesn't go through
  18. Would love to hear how this sounds i don't suppose you've got any recordings of the rig do you How would you compare the sound of the Terror bass through the GS 112 compared to the Orange Isobaric 10s and 12s Saw you were interested in a tecamp 212 combo else where on the board I might be tempted for a trade + some cash
  19. [s][attachment=91561:photo(2).JPG] Great condition fully working Boss TU-2 available few slight scratches but all in all classic reliable tuner Korke Pitchblack wanteded simply cos it will fit better on my pedal board Will Sell for £43 posted[/s]
  20. Is this still available sounds interesting
  21. Flyingzebrq you pretty much have my first choice rig of the moment there might have to take you up on that offer.
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