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Everything posted by andyonbass

  1. In the meantime, if you click on the thread title, when it opens look in the top right hand side next to the "reply to this topic" button, you should see "Go to first unread post" Click on that!
  2. I've lost the button to the left of the thread title that allows me to view new posts. Any idea how I can get it back, 'cos its a right pain trawling through all the posts to find unread content. Thanks in anticipation
  3. Includes free layer of dust!!
  4. Price drop to £300 will consider trade for an EUB with possible cash adjustment
  5. andyonbass


    I've been using an Ibanez P500 head for a couple of years now, I did have a problem with the input gain circuit when it was just out of warranty, but a local tech sorted it for thirty quid, and (touch wood) its been fine since. Oh and it sounds excellent with my BFM cabs!
  6. Why not offer to trade it for a five string, I'm sure you'll get a response on here if you give it time.
  7. Did this sell?
  8. I'll take two of the knobs if you're gonna split them.
  9. Another satisfied customer from Mal's book sale. Good quick service, nice one!
  10. I need something to read on my hols next week so if no-one has beaten me to it can I stake a claim?
  11. Hey GS1000, I'm on holiday at the end of the month, (25th) I wouldn't mind something to read on the plane if you've finished it by then and there's no-one in front of me
  12. Now includes a layer of dust at no extra charge!
  13. My Status Electro. (soon to be in the for sale section - mostly doing fretless these days) [attachment=117316:S6300210.JPG][attachment=117317:S6300211.JPG]
  14. Bump - includes gig bag
  15. Bump - and I'll even throw in a gigskinz bag if you come to Swindon and collect it
  16. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' timestamp='1346596515' post='1790970'] I don't think I have anything to hand, There was a video of Hardien Feraud playing it on the ACG stand at Bassday a few years ago, but I think it's been taken down. .. [/quote] Not great quality but I think this is what Dave was talking about [url="http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQzNDY4MTY=.html"]http://v.youku.com/v...QzNDY4MTY=.html[/url] Its in there somewhere, after the advert!
  17. Schaller do one with adjustable spacing
  18. The OP ought to get something like [url="http://www.powerconnections.co.uk/convert_eurotouk.htm"]THIS[/url] then you can just take it off when you do your european tour Loads of 'em on ebay
  19. [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html"]Status Hotwires [/url] must be the best value around,
  20. Bank holiday price reduction
  21. Bank hol bump.
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