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Everything posted by andyonbass

  1. You might like to think about an [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/shop/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=2"]ACG Filter preamp[/url], designed in conjunction with John East, these sound fantastic on a fretless (and fretted! )
  2. A bit late, now, but here's a great [url="http://www.icixsound.com/iv/view_video.php?viewkey=5a2e075a1a4a6e1b9770"]Carpeting tutorial[/url] Oh and if you paint the surface with black paint underneath where the joins will go, it kind of disguises any gaps. you can see where I painted along the intended joins [attachment=19615:20july1edit.jpg]
  3. [quote name='SimBass' post='387142' date='Jan 21 2009, 09:10 AM']@andyonbass Thanks for the pic...its really good to see the stuff actually on a cab. Any tips on getting the stuff on as neat and tidy as yours is?[/quote] Sorry I didn't reply, I've only just seen your post (I think I need to adjust my email notification settings However it looks like you've done a grand job, anyway I did find that my second cab was an improvement on the first but I still managed to glue some carpet to my shoes!!
  4. [quote name='agoulding' post='377011' date='Jan 11 2009, 06:47 PM']Are there any more on sale?[/quote] Heads up! [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/perfectly.good.guitars_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ"]Perfectly good guitars[/url]
  5. The CPC stuff is fine, I used it on my O10.5s [attachment=19003:25sept2.JPG]
  6. Have a look at [url="http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/browse.jsp?N=411+500001+1000528&Ntk=gensearch_003&Ntt=carpet&Ntx="]CPC Farnell[/url] Or there's some on ebay if you search for "Speaker Carpet"
  7. This is what it looks like.....
  8. Have you got a local [url="http://www.screwfix.com/cats/101697/Fixings/Furniture-Fixings"]Screwfix[/url] Are these any good? Or these
  9. About a year ago I convinced myself I needed a compressor, so after owning a DHA VT1 purist and being very happy with it, I decided to get a DHA standard compressor. Guess what? I used it once and didn't like it! Its been sat in the drawer for the best part of a year, now so I reckon I might as well move it on. I also bought the PSU off of Dave, which is included. I reckon fifty quid plus a fiver for shipping is a reasonable asking price, and I'm taking a bit of a hit here so I cant go lower I'm afraid. Its the unpainted one, I'll get a photo up in a bit! I think there was a review of one of these on here, a while back Cheers Andy
  10. Have you got a cash price in mind for the status? I have the fretted version in the same colour and I reckon the missus wouldn't notice!! :brow:
  11. [quote name='Pookus' post='366416' date='Dec 30 2008, 05:20 PM']Just need to figure out how to set up my router to cut 10inch holes.[/quote] This is how I do it, using part of the side fence. Just remember to screw the centre pin all the way through into the supporting piece, otherwise it will go all wobbly when you complete the circle! [attachment=17863:DSCF0001.JPG]
  12. [url="http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/6839/PEAVEY+BASS+GUITAR+AMPLIFIER+MICROBASS+00456032"]Stagebeat[/url] are doing the microbass for under fifty quid at the moment. i've been using one for years, great for home practice and rehearsals when the drummers missus wont let him out to play!
  13. He sings too! I reckon this is great, but lose interest when the drum solo starts, and again during his bass solo
  14. Hi Kev I am the lucky owner of two ACG's and I have to say, the asymmetric neck profile on mine are really comfortable and easy to get around on, and I think most people who have played them voiced the same reservations, but were pleasantly surprised. The Recurve shape balances perfectly, whether standing or sitting and doesn't slide off your lap at all. I've been gigging mine week in, week out for over a year, now, and couldn't be happier. I'm GAS free these days!! I'm down in Swindon, and if you are ever down this way you're welcome to try them Cheers Andy [attachment=17159:DSCF0001.JPG]
  15. You could try [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/Books/FunkDiscoGrooves/tabid/60/Default.aspx"]This[/url], Phil, depending on how much time you have
  16. thanks, guys, you're right, i'd probably get more if I were to sell the parts, but its just too nice to dismantle!
  17. I bought this off of NielB a few months ago, with a view to my daughter learning to play. However, the realisation that you have to actually make an effort, and to be fair, it is a bit big for her, means it has been standing idle most of the time, which is a shame, 'cos its a bloody nice sounding and easy playing instrument. I'm tempted to keep it for myself, but I know it still wont be getting used, as all my playing is done on 5ers these days. I've put a fender type decal on (see pics), because the original peeled off. Its in excellent condition with just a barely noticable scuff on the top edge. Given the mods (see specs below) I reckon £150 plus packaging and shipping is a reasonable price. Specs: Photo quilt top in blue Maple neck and board with white block markers, inset, not stick on. White pearloid plate (original, so fits perfect) Wizard 64 pups Leo Quann Badass 2 bridge Replacement GOTOH tuners [attachment=16047:DSCF0012.JPG] [attachment=16048:DSCF0008.JPG] [attachment=16050:DSCF0010.JPG]
  18. See it again [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00dwfyw/b00dwfsv/Jeff_Beck_at_Ronnie_Scotts/"]HERE[/url]
  19. Here's my "fake" Jazz bass - [attachment=15145:0002.JPG]
  20. Have you tried searching the [url="http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/spectorbassclub/"]Spector Bass club[/url]?
  21. Hiscox all the way for me! I did find the case to be a little large for my Recurve, so i did a quick trip to tescos and got a couple of car seat belt comforters for about 3 quid, fixed them in the case with a dollop of hot glue, and now its a really snug fit Like this [attachment=14332:DSCF0001.JPG] [attachment=14333:DSCF0002.JPG]
  22. I have owned a LH500 for about a month now and done several gigs with it. I bought it as a back up for my LM2 and to use it if necessary to drive an additional 2 cabs. I always have the tone controls of the LM2 set flat, because I want it to be transparent, and not to colour the tone of my ACG, which has ample adjustment from the on board preamp. I find the LH500 serves this purpose really well, and I am happy to use either. I always connect to the "passive" input and roll off the bass's volume a little, although there is plenty of headroom. Alex's bass sounded great through it at the bash, too! I paid £229 for mine, and as long as it remains reliable, then I consider it to be an absolute bargain Go try one.
  23. [quote name='neilb' post='298841' date='Oct 3 2008, 07:12 PM']SOLD - thanks Andyonbass[/quote] Nice to meet you, today, Neil. I really am pleasantly surprised at the quality of this. I fear my daughter might not get a look in!!
  24. I will get back to you on this, ASAP, Si, I do have another iron in the fire, but if that doesn't work out, I'll be straight back! where are you playing on Friday?
  25. hmmmmm! (goes to internet banking site to check balance)
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