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Everything posted by andyonbass

  1. I reckon about half the asking price of the bass sounds about right?
  2. I could do with the body for a project, anyone wanna neck?
  3. [quote name='dood' post='294003' date='Sep 28 2008, 05:06 PM']Awesome! The build quality actually looks better than some 'off the shelf' cabs I have seen inside! Nice work! Very professional.[/quote] Thats very kind of you, the carpet hides a multitude of sins, though What is remarkable is that I still have all my fingers left!!
  4. [quote name='skelf' post='293895' date='Sep 28 2008, 02:05 PM']Nice work Andy. If they sound anything like the 10 I heard that was built by Dave Perry you will be well pleased with them. Alan[/quote] Thanks Alan, I have the same surname as Dave, but I expect the similarities end there!
  5. The next thing I did was to attach the connector plate and corners. [attachment=14052:139.5.JPG] Which leaves mounting the speaker on the baffle, wiring it and the tweeters up, inserting sound damping material and lining the insides with foam [attachment=14053:25sept.JPG] The finished article!! [attachment=14054:25sept1.JPG] [attachment=14055:25sept2.JPG][attachment=14056:25sep4.JPG] Its taken me 6 months of grabbing an hour or two, here and there,mostly outside when it hasn't been raining! but I really am pleased with the end result, and I'm sure that the guys who were at the bash yesterday will confirm that its quite remarkable, the sound that these two little boxes produce. I have no prior woodworking experience, apart from making a toothbrush holder at school (and then the brush kept falling out!)so I reckon if I can do it, anyone can!
  6. Next job is carpeting Starting with the horn and the sides [attachment=14043:13_july.JPG] Then top and bottom [attachment=14044:20july1.JPG] [attachment=14045:20july2.JPG] [attachment=14046:20july3.JPG] The carpeting wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Next job is to cut out the speaker baffle and trim the back so it will fit snugly with the carpet attached [attachment=14047:DSCF0002.JPG] [attachment=14048:DSCF0010.JPG] Carpet the back and attach the handles and put the tweeters in [attachment=14049:20july4.JPG] [attachment=14050:139.2.JPG] [attachment=14051:DSCF0009.JPG]
  7. Well, the BFM Omnis generated quite a bit of interest at the SE bash, yesterday, so I thought I'd post some pics of the build process first off the obligatory pile of wood. I got the merchants to cut the 8x4 sheet into strips equal to the height of the cabs, firstly so they fit in my car and secondly, it ensures that the sides, the horn plates and the baffle braces are all the same height, allowing the top to fit perfectly, reducing the risk of leaks. The plans provide instructions to construct a guideboard which enable perfectly straight and accurate cuts to be made. [attachment=14034:DSCF0007.JPG] [attachment=14035:DSCF0005.JPG] The horn plates are attached to the baffle braces at a 45 degree angle, which can be cut accurately by adjusting the circular saw accordingly,however, the front edge of the horn plate meets the sides at 60 degrees, which is out of the adjustment range of my saw, so the plans provide clever instructions to overcome this by clamping the two horn plate assemblies together, enabling the angle to be achieved. [attachment=14036:DSCF00083.JPG] The horn assembly is now attached to the base, note the straight edge behind the baffle braces, to ensure it is perfectly aligned so the speaker baffle will fit without leaking [attachment=14037:hornplates.JPG] The sides, tweeter baffle and top are fitted next, then the little triangular pieces are constructed and fitted into the horn opening and its beginning to take shape [attachment=14042:25may2.JPG] [attachment=14038:25may3.JPG] [attachment=14039:25may4.JPG] Here's both of them at this stage [attachment=14040:bfm1.JPG] [attachment=14041:bfm.JPG]
  8. What a great way to spend the day! There ain't a music shop in the country with that amount of quality basses and amps under one roof, and if there was, you can bet the people in it would be nothing like the friendly,enthusiastic and helpful bunch I've encountered today!! I have to say, I think Alex Claber was man of the match, very entertaining and informative workshop and that cab sounded MASSIVE! Nik and Mert did a fantastic job on the organisation and thanks to phil for the lift share - that volvo is cavernous! Here's to the next one.......
  9. [quote name='Hamster' post='290511' date='Sep 24 2008, 06:48 AM']BFM cabs still not finished due to house move and having to fit a new bathroom - arse![/quote] I'll bring a couple of BFM O10.5s, along with a Hartke LH500 if it all fits in Phils car!
  10. [quote]Queens Head in Billingshurst[/quote] Blimey, theres a blast from the past. Nearly got a hiding in there about 30 years ago for turning up on an italian motorbike!
  11. I think the iron method will work on an indentation, but I doubt it would do much for a ding or scratch It might be worth looking through your local yellow pages for a French polisher, I had one repair a sizeable three cornered ding in a natural bodied bass a while ago, made a really good job of it. If your unsure of what you're doing, it may cost more in the long run to put right. i'd have a go on a cheapo bass, but if you value the instrument it might be the best course.
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='289956' date='Sep 23 2008, 01:44 PM']Lacquer the cat first, this will not only prevent shedding, but also give you a challenging practice run. Leave it in a cool place to harden, as the cat will be attracted to a warm place.[/quote] It'll probably kill him, but he'll have a lovely finish
  13. That looks the biz! Bit out of my price range, though. I could pay someone £30 or so to do my wiring job, but for the same amount, I could get an iron and try and learn how to do it myself
  14. Would you say these would be easier to use than an electric type? I'm going to have a bash at some soldering, soon, and not really had any experience, so I was wondering which would be the better one to buy.
  15. [quote name='timmyo' post='286140' date='Sep 17 2008, 06:45 PM']@ andyonbass : did I buy a Yamaha bass from you about a year ago ? If so I'm afraid I promptly sold it as I joined a band and got busy on guitar [/quote] That'd be me I'd take a look at that Rumble 100, Tim, the guy lives in Haydon wick, I can pm you his number if you want
  16. I'd say the Fender Rumble 100, ticks all your boxes, Tim, bargain price too! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26957"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26957[/url]
  17. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='278502' date='Sep 6 2008, 11:34 AM']I would be quite interested in seeing how my GB head sounds through one of those BFM cabs. Unfortunately the amp only has speakon output sockets.[/quote] I use the speakon outs on the Markbass, but the Hartke only has jack speaker connectors, so i have made up cables to suit either. The BFM only has speakons. I think someone is bringing a bfm, but if not, I could bring mine, although it may put a spanner in the works of any lift sharing plans!
  18. I'm building a couple of O10.5s at the moment, but my rate of progress is a bit slow, so I got a couple from Thumper a few months back.I can use them for PA in my blues band or use the LH500 is to drive the two additional cabs if we need to get REALLY loud I'm planning on carpeting the second cab today, but by the time i've done all the unpaid taxi work for the kids and other chores, its probably gonna be time to load up!! This is as far as i've got with this one [attachment=13022:20july4.JPG] Yeah, drop in later, its in monks lane, i believe
  19. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='278205' date='Sep 5 2008, 09:00 PM']and yes PLEASE :D:D:D:D!!! what cab are you runnin it thru? didja want to borrow a 2x15 and 4x10 (which as mentioned above, WILL BE WORKING!!) as extension cabs, see how much trouser it can flap?[/quote] i'm running it through either 2 BFM omni10.5s or a single Omni 10. I'm gigging at the rugby club in Newbury tonight, but I think its a private party. we're setting up at about 6.30 though if you were passing and wanted to have a look
  20. There's been some interest on another thread regarding the new Hartke LH500 heads, I've recently acquired one that I could bring along if its not too late to include in the poll, and enough people wanted to have a go?
  21. [quote name='Merton' post='278032' date='Sep 5 2008, 05:09 PM']This will incur the wrath of those in the SE bash rigs poll but I'd love to see/hear one... [/quote] I know, that's why I said "I'll see about" bringing it!! i'll post on the other thread see if it can be included in the poll
  22. Only just caught up with this thread, I've got an LH500 which I got to use as a back up for my LM11, and also to drive a couple of extra speakers if I need to, for outside gigs, marquees etc. Needless to say it wont be getting much use, in fact i've only used it once at a rehearsal, through a couple of Omni 10.5s. What I can tell you is the BFM/LM11 combination is superb, with exceptional clarity where pretty much every nuance of your playing is heard , certainly on stage, and I'm told, out front, too, right down to the low B. I usually have the LM2 controls flat, as there's so much tonal capability on my AC preamp, I can make all the adjustments i need using that. I found the LH500 to be warmer sounding than the markbass, and by boosting its mid control I could get it to cut through the mix nearly as well as the LM2, although the B string wasn't as defined.Volume wise, I reckon its as loud, too.I must add, that in my opinion, the BFM cabs are responsible for a great deal of the clarity. Like I said, this is based on one outing with it, but on the strength of that, I'm pleased with it so far. I might gig it on Saturday, and report back! Its not going to replace the Markbass, but for what I bought it for, its ideal, especially the price tag! (£239 shipped) BTW I plug the bass into the "passive" input and roll off the volume a little, works fine for me. I'll see about bringing the LH500 to the SE bash, if anyone wants a go, depending on transport arrangements
  23. Thats good! I thought there might be a rule of thumb of sorts. I'll give it a go! If it was an expensive instrument, I'd probably strip it, as suggested, but its a pretty cheap project bass. Thanks for the help
  24. Thanks for the quick reply, I have some polyeurethane varnish, left over from a recent diy job, I might dab a little somewhere on the reverse of the headstock, where it doesn't notice and see if it reacts to the finish, before I make with the sandpaper!
  25. I'm sure you must have seen the Gary Willis site, but if not, [url="http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]here it is[/url] Very useful!
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