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Everything posted by andyonbass

  1. I collected an O10 from Steve at the weekend and tried it out at a rehearsal on Sunday evening, (with the recurve through a LM2 and VT-1 purist) and bloody hell, was I impressed or what!! It is so clear and cuts through easily as well as my schroeder did, but without the pronounced mid range. I have a gig tomorrow night , if the place isn't too big, I'll use it without PA reinforcement, and see how it goes, should be interesting!!
  2. I've just won the self titled "Back Door" CD on Ebay for two quid any other listening reccommendations?
  3. Just borrow the missus's nail varnish remover. It'll clean it off perfectly. Pretty much any solvent will do the job, though
  4. Dave, I've been using one for some time, now, and I must say I haven't had a problem with hollow stages and boominess(?) I used to get a few problems from time to time but I have changed cabs a few times since and I no longer play with one of "those" guitarists, so I dont know how much is attributable to the Gramma. Its a useful comfort blanket, though! Btw the top is carpeted wood, and the underside is a high density foam like this. Cheers Andy
  5. [quote name='thedonutman' post='82964' date='Nov 2 2007, 10:17 PM']Whereabouts are you?[/quote] Hi, I'm in Swindon
  6. I just ordered a Dean Markley Turbo-Tune String Winder from stringbusters for a fiver, seems to fit the bill, I'll let you know if it works! Here's what they say "[i]One size fits all winder head fits virtually all type of tuning head including guitar, bass, mandolin and banjo. The handle is detachable and the winder head is fitted with a hex shaft so it can be used with an electric screwdriver[/i]"
  7. [quote name='G-bitch' post='82083' date='Nov 1 2007, 09:09 AM']I would like to compare the 700rb with the 400rb through my 6x10 to compare the sound at high volume but internet searching indicates that only Soundslive and GAK stock them - anyone know better?[/quote] Have a look at [url="http://www.mansons.co.uk/index.cfm?menu_drilldown=product&typegroup=Bass%20Amplification&type=Gallien%20Krueger&CFID=4641814&CFTOKEN=59035301"]MANSONS,EXETER[/url]
  8. You know the ones that attach to your chordless screwdriver. Are they any good, do they fit bass pegs and where can I get one? Yes, I'm lazy!!
  9. Hmmm...... lets hope the new web site marks an improvement in customer service as well. I dont think so, somehow, seeing as I am still waiting for a response from them regarding an item I have had on order for 3 weeks My fault, really, 'cos I am aware of their reputation, fortunately its not an expensive item.
  10. hi Rich, how are you, mate? I'm going for the Omni 10, but I'm cheating in that Steve (thumper) is building it for me. I have the plans, though and I intend to have a crack at a couple of Omni 10.5's when time/space considerations allow. It will certainly be an interesting comparison Sorry for the hijack! back on topic - BUY THAT BLOODY 1210L!!!!!
  11. If its any help to any of you guys, theres a 1210L on ebay, right now, BIN £450. I'd've had it myself but I'm jumping on the BFM bandwagon! heres the link [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280167592759&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=018"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=018[/url] Good Luck! Andy
  12. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='81066' date='Oct 29 2007, 11:30 PM']I sold my old 410R to Andy here on the forum.[/quote] That was the best sounding cab I've had, especially with my LM2, just a shame it was a tad heavy. Now a 410 light, on the other hand......... oh oh! incoming GAS!!
  13. Need Space!! Price down to £200 + shipping
  14. Nice one, Steve, its a deal!! Look forward to seeing you and your ACG too!!
  15. can bring 'em to Bassday if anyones interested
  16. Still looking for a good home. The bass, I mean!
  17. Thanks for the prompt reply, Dave, I will have a play with it today, but I will probably buy one of your own power supplies if you are bringing any to Bassday Cheers Andy
  18. Heres one for Dave - I noticed during a gig last night that my VT-1 was causing some high pitched squealing and the on/off switch was causing a loud "pop" when operated. Obviously in mid gig its impossible to experiment to find the cause so I switched it to bypass and finished the gig with no problems. It worked fine for the first set and became apparent as I switched it on after the break. I'm using my ACG bass into the pedal , into my Markbass LM2 head and Eden Nemesis 1x15 cab. No other effects used. I havent had chance to have a look at it yet this morning, I just wondered if you had any thoughts ? Cheers Andy
  19. Check out the [url="http://www.statii.com/forum/news.php"]Status forum[/url] for mucho status knowledge !!
  20. Bloody annoying, innit?
  21. Dont practice 'till you get it right - practice 'till you [i][b]dont[/b][/i] get it wrong
  22. [quote name='shaundixon666' post='77216' date='Oct 21 2007, 10:11 AM']Wow this is still here why? Such a sexy bass for an even sexier price, someone has to snap this up soon[/quote] Cheers, Shaun, here's a couple of photos in a better light, makes it look even sexier!
  23. [quote name='andyonbass' post='76800' date='Oct 19 2007, 11:38 PM']I think theres 32 of them, from issue 1 to the current one.[/quote] Make that 33 - the new ones just dropped on the doormat, I'll read it over the weekend and include it
  24. here's a link to davesmusicaccessories [url="http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZdavesmusicaccessories"]http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZdavesmusicaccessories[/url]
  25. Due to the arrival of a shiny new wheely bloody bin, recycling boxes and end of season garden furniture special deals, I'm having to create a bit of space in the garage, so a clearout is in order. I've got the complete set of BGM taking up space , most of 'em have only been read once then stored in rigid magazine files, so all in excellent condition. I think theres 32 of them, from issue 1 to the current one. £45 to anyone who can collect them from Swindon. I'm away tomorrow afternoon 'til Wednesday this week so apologies in advance for delayed replies, should there be any interest. I'll try and get a shipping quote when I return if theres no takers Cheers Andy
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