I bought a Shure Auxpander as my desk has 2 pre-fade auxes (and 2 post too) and we needed more that 2 pre-fade mixes, have tried it a couple of time and under pressure at a gig and it wasn't an enjoyable experience but I'm going to persevere as I think it will work when i understand the routing a little more than I do at the moment...
I was wondering Owen, is that similar to your Samson amp? What IEM's are you using as my gig last night was a pig to engineer, weirdly shaped playing area, complete with obligatory "keep a route free through to stage to the bogs" type thing at a really small venue meant one guitar amp was at least 2 metres in front of the other, really keen to explore further as no one could hear anything on stage. We mic up everything to keep stage volume reasonably low and always get compliments on our FOH sound but it wasn't enjoyable for us last night as we couldn't hear ourselves playing and whilst we all turned up a little onstage, it did solve our problem with the limited time soundcheck time we had
As an aside, if I was reading this I might be tempted to say "just dont play there again" and believe me, we're already there on that one for this particular venue (cocky stand in-manager trying (and failing!) to get away with paying us half our agreed fee cos "that was what he had written in the book"), but I want to do better than just not going to back to places which are tough to manage sound-wise, I wanna beat 'em and get better!
Any suggestions on a good starting point for IEM's (make and models ideally please) would be greatly appreciated