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Everything posted by dalehernando

  1. It is easier for me to use two basses live, we have tracks in drop C# tuning and standard (as do the guitarists) so we bunch the C# tunings songs together then I swap to the standard tuned bass, the guitarist leaves his delay trailing off so there's no silence. I use one of these http://buzzelectronics.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=61_72&product_id=81 it's takes me about 3 seconds!
  2. Awesome cheers, I doubt anyone will be able to help more than that. Thanks very much.
  3. Afternoon all! Excuse me if this is in the wrong section but I think this should be the right place. I'm thinking about getting rid of my DBS 7400 and going for a VBA 400. Does anyone have any idea what sort price these thing go for these days? It would come with a flight case too from castle cases. I've had a little search and can't really find anything that recent and mostly for the DBS 7200. Cheers!
  4. This definitely tempts me, I've been thinking about going for vintage but the lack of EQ has put me off. My B7K is probably the best pedal I've ever owned.
  5. Thanks again guys for the comments on both bands! This topic just seems to keep going on everytime I check back! But I must say this (below) won't be happening I'm afraid! [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1388692773' post='2324993'] Very good, like RHCP playing Ska. one issue, the bassist must get rid of that hideous thing and get one of these. [/quote]
  6. Hey hey, Got a show next Saturday at Camden Barfly, London. Personally it's my first show a Camden Barfly and always a venue I've wanted to play so very excited about this one! [url="https://www.facebook.com/intraverse"]https://www.facebook.com/intraverse[/url]
  7. Oh wow this is still going on! Cheers guys much appreciated! Anyone in or around the London area we are playing at Camden Barfly next saturday (11th) if anyone is free.
  8. Nothing bass related this year. Pretty much everything graphic novel/comics this year! Although a few years ago my girlfriend got me an Ebony Gibson Thunderbird.
  9. Hey guys, Just checked back on this post, I actually thought it had been deleted the other day as I couldn't find it. Thanks for all your great comments, there are some more track on iTunes too! Next video out early next year too. Thanks again!
  10. Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a new strap. I have an extra nylon(?) strap which is a great length but as I play a thunderbird the neck dive is a bit annoying! I tried my Manson strap on it and it was great, just way to high. Does anyone here have any suggestions on a new strap? The Levy mss12co looks pretty good? That's the sort of thing I'm after!
  11. Run Run Rudolph https://soundcloud.com/beautyschooldropoutsband/run-run-rudolph-chuck-berry
  12. Hi guys, This is my bands new music video for our track 'Tipple Your Fancy' I wanted to share it with you all here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChDDSuT4ils The track is up for free download, there is a link in the video description.
  13. I personally always take my ricky to a local luthier. Although I probably could do it, the last thing I want to do is mess it up!
  14. I love this! Very nice bass indeed!
  15. It took me ages to find my Black Gibson, I love it! My girlfriend got it for my birthday/christmas present! That was a good year!
  16. If you're not using amp modelling I would HIGHLY recommend the Line 6 M13. I have owned it twice, the only reason I got rid of it was the band I used it in a lot stopped playing but if it ever started up again I would definitely get another one.
  17. I really really hope these out before we record at the end of November been looking for a good Ring Modulator for a while!
  18. Now this is exciting!
  19. I think it's a great song, love the bass line and sound. His playing has come along way. I also recommend watching the Talihina Sky documentary, it's brilliant, especially Uncle Cleo!
  20. I'm normally very much a black or white bass man but I love the new 50th anniversary thunderbird! http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/50th-Anniversary-Thunderbird-Bass.aspx I'm going through a bit of a 'loving thunderbirds' stage at the moment!
  21. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1377850681' post='2192611'] I don't have any further advice here, but just wanted to say that your Avatar pic has made my day, G-G-G-Granville. [/quote] I was going to say exactly the same thing!
  22. Had a call from Marshall yesterday and UKMail have found it! It must have fallen down the back of the sofa or something I guess.... So apparently it SHOULD be with Marshall today! Hurrah!
  23. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1377170359' post='2184206'] How could they possibly lose an amp, that's ridiculous. I suspect that there is now a very disappointed bass playing UK Mail employee. [/quote] Exactly! I sent it off last friday, was expected to take a week, it's especially annoying as I have a gig tomorrow. Luckily I'm borrowing a friends head.
  24. Had another call from Marshall today, UKmail telling them to put a claim in, obviously they don't make them anymore so who knows what's going to happen next!!
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