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Everything posted by dalehernando

  1. Morning everyone! Just thought I would post my bands latest single, it came out for free download earlier today. The track is called 'Watch The World Burn' and you listen to it/download it free from our homepage www.intylerwetrust.co.uk Hope you like it! Cheers, Dale
  2. Hey, Is this still for sale? Cheers
  3. Open to offers! BUMP!
  4. Huuuuuuuuuuge BUMP!
  5. I'm the lead singer/bassist in my band. Really struggling at the moment with our new tracks as they are a lot more 'riffy' but I'm getting their! First gig next saturday playing them, so like they say it's just practice practice practice!
  6. Ohhhh, I may be interested in this! I'll see if I can't get rid of my ODB-3 and get back to you asap! Heard good things about this pedal!
  7. Buying, I live down in Tunbridge Wells Kent.
  8. Going to sell my Marshall DBS 7115 cab. It's in good condition, theres a quite old so obviously it's a bit road worn but by not the worse I've seen! I'll take some picture when I get home. £200 cash on collection. Cheers!
  9. Hi there, We are in need of a new drummer. Based in Tunbridge Wells. Musts: 18+ Own transport and gear. COMMITTED Here is our latest music video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QTihsetwi0U email: [email protected] Cheers!
  10. I've never posted in this section of the forum so why not I guess? My band is playing Saturday at Nambucca in Islington, London. Here's our website www.intylerwetrust.co.uk Cheers!
  11. Thanks everyone! So glad you all like it!
  12. Yeah definitely, I have actually used a Schecter Ultra bass in the studio before that I borrowed and they have a great sound, just very very heavy! Cheers Joey! I've never heard Zico Chain but they are playing at my local venue in a few weeks so I'll go check them out!
  13. [size=3]I have laying around a [/size][b]Boss[/b] AB-2 [b]A/B[/b] Footswitch Selector Pedal. No use what so ever for it. In really good condition, no box I'm afraid. £20 + £5 = Postage. Please email me on [email protected] SOLD SOLD SOLD!!
  14. [size=3]I am selling my Diago Tourman pedalboard. Why? I don't need it anymore and it's just sitting around doing nothing, I really need rid of this!! I wasn't using this for long and it's in great condition, I believe I still have some velcro too (I think, I'll check when I get home). They retail for about 129.00 and these are brilliant boards, I have shown many people the diago way I had one when they first came out (first gen version if you like) and I use one of their smaller boards now after downsizing. I'm looking for £80, I would much rather a pick up than delivery I am based in Tunbridge Wells. email me on [email protected] please! Here is what diago says! [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/pedalboards/diago-pedalboards.html"]http://www.diago.co....edalboards.html[/url] Cheers! [/size]
  15. Thank you all very much for your kind words!! The bass tone (if your interested) Is the Ricky on the bridge pick up (I had the other one taken out) running through a Human Gear Animato in a Mesa d180 and an ampeg cab. The guitar used was actually a schecter, so funny you should talk about Schecter! Placebo is definitely a good thing, thanks very much! And also the downloads are now fixed on the music page you can now see a download button on the sound cloud widget for two songs. Thanks so much for buying the other tracks off iTunes! Thanks again for all the comments everyone! Really Means a lot! Cheers!!
  16. Hello! I hope this is the right section to post this, if not I'm very sorry... I just wanted to post my bands new music video, I directed and edited the video (I'm the lead singer/bassist) the song is called 'Watch Me Fall' Please have a quick look, hope you enjoy it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTihsetwi0U&feature=share
  17. I don't have a VBC810 however you may trade them with my Marshall 7115
  18. I am selling my Diago Tourman pedalboard. Why? I don't need it anymore and it's just sitting around doing nothing. I wasn't using this for long and it's in great condition, I believe I still have some velcro too (I think, I'll check when I get home). They retail for about 129.00 and these are brilliant boards, I have shown many people the diago way I had one when they first came out (first gen version if you like) and I use one of their smaller boards now after downsizing. I'm looking for £80, I would much rather a pick up than delivery I am based in Tunbridge Wells. email me on [email protected] please! Here is what diago says! http://www.diago.co.uk/pedalboards/diago-pedalboards.html Cheers!
  19. The head is now sold! I do still have the Ampeg 4x10 left. It is an Ampeg 410HEN 8ohms. (That's what it says on the back.) No wheels unfortunately, it was like that when I got it and there's some duct tape on it (but that could be fixed with glue I just haven't had a chance to sort it)
  20. 1x15 Cab is now sold! The rest still available! Feel free to make me an offer for both or separate!
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