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Everything posted by synthetic

  1. Thanks again for the replies guys. Yeah it's fair point about rsi as I do have issues with that from working at the computer for long periods over the years. I am keeping an eye on how I have my hand placed so it's more inline with the bass than right angled off the top. Thisnameistaken, I have been alternating fingers as it felt more fluid and sort of made sense.
  2. Thanks, I thought it may be a combination of the two and what feels most natural. Just didn't want to get into bad habits while I'm learning so thought I'd better ask to be sure.
  3. I've only just bought a bass and don't want to get into bad habits while I'm learning. I am watching various tutorials on basics and some are showing muting the strings by thumb as you move string and others say to use the left hand. The tutorials are both showing the same playing style just different muting. Maybe there is a bit of both but, is one regarded as being the better technique to practice?
  4. Yeah I think I need to look at their range and what was around when that was written
  5. [quote name='charic' post='950067' date='Sep 8 2010, 11:09 PM']Hs50m's and hs80m's are the modern powered equivilant. On a side note the reason ns10's were discontinued is because if you ATE one it was carcenogenic (i think thats how its spelt lol) ns10s tend to divide opinion quite alot. Theyre very distinct sounding and much like in the bass world things like that tend to be very marmite. And yes they are quite tiring on the ears i expect its because of the strong midrange on them.[/quote] It was definitely to do with the tree becoming protected. There's been talk of the cancer thing with other monitors, think it was Focals but, yeah you'd have to be one hungry mother f***er Just going over what someone said about cone flapping. That's a bad mix when you're getting that, should be limiting and cutting some of the lows out so it's controlled. The old trick of holding a finger on the cone and feeling for the balance between kick and bass until it sat right haha
  6. Charic beat me to it
  7. Yamaha do a newer line (HS series) that I suppose could arguably be called replacements, which are actives. I haven't heard them myself so couldn't comment on them. The Circle 5's were discontinued but, you can find them on ebay or sound on sound now and again. They do an active version also. Harbeth can still supply the cones as they hand make them. One of the reasons why they discontinued them was simply because they were not cost effective given the quality to price. Honestly, I'd stick with the standard hi fi speakers for now until you've read loads up on what would be best for your room size. Sound on sound ran a blind test a few years ago on nearfields which made for interesting reading, worth having a look at. They covered different music styles from classical to dance and some favoured better than others. When you get it all set up, run a spectrum analyzer which may help you.
  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='949967' date='Sep 8 2010, 09:52 PM']Right, a couple of questions re monitors: Firstly, Yamaha NS-10s, what the general view? I have the opportunity to get some pretty cheap. This would likely be a stop-gap between setting things up at home and moving into a bigger space sometime in the (hopefully near) future. Secondly, I think I'm going to have to mount these either on a bracket or a shelf to get them at ear height. Does this make a lot of difference and if so, which is preferable? C[/quote] They have a bit of a following as they are/were deemed standard in studios. Replicate what an average listener would hear at home and the old saying of getting a mix sounding good on them will sound good on most setups. They won't impress you to listen to but, that's not the point with them (unlike genelecs haha). The focus with them is in the midrange area so great for vocals and leads. I've owned a pair but, personally if you want a similar vibe nearfield I would look for a set of HHB Circle 5's. I use these myself and find them great to mix with and less fatiguing. Also, I think the tree the cones is made from became protected which is why yamaha discontinued them. You can still pick up cones but, I don't know what the deal is with them. I presume you mean the NS10m's which are mounted on their sides. Yeah get them set up around ear height in an equilateral triangle facing with the tweeters pointing just past your ears when you sit in the middle. Fix them with something that will not vibrated when played, stands would be better but, not essential. Your ears will adjust and get used to what ever you eventually choose to mix on.
  9. I know when I replied it was more of the over the top I'm stealing the show improv Being creative for the benefit of the music content and more importantly the listener is what it's all about. If it's over the top self indulgence then may as well be playing for your own benefit than an audience.
  10. Also, while I'm bombarding with questions The previous owner had put new strings on just before selling, think he said they were D'Addario. He mentioned they were thicker than the original strings the warwick came with. Would it be best to find out the strings warwick put on as standard or are the D'addarios a good brand to leave on? This is bearing in mind I'm paying to have it setup at the weekend.
  11. Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks for the help that was given on here. I bought the Warwick Fortress this weekend just gone that was for sale in the FS section. Going to drop it off at the weekend to get it set up properly. Funnily enough after what hilbilly deluxe posted I heard a demo of the Squier CV jazz bass and thought it sounded nice. As I'm very new to bass guitar, would that give me quite a different tone than the fortress? My playing, if you can even call it that haha, obviously isn't bringing out the best of the instrument to bring it to life to be able to judge just yet. This is the demo I saw when he plays slap [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Cd98DH__U"]4.53 and 6.20 mins[/url] Obviously would be a future guitar as I want to be competent with what I have to a good standard first but, nice to know if that would compliment it.
  12. I probably would have advised Logic due to the extensive features coupled with the inbuilt plugins and library really are very good and in abundance. If I can offer a little advice. Don't throw loads of money at getting the biggest set of monitors you can, make sure you take the room measurements into consideration and also how well treated the room will be for them. There are some very good nearfields on the market these days, Opel, Dynaudio, Focal, Adam if you want to spend a good amount without going too crazy. Either you eventually choose you'll take some time to get used to their differences anyway. Other than that I'd spend some time with it all and then work out what would make the process better. You can do a lot in the computer now so don't rush to spend all in one go.
  13. For me improvisation is just feeling the vibe and letting that emotion come through naturally in the playing. It is music masturbation where it over steps the mark of being one with the music or other than a short solo. Essentially masturbating exclusively for other masturbaters to stroke their chin and nod approvingly at said agility Some of the music I make is played in clubs for djs and it happens in a similar way. Over complicated trickery for the sake of it and the result is it will clear a dance floor. Great for other engineers but, not those who want to go and listen to music.
  14. Mutron Bi-phase?
  15. [quote name='Stingray5' post='945091' date='Sep 4 2010, 12:24 AM']With his usual OTT-ness, Casiopea bassist Yoshihiro Naruse plays this marathon solo with his 8-string Tune TWB-T bass. Some brief whammy at the beginning (harm.), then around 2 minutes in. [/quote] Bar just pulling his penis out on stage and wagging it for two minutes straight and grinning
  16. Great isn't it. Yeah I can get similar but just not that wetness on the top without the sweep becoming more cluttered. It's quite vowely wetness that I'm hearing. Like I say I've heard that exact tone on the DP4 but, that wouldn't have been around back then.
  17. [quote name='MythSte' post='947846' date='Sep 7 2010, 01:04 AM']Do you leave it plugged in? I know active pre-amps use power even when just left with a jack in the socket. Ive E-mailed Alan once or twice and i'm sure he'd be more than happy to help though [/quote] Rat pedals do this even when bypassed if the jack is inserted. Could be as simple as that
  18. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC1TBxflN2I"]Examples[/url] Sounds like a phase and wah combination starts on the beat at 14 seconds. Have heard similar on the Ensoniq DP4 but, anyone have a clue as to what was used on this back then? Sounds really wet without the phase being heavy
  19. A compressor with limiter would be useful. A valve compressor would be even better
  20. Something like this any good? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZEQwedI_Y0&feature=fvw"]Yamaha QY series sequencer[/url] Better video of the unit [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXcbNz1hzeI&feature=related"]QY100[/url] Sure you can get one of them, QY70 or 100 quite cheap now. It'll do more than you need and may be useful for recording too. Better than just a drum machine
  21. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jan82yPkbLg"]Sherman[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TbwWb1RjrY"]Sherman 2[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z9zFB-CqOo&feature=related"]Sherman 3[/url] This will give you a ton of tweakability from slight overdrive to extreme speaker crushing sound. Multimode filters, LFO's, Ring AM modulation, Harmonics, mix between dry and processed signal. Probably get one second hand for the same price as the Tech 21.
  22. From what I gather either the Minimoog or Arp2600 was used on Thriller. The engineer had a box that was made for the processing so who knows how that changed the tone. There's a ton of Roland D50 and DX type sounds on a lot of michael jacksons stuff along with the majority of the 80's music. [url="http://www.synthmania.com/d-50.htm"]D50[/url] [url="http://www.synthmania.com/dx7.htm"]DX7[/url]
  23. Hi, guys sorry I meant to reply again. I'm picking up a Warwick Fortress that someone on here guided me towards. Thanks again for taking the time with your replies as it's been very helpful. Hillbilly deluxe, Yeah if it's anything like my synths and studio gear buying I'm in trouble haha
  24. Actually, if you head over to www.dogsonacid.com and read the Grid forum you'll find a lot of experienced people involved with the D&B scene on there.
  25. Don't know if you're using any sort of sequencer or computer for your set up. Anyway, Hardware get yourself an EMU E6400 classic or higher for sampling. Very good for D&B and the filters will get you the staple twisting effect. Just overdriving an 808 bdrum internally will get you the classic thump basses. For subs you just want a clean sinewave tone running seperately as the bottom end with the leads covering more in the midrange. You'll get a lot of mileage from that one unit alone. The key to a lot of the sounds is resampling with overlaying processing. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxB0BBBvgCo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxB0BBBvgCo[/url] Emu sampling Software synths, Native instuments Massive. That has been used a lot, one patch in particular does the wobble. It's a very simple effect in truth. Lo pass filter with an LFO controlled rate via velocity. Band pass, notch, Comb filters really anything. If you have a bit of cash to spend on a filter then the Sherman Filterbank is very good. FX wise, anything goes from bitcrushing, distortion, flanging etc. Good luck with the band
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