Hiya Sean,
>Remember on Bass World there was that guy that got flamed for selling Stingrays he'd bought on ebay, cleaned, photographed nicely and then re-sold, he always did BIN. He definitely had the right approach to making a few quid but we all went psycho on him!
That was me, still is - I didn't mind the flak, rather enjoyed it in fact - it was taking up too much time in the end though, so I left you all to it - I definitely have trading & music in my blood - combining the two is just fabulous - I took redundancy earlier this year, I now wish I'd left earlier !!
>He claimed he wasn't a dealer
No I never.
>He had a go at me on eBay when I was selling a Stingray 5, he reckoned my description was too similar to the one he had
I don't remember contacting you personally Sean, but every now & again someone just copies & pastes my listings which I think's a bit lazy - I take a lot of care in writing a listing, and I don't think it's fair if someone comes along & lifts it - and it's against eBay rules & you will get banned, so I was doing you a favour ;-)
Having said that, if asked nicely, I've always helped others on BW/BC with eBay selling.
>and he wasn't a bass player
Haaaaaaaaaaaa - I am too !! Read my eBay "About Me" - I'm out 3 times this week, and personally own about 12 basses (excluding those I'm selling) - and my main rig is (like yours I believe) a GK 700RB-II 210 plus 115 cab.
Sorry for taking the bait.
Thanks & best wishes !!
David :-)