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Everything posted by Legion

  1. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1392373836' post='2367847'] Thanks gents - I feel a numpty as on close inspection the 'missing' bars are inside the lock (they must have sheared off in transit) I just got them out with tweezers and should be able to superglue them back in place. All is right Garymac, the case contained a Tony Franklin fretless [/quote] ! Did you buy the one you posted a link to? I had a sneaky eye on that before you mentioned it and it vanished
  2. Bump - down to £20 posted
  3. Legion


    Another no nonsense, easy deal with Paul - always a pleasure.
  4. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1391780419' post='2361193'] Brilliant ! I was pondering the best way to earth the surrounds...the spring idea - very smart. I think I'll be dloing that this afternoon ! Many thanks [/quote] Glad to help, let us know how you get on.
  5. As I'm imminently back down to 2 basses and the sun is shining (so that's what it looks like) it's time for the old sofa to shine.
  6. I bought these some time ago, fitted them to my Tony Franklin and then decided I preferred the old Sunbeams (even tuned down which made them quite floppy, which I actually liked). So basically these are cut for a 4 in-line fender and have about 15 mins play time on them. Cut properly i.e. bent and crimped before trimming etc, as per DR instructions. Size 45/65/85/105 and ideal for tuning to DGCF on a 4 string. £22 posted.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1391369497' post='2356386'] Get the Decade out instead. [/quote] Funny you should say that...
  8. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1391369313' post='2356379'] Phew! Good, I was starting to torture myself with the pictures. [/quote] Believe me, I am desperately resisting taking it out of the case now.
  9. [quote name='lapolpora' timestamp='1391366163' post='2356297'] I bought one of these recently. (That video sold it to me!). It's an amazing instrument. A keeper. I just want to play it forever. Whoever buys this won't be disappointed. [/quote] Thanks - you are not wrong there, such a playable bass it's made me want a solid 4 as well!. Post edited to reflect no trades (which I forgot to mention)
  10. [quote name='Sercet' timestamp='1391364005' post='2356243'] Does this have dots on the edge of the fingerboard? [/quote] It does yes, effectively "on the line" if you get my meaning
  11. [quote name='WishIcouldplay' timestamp='1391347804' post='2356022'] Why are you selling it? [/quote] I've recently bought a short scale Lakland Decade which is something I have wanted for a very long time. This needs to go to finance that unfortunately.
  12. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1391341847' post='2355905'] If it's anything like the video, it sounds superb. [/quote] It does exactly that sound - I need to put this bass under the bed and not take it out again. I'm already feeling twitchy
  13. All round amazing bass. Best fretless I've ever played to be honest. The body is a single piece of mahogany with a stunning koa top. The neck is quartersawn, flamed birdseye maple. The fingerboard and bridge are made of lovely striped tiger ebony. Weight is a ridiculous 5lbs13oz. These seem to be pretty rare over here, and if you want one new you will have to get in line at Bassdirect, wait a few months, and then pay about £3500 for one in this spec (Koa, matching headstock + fitted case) Looking for £1800 shipped (no trades sorry). I'll be very sad to see this go [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycN9x_5MqHQ[/media]
  14. Ditto - handy thing to keep in my gig bag. It can't handle a detuned E to D on an open string, but it works fine on the harmonic at the 12th fret.
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1391012845' post='2352267'] Just put some purple silked GHS flats on my Decade then had to put the sale thread on hold. [/quote] The lakland flats are my favourites on the Decade as well - just ordered some short scale GHS flats to put on the new Shorty decade....excited:)
  16. Maybe they got muddled up at the factory - seeing as GHS make the lakland flats and GHS flats have purple silks?
  17. Gareth, this would probably look great in some sort of Neil young tribute band... [size=1]allowing you to sell something [/size]
  18. Lovely bass and a great guy to deal with - bump for some acoustic vibes
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1390772397' post='2349400'] By 'dark', I think what I had in mind was being short scale there would be a stronger fundamental but I compared it with the Lakland website long scale sound samples and the difference, I felt, was small. Strangely, I've always thought the mahogany on these does something to the sound - this is odd because I am tonewood-denier so I don't even take it seriously myself. Either way it sounded great but mostly and unsurprisingly really just like a Decade. I've considered asking Lakland to sell me a short scale neck to put on the skyline. On the other hand I've been planning to sell the Decade because I am not using it. [/quote] Makes sense, although I'm pleased you agree that it still sounds very much like a normal Decade as that's what I thought as well. I had actually considered asking if you would sell your one, but thought it a bit too cheeky and kept quiet. To be honest I think if you don't use it now it won't make much difference being short scale. I would only use my Pino but for the fact that I recorded a good few of my current bands stuff using my decade so it feels wrong to use something else now.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1390769399' post='2349346'] Very nice. It took a while but I eventually realized the familiarity of the riff. [/quote] You think it sounds dark Dave? I tend to link "dark" with flats, muting and thumpiness myself
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1390740039' post='2348794'] What strings have you got on that? And does it sound very dark? [/quote] Currently has DR sunbeams fitted. Bit dead, which is how I like them anyway. Not sure if its my idea of dark as the Chisonics still have that open frequency response. Sounds like a decade to me...I've done you a small clip to demonstrate (might sound like a familiar riff!) This is a DI (no EQ) out of my Puma into a focusrite and then Ableton live with no tweaking at all [url="https://soundcloud.com/sakura-1-1/shorty/s-muOgO"]https://soundcloud.c.../shorty/s-muOgO[/url] Edit: oh yea, its both/bridge/neck in that order
  22. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1390731342' post='2348617'] Sounds like a good fix. I think Lakland were aware of this problem and it's why they had alternative pickup covers for the Skyline Decade for a while. So presumably they too have a fix for it now. My 2008 Skyline Decade has no issue at all. [/quote] Agreed. One of my previous decades (the sunburst US one I think) had an attempt at this, but it was done by running a bit of conductive adhesive copper tape from the bottom edge of the pickup surround to a ground soldered on the bottom of the pickup itself. Unfortunately the adhesive had lost its conductive properties and so the grounding failed eventually. Something to look out for.
  23. Well, I've been wanting one of these forever so I couldn't really pass up the opportunity now could I? Well, maybe I could....but I didn't I had this in my ebay watch list when it was sold in the USA last year, but a combination of factors meant I never ended up making a bid so it slipped by and I regretted that decision. Luckily for me, the new owner realised he had been a little impulsive and the sound wasn't for him. Immediately it feels normal, like all the other decades I've owned. The short scale just makes it more ergonomic than a normal decade, it actually *feels* like a normal bass still. Buzzed like mad when I touch the pickup surrounds however, so I did my previous tried and tested trick - I cut a small spring in half, soldered a ground wire to it and put it between the pickup body and one of the screws. As you tighten the pickup screw down, it squashes the spring underneath the pickup body, grounding the chromed plastic surrounds. So now when I rest my thumb on the pickup surround it's totally silent. I also did a full shield job on the cavity (getting good at it now). Amazes me that at this price range Lakland do not shield their basses. The Rob Allen probably has to go now
  24. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1390141273' post='2341822'] ooooh, lovely ! i bet it sounds insanely good. it's something i've wondered about doing on mine. do you have any problems with the pickup earthing if you touch the pickup surrounds ? [/quote] I have, on almost all of the (now 5) decades I've owned. I do have a possible solution for you. See below
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