All of these comments and opinions bring to mind the works of John Aubrey, collected in 'Brief Lives', a classic, giving a very down-to-earth view of contemporary Elizabethan times, as seen from his daily notes. One recognises easily enough the same tribulations, the same 'fears', doubts and 'certainties' as today (with the possible exception of an impending Climate Catastrophe, which was not much of an issue then, apparently...). The same remarks about political figures, the Youf of his day, the degradation of public manners and Education going to Pot; the list is long. Luckily enough it's a darned good read, with many a chuckle or outright belly laugh at the, to us, quaint medical practices of the day, but it puts a bit of perspective on the current grumblings about how it's all going wrong. T'was the same, for those that read Classics, in the days of Pliny, of course, or Plato, but Aubrey is a much lighter read. Highly recommended as a partial cure for those looking too earnestly at today's frantic spin. Refreshing. Just sayin'.