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Everything posted by Dad3353

  1. Stroll on, gents; nothing to see here. It's all done and dusted.
  2. And the winners are.(make yourselves comfortable, this will take some time...).. @Dad3353 (Hey, that's me..! Wow..!), @lurksalot, @Jean-Luc Pickguard and @upside downer..! Here, then, are your Winner's Certificates (download and save as pdf file, then proudly print and frame...) ... BC_Chal_Cert_2024_07.pdf ... which looks like this (but bigger, of course..!)... OK, OK, it's a bit crowded up there. S'what comes of free and fair elections. Can we please choose a one-and-only unique Winner next month..? Please..? ...
  3. Oh, bloomin' heck..! The sixth Voter, and now a three-way tie..! S'gonna be Certificates all round if this carries on..!
  4. Drat..! Tied again..! Stranger still, six entries, five voters for now. Hmm...
  5. Get some recommendations from previous Users of their services, if possible. A decent studio would hook you up with clients who have had similar work done, if they're serious.
  6. Is there a college or university near you with an audiovisuel section..? It's Good Exercise for students to do this sort of thing, using professional equipment and their expertise and experience, for little or no money, compared to a pro outfit. Worth hunting for in your region..? Hope this helps.
  7. This bloke runs through it; does that help..? ... The decorations are basically the chord tones and chromatic runs. It would be totally admissible to play around with those two concepts, and it will sound (and be..!) fine. I would recommend looking into those concepts, which will help a lot when working on so many songs of the sort. That's what playing music is about, in the end, playing with one's own knowledge rather than learning by rote, 'parrot'-style.
  8. On the other hand, a string quartet in the back seat of your car could be awkward, or even dangerous. There's maybe a time and place for stuff, no..?
  9. For 'fiddly' bass lines, use a Hofner 'violin' bass. ...
  10. Of course it is; now drink your milk and go play outside until lunch ...
  11. Thanks for that; I hadn't noticed (in fact, I wondered what the heck you were meaning..!). Yes, I see it now, and 'Yes, it's a disgruntled person, banned from a sister Forum, thinking to 'get back at me' for my Mod actions there'. I'll get on to Soundcloud to get it all cleaned up; it would appear that they, too, have 'limited his options'. New ID each time; he'll tire of it after a while, hopefully. Nowt better to do; that's sad, I find. Edit : Duly reported to Soundcloud, the comments will be cleaned away shortly. Some folk, eh..? Edit bis : Sorted (until the next time..?); thanks to Soundcloud Support staff.
  12. Lightweights. The band on the Titanic had to play for twice that, outside in the freezing cold, with no tip jar. ...
  13. Is this the one..? Steinberger_Synapse_manual.pdf
  14. Back in the '70s, my 5-hour stints variety drumming earned me a gracious 7FF per night. That's about 1€. Different times, eh..? I learned a lot of songs, though (and got paid quite a lot more for depping, when out of the village fête season...).
  15. ... or there are several singers in the band. Our five-hour non-stop sets had no issues of the sort, as the lead was taken by the BL, his keys-playing sister or the guitar man. Not pubs, but the same principles apply.
  16. Better, much better. An odd choice of timbre, but it works, in this context. Borderline soporific, but, 'Yes, they can certainly play'. I enjoyed it, and learned something, so 'Thanks'.
  17. I'll never understand how these musicians, with all of their talents, so admired, can bear this stuff with its incessant 'big beat' thump thump thump rendering it unlistenable. It could be heavenly choirs of angles, or Gabriel himself playing the best bass lines ever, but it's nauseous with that infernal beat being drummed into our skulls. No, I didn't leave it to play through; I skipped along, sampling. The few seconds of respite only served as contrast when the concrete-busting power drill started up again. I'm obviously not consuming the right cocktails for this stuff. I keep trying, thinking that, maybe, one day, something I'm able to listen to, or even enjoy and learn from, will come up; it's not for this time. I did try, though.
  18. What's the band line-up..? What amps do the guitars use..? E-drums or acoustic; enthusiastic shed-builder or sensitive musician on drums..? These are the key issues which dictate the PA needs for rehearsing. Is ear protection being used (and if so, why..?). Could in-ear monitoring be part of the solution (not necessarily wireless; it can work well with cabled iem, too...).
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