I don't doubt it, but I now have almost a big a collection of downloaders as Vst's..! They keep getting out-of-date, too, so need renewing when you next need 'em, and most will not allow to choose the destination for the download. My 'C' SSD is small, and used by The System; I don't want gigas of stuff passing through there, maybe getting stuck, or, as is the case with Guitar Pro, staying there for ever, as they squat the 'C' without any choice at all..! Grrr..!
Ah..! The key has arrived. Yes, I get to choose the destination, and it'll now run for the next two hours or so, maybe longer if I stream a film at the same time. Modern Times, I suppose.
Thanks for the heads up, though; I'm just not feeling too well this evening (post jab on top of generally 'rough' ...)