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Everything posted by Dad3353

  1. That's certainly the correct way for live work, à la Tom Jones, though. A good singer (with a good voice...) uses this to splendid effect.
  2. Offers and trade propositions posted in 'For Sale' ads are systematically deleted. They are to be made by Private Message (PM...) only. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
  3. I wouldn't dare, for fear of losing what little Whatever reputation I may have.
  4. This, too, brings back memories, as I assisted in an aborted project to port 'Flashback' from the Megadrive to the Atari (both 68K proc's...). With a colleague, many of the sprites were transcoded (the famous 'rouli-bouli', the vine swinging and more...), but the Editor abandoned the portage, and Atari sunk shortly after (just about Falcon time...). Happy daze.
  5. Good evening, Bonzo, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  6. When I finally graduated up to an Atari colour screen, I did some POV images. A popular model was the Caterpillar (a series of coloured balls in line, really...). I slavishly typed in the coding, and set it off overnight. The following evening, it was supposed to be ready. OK for the Big Moment, I hit the space bar, and there it was..., in brilliant multi-colour on the screen... for half a second. In my precipitation I had neglected to firstly press the key combination to save the image; it was gone forever. I didn't have the heart to type it up and run it again; I went back to my monochrome screen and 68K programming. ...
  7. My i5 PC, 12Mb ram does my video and audio editing quite easily enough for posting to Youtube. Bought refurbished, it cost £200 or so. I also do 3D animations, some of which take up to 48 hrs to render, but it's the graphics card that handles the CUDA calculations, and my small form factor HP8200 won't accept a more powerful one (G-Force GT710...), nor will my budget..! OK for those with deep pockets, or professional needs; it's not the case for us all. Just sayin'.
  8. If I'm muting, or changing a group, I wouldn't want the Fx of that group to be present. I mute vocals..? OK, no vocal reverbs in my ears. I raise the drums a little..? OK, their Fx come up a bit, too... If I've any Global Fx, they would go to the main mix, generally.
  9. Good evening, BJ, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. (but you knew that anyway, didn't you..?)
  10. I play in a band with our two sons; does that count..?
  11. [Mod's Hat On] We're not over-fond of pejorative expressions of the like, and aggressive posting even less so. Please keep to more moderate terms, and leave the insults elsewhere (or forget them altogether; they're puerile...). Thanks in advance. [/Mod's Hat On]
  12. I mis-read the title... 'Has anyone played in a band with a sling..?'
  13. Good evening, Andy, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  14. A more laid-back voice for this song ...
  15. How dare you..! My feathers are ruffled..!
  16. In less time than that, I can not buy a set of Markbass strings, and wouldn't humiliate myself, either.
  17. Still, to reduce 'honk', a spot of compressor 'ducking' helps.
  18. So, it's all a bit of a wild goose chase, it would seem.
  19. ... whereas using frequencies, one is easily led into incomprehension. It depends to a great extent, I'd say, on both context and one's interlocuter. Nothing's been 'proven'.
  20. But then you going to need the toilets closer to the stage, and a shorter set list; that would be a 'selling' concern.
  21. Go on; you're having a laff, Shirley..? Who doesn't have a Fourier analyser and associated Knowledge these days, eh..? Wake up, lad; it's the 21st Century now, remember..? ...
  22. I'd imagine it's venues not always having separate facilities for band members (changing rooms, toilets etc...). I doubt that it's anything to do with a band's style or repertoire, merely logistics. They'd maybe have issues with selling a band with wheelchair players, too. Just a guess, though.
  23. You choose. Go for the money or go for equal opportunities. They're your morals. Me..? I'd get the best person for the role, whatever their status, but that's just me.
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