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Posts posted by Dad3353

  1. 9 minutes ago, taunton-hobbit said:

    I think DAD uses electronics ?


    Indeed, initially as an 'at home' way of keeping my hand in, but quickly moving on to 'giggable' kits. I now play a Millenium 850, bought in an as-new (still boxed..!) condition for 350€; it has excellent sounds, 'native', but I've coupled it to a laptop running Superior Drummer 3, and it's as good as it gets. The one downside, for me, is not being able to simulate jazz brush swishing with any conviction; other than that, I now play my acoustic (Camco...) to keep my hand in, but rehearse and gig with the e-kit. No complaints here, nor from the band, nor the audience, so... :friends:

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  2. 1 hour ago, lurksalot said:

    Unlucky there Douglas , I do recall you had a very good acoustic guitar VSTi at one point mind 


    Cheers; the challenge, however, was to record the Takamine in both audio and MIDI at the same time, but unfortunately a very weak 'D' from the piezo strip made it impossible to get a decent result. I don't know if I just have to re-bed the piezo or choose another one; either way it's a kerfuffle I can't fix in just a day or two. It's not the worst thing that's happened on the Planet of late, though; no kittens have perished. B|

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  3. I'll not be participating this month, I'm afraid. I had (still have...) an idea, based upon Goldilocks (Daddy Robot, Mummy Robot, Junior Robot...), with a short storyline'n'all, but, for technical reasons, I can't record the way I had planned (I've had a piezo strip and pre-amp installed in my acoustic which is playing up; I can't use the result for now...). Never mind me, carry on regardless. I'll catch up next month, hopefully. :friends:

    • Sad 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Baloney Balderdash said:




    On, a more serious note, do you then feel this way about not getting to play drums on a regular basis?



    I've been playing drums for well over half a century, on and off, and my current retirement has not led to any symptoms that I can't deal with. Quite the opposite now; I get renewed pleasure when I do 'get back on the wagon', especially if there's a gig in the offing. For a few years (many years ago now...), I was playing either at home, practicing, or out gigging, all day, evening and night, every day, so it was rather a respite when I did get a little bit of time off. It's so easy to fall into the 'burn-out' trap from excess of zealous over-playing. It's useful to take a break, even a short one, for re-appraisal, and pick up on other aspects of Life. :friends:

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  5. Don't forget to unplug the jack lead from the bass when not playing, as it's the jack plug that switches on the battery for the active pre-amp. Leaving the lead plugged in all the time will drain the battery (Not Good...). A decent battery should last several months of 'normal' use, but far less if the bass lead is not removed. Hope this helps. :friends:

  6. 11 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

    I'm amazed at how many people still use a video recording system. 


    Why..? It's easy, from any PC, and costs nothing. The video files generated can be simply deleted once the footage is of no further interest, or kept, for years. I've several excellent BBC series that I can either watch again, or recommend to others. Is there a downside I'm unaware of..? o.O

    • Confused 1
  7. When I started playing, mid-late 60's, I had no money (as an apprentice; £6 a week...). I was given, free, a run-down Thames 15cwt van, which I got running from the scrapyard, and went several years with no insurance, road tax, MOT or what-have-you. Obviously I was very careful to not get caught, but the old bus wouldn't have reached 'speeding' speeds, anyway..! I built my own SS amp from electronic magazine schemas, buying speakers and stuff from Tottenham Court Road and Exchange & Mart. We had no money but made 'our' music as best we could. Happy Daze. B|

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  8. In my early days of 3d printing, I had issues with either items slipping, or becoming so stuck as to impossible to remove at end of print. I tried several remedies, including glass or mirror bed, hair lacquer and more, but the problems were solved by the use of this magnetic bed mat. I have had no issues at all since using this mat, so I recommend it heartily. Inexpensive, I clip mine to the moving bed with tiny bulldog clips. If you get slippage or adherence issues, it might be worth a try..? ...


    Amazon : Magnetic 3d Printing bed mat...



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