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Everything posted by Dad3353

  1. Good evening, Talean, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  2. I'd suggest the same as above^^ : plug the bass directly into the interface and record without the amp. You'll get a far cleaner, and more useful, signal that way. Any sound treatment, such as Fx, can be best added through the DAW. Just my tuppence-worth; hope it helps.
  3. Good afternoon, SS, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  4. It's a pain in the whatever if you've not got the 'Pro' option, but it's a simple enough job to upload another 'new, improved' version and delete the old. A new link into your post above ^^ and it's done..! I used to do that whenever I found, after posting, an unwanted 'glitch'. Has to be done before voting starts, naturally. Hope this helps.
  5. The essential thing about drying clothes (or houses...) is ventilation. If these 'drying rooms' are normally ventilated (open window..?) there won't be any build-up of condensation, as the moist air gets changed for fresh air from outside. If, on the other hand, there is no ventilation, the clothes won't dry, and the room (and its contents...) will start to become mildewed, and eventually rot. A free flow of air is the key element, even more important than heat.
  6. Good afternoon, JF, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  7. Good evening, Odin, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  8. Dad3353

    Heya all

    Good evening, Saxa , and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  9. Good evening, IGB10, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  10. OK, thanks for the update. It's not going to be easy to sort you out by Forum, unless you can record some stuff, and we don't have your location. Ono-on one would be the best way forward, I'd say; any chance of having a bass-playing buddy come by to check it out..? There may be a willing BC member near you. Sterling basses are fine, so it's only a question of confirming that all is OK, or getting the tiny tweaks of a set-up done. A good music shop might be able to help, too, especially if that's where you'll be buying strings and stuff..! Hope this helps. Edit : Ah, I see 'North London'. Open question for the Forum, then... Any BCers from there..? Any recommendations for a decent workshop in that area to sort this out..? Edit 2 : It might not need a recording, if a Skype session could be arranged.
  11. I've just listened to the original, Supremes, recording (again...) on Youtube, and it sounds just fine to me, neither slow, fast, behind nor in front. Just a sound, solid, bass line, nicely tucked in with the drums. The 'feel' is of a real player, rather than a metronome, but there's no fault that I can hear (Disclaimer : I'm a drummer...). I can't hear any problem with it. Just sayin'.
  12. The 'state of mild inebriation at about 2am' explains a lot.
  13. @TJ1 : Can we just make sure that we understand your use of 'upper' and 'lower'. Normally, to bassists (and even musicians...), 'upper' means higher notes, so, with a bass, notes played nearer the bridge. 'Lower' means deeper notes, played nearer the headstock. Is that your interpretation, too..?
  14. The clue is in the title, maybe..? ...
  15. This, to me, smacks of 'Bring back the Morris Minor'. A bass is a bass is a bass, and Fender even more so, I reckon. At the time (back in the '60s...) there was nothing 'iconic' about these instruments, and I don't believe that's changed much over the decades. 'Serious' collectors will want the originals, anyway. A non-starter, for me.
  16. I think I'd suggest asking yourself just what it is that you don't like about your current instrument, then look at any affordable instrument that you do like enough to make the change, if you can find one. That's all.
  17. Drums: Toad (Cream...) or The Black Page N°1 (or N°2...) (Zappa...).
  18. Yes, that's just the 'talking'. The 'singing' is worse; much worse.
  19. Good afternoon, WW, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  20. Good evening, Pete, and ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
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