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  1. Looks fab 😎 The Ampeg micro vr rig adds to the vintage vibe. Good luck!
  2. Sadly my arthritis is becoming problematic and I can't play for long periods any longer. I did have two at one point. Smaller size than a regular P but sounds just as it should.
  3. Early Police tribute band alert! 😎
  4. A work of art 🤩
  5. Fender Musicmaster https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326474548699?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=s7F7l78QSk2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=htqb-a2hQ7e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Insane and actually quite laughable. There was a 1978 lefty Fender Mustang, black with all maple neck for sale a couple years ago for around £1250 from a London music store. I thought that was reaching top end pricewise. This is the kind of asking price I would expect for a pre-CBS P bass.
  7. Yep, that will be me. Afraid the arthritis in my hands has put paid to my playing bass properly these days so time to let someone else enjoy it 🙂
  8. Black with maple neck. My favourite 70's P bass combo 🤩
  9. Is it my eyes or is the body smaller in scale?
  10. Liking the mixed control knobs 😎
  11. My 2nd hand DB didn't come with a rubber stopper for the endpin so I've been using the corks from cava bottles 🥴
  12. Looks to me like someone has reliced it badly. The back of body shot looks like paint is still flaking from being rubbed with sandpaper.
  13. What is the rating for this cab?
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