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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. Fender Musicmaster https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326474548699?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=s7F7l78QSk2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=htqb-a2hQ7e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Insane and actually quite laughable. There was a 1978 lefty Fender Mustang, black with all maple neck for sale a couple years ago for around £1250 from a London music store. I thought that was reaching top end pricewise. This is the kind of asking price I would expect for a pre-CBS P bass.
  3. Yep, that will be me. Afraid the arthritis in my hands has put paid to my playing bass properly these days so time to let someone else enjoy it 🙂
  4. Black with maple neck. My favourite 70's P bass combo 🤩
  5. Is it my eyes or is the body smaller in scale?
  6. Liking the mixed control knobs 😎
  7. My 2nd hand DB didn't come with a rubber stopper for the endpin so I've been using the corks from cava bottles 🥴
  8. Early Police tribute band alert! 😎
  9. Looks to me like someone has reliced it badly. The back of body shot looks like paint is still flaking from being rubbed with sandpaper.
  10. Looks fab 😎 The Ampeg micro vr rig adds to the vintage vibe. Good luck!
  11. What is the rating for this cab?
  12. My 2nd ever bass was a fretless 1A. Brilliant bass.
  13. Always wanted a lefty one of these 🤩
  14. The full story appears to read that Sting has kept the original bass he has been using on the tour and a replica was built for the auction. Wonder if he even touched it 🤔
  15. Just a pity they dont use the teacup controls on the modern budget Hofners.
  16. Interesting news... Looks like it was sold at a charity auction for 60,000 euros 😮
  17. What is going on with the routing for the pickup?
  18. Found a recent clip where the hipshot is in use on 'If I Ever Lose My Faith". Pretty much sings all his songs now not in the original key. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Oa8oWt9j6/?igsh=aWxpcmxheDU4a2Rh
  19. Wonder which tracks he uses the Hipshot for?
  20. It defo says Fender on the headstock. Has to be a Customshop bass. Maybe someone will do an article on it as the bass gets more coverage.
  21. It looks great, GLWTS
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