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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. Price drop. Now Β£475 πŸ˜€
  2. Stagg pocket trumpet in black. Comes in hard fitted case. Includes Yamaha mouthpiece. Nice tone. Collection or willing to meet at Glasgow Central.
  3. Xenyx Q802 usb mixer by Behringer. Never used and still in all its packaging with mains and manual. Only opened to photograph. Collection or willing to meet at Glasgow Central.
  4. JBL Control One studio monitors. These bookshelf size speakers have only had light use in a home recording environment. Collection required.
  5. Price drop. Now Β£2250 πŸ˜ƒ
  6. Eden Portable Bass Rig Eden WTX 264 amp head, rated at 250w. Comes with mains and bespoke carry case. Eden 1x12 cabinet, rated 300w @ 4ohm. Includes Roqsolid fitted cover. Excellent condition. Home use only. Collection required. Final price drop Β£350
  7. Kala U Bass, lined fretless All mahogony top of range Kala U bass with fitted hardshell case. Strung with silicon strings which give the bass a deceptively big and deep tone similar to that of an upright bass. If using a plectrum the bass gives off a more 60’s tone. Collection or willing to meet at Glasgow Central. No offers.
  8. Liking that matching headstock 🀩
  9. Black USA Fender P 1978 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F113122485772
  10. Very different fretless tone from the maple neck. Looks great.
  11. I also read a post about the poor quality of QC regarding these basses. Best thing to do is find a store selling them and if no lefties explain you won’t be buy if poorly setup once arrives in-store.
  12. That mint green pickguard just sets it off 🀩
  13. Is the whole bass scaled down?
  14. The Taylor mini is great to play but far too expensive. I’ve seen the Guild version but haven't played one but it looks very similar. Im sure Ibanez have priced it to compete so let’s hope the quality is good. I have a mini Alvarez travel bass which is def fun to play while watching tv and I like to play my fretless Kala U bass for latin-american style music as it has quite a close upright tone but unlike an upright I can store it away under the bed, hehe 😎
  15. For that nasal Jaco tone on a fretless, im guessing the original bridge pickup position would be the sweet spot. The current neck position would be my preferred placement on a fretless. I really liked the v shape profile neck fretless I tried once in London years ago.
  16. Looks great. Love those lollipop tuners.
  17. That body has a very nice grain.
  18. Open to serious offers πŸ˜‰
  19. Always thought these basses looked very cool. I used to borrow a white right-handed one and flip it upside down when I was starting out. No idea where that one will be now though.
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