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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. Yep. The black with tort is pucker
  2. Great collection you have there. Great offer price too.
  3. Wish I had kept it really as I had added a gold anodised guard and it looked fab, but sadly I needed the cash to fund another bass.
  4. Got my pickguards back from Jack’s Instruments. I have a lefty medium scale 32” P bass in vintage white. I couldn’t decide between a tort and a gold anodised one so got both.
  5. The best Fenders I have played have all been MIJ. I used to have a ‘57 CIJ P bass and it was excellent.
  6. Got my pickguards back from Jack’s Instruments. I have a lefty medium scale 32” P bass in vintage white. I couldn’t decide between a tort and a gold anodised one so got both. Superb!
  7. Squier Precision https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F122939914841
  8. You are a master builder my friend
  9. Mine cost £69 delivered. Its a perfect fit. I have a medium scale P bass so is slighlty smaller so needed a custom-made one. If you think about it, someone skilled would prob charge minimum £20 to enlarge the pickup route holes on a shop-bought one anyway.
  10. I sent my existing white P bass pickguard to Jack’s Instrument Services in Manchester and had a replica brushed gold anodised one made to order. It’s superb. If your existing guard has correct-sized pickup holes that might be a better bet than one from a shop.
  11. Ibanez Axstar. Never seen a lefty one of these before https://www.zikinf.com/annonces/dispannonce.php?annonce=1517187
  12. Fender Mustang. Already sold but a bargain for someone. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/134011837266955/
  13. Wow. I would have snapped this up also. Absolute bargain.
  14. Even if that bass isn’t a geniune Moon then that it is a complete steal.
  15. Jazz bass copy bargain https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232630616532
  16. Ibanez Blazer https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/1981-2-ibanez-blazer-bass-left-handed/1282229439
  17. I saw this and wished it had been a lefty. Exactly what I am after.
  18. That looks superb. What is the weight?
  19. That is a superb refin. That bass WANTS to be played!
  20. Left hand side above the images. Its says ‘Hull, East Yorkshire’
  21. Ibanez Roadstar, London https://reverb.com/uk/item/7435655-left-handed-ibanez-roadstar-rs924-1982-tobacco-burst
  22. Hull
  23. Wish this was a lefty. Good luck.
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