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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. Is plastic wood still a thing? Remember repairing an electric bass headstock chip with a tube of that back in the day.
  2. Cool bass. Been watching clips online of Sting using his at recent soundchecks. Have a listen to him using it on the very jazzy track Captain Bateman’s Basement.
  3. Lovely looking bass. Looks a lot more manageable than the traditional-shaped 1/2 size I've just acquired.
  4. Given DB strings are so expensive what is the lifespan?
  5. Really? If no stand then lie on its side?
  6. Here is a photo of the string silks if this helps identify the existing strings. Any recommendations for replacements are also welcome.
  7. Hey there, I just picked up a 2nd hand 1/2 size double bass by Antoni, made in China. Got it for £150 so was worth a punt I thought. So, are there knowledgeable buffs out there who can advise on getting the best out of this instrument? I’ve cleaned it up, slackened the strings, adjusted the bridge and tuned it to concert but that’s it so far. Strings seem dead, is that normal, or is it that a bass of this level is never going to have great sounding strings put on it in the factory? Feel the E string is lacking clarity, very muddy compared to other strings. I’ve only ever played/ recorded on DB a few times in my life with borrowed instruments but never owned one to practice with. All advise appreciated as to what to do to improve the DB experience 🙂
  8. My first lefty bass after years playing righties upside down was a Yamaha BB300. It was later stolen. I also play with bass strung for a righty so not much trouble for me to just flip any bass I want to try instore.
  9. Fender P bass, MIJ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Left-handed-fender-precision-bass-guitar-/394168240737?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. Fender Musicmaster with mods. Great price. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1977-Fender-Musicmaster-Bass-Left-handed-Highly-Modified-/225081254813?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  11. Wonderful! Never knew about this retro combo. Love the VU meter too.
  12. I used Jack’s Instrument Services in Manchester for 2 lefty P bass pickguards. One in red tort, the other a gold anodised finish. Great job and pleasure to deal with.
  13. The best 2 Fenders I have owned have both been Japanese. A 1987 MIJ '62 Jazz bass which was super light and a 2010 CIJ '57 P bass which had a wonderful neck.
  14. Laura bought a bass rig from me. Happy to pay by bank transfer and collect later. Great to deal with 👍
  15. That is absolutely stunning! Hope it sounds as good as it looks.
  16. Rig is now SOLD. Thanks to everyone who expressed interest.
  17. Rig now on hold 🙂
  18. Hi, the amp can be used standalone as a headphone practice amp. Never encountered any limiter issues. The operation manual is readily available as a pdf document online for any technical info. Cheers
  19. Lovely combo. Super light too. Packs a punch volume-wise.
  20. Able to have the rig in Paisley area for collection 😎
  21. 🤩 me likey
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