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Everything posted by sblueplanet

  1. Jack’s Instruments made both my P bass pickguards, one gold anodised, other red tort. Excellent work.
  2. Someone somewhere will be looking at their sideboard wondering why there is a guitar-shape hole cut-out in it. Cool πŸ˜‰
  3. Hahaha! The perfect title 🀣 With 55 hrs of film and 140hrs of audio to play with and with Jackson saying it’s to get the same kind of intense restoration he gave to his WW1 documentary, I’m expecting a lot.
  4. How long before this one appears on the No Treble website? πŸ˜‰
  5. Depends on the gauge you like to use I suppose. I used to have a slotted-headstock β€˜68 EBO and was happy using standard gauge Rotosounds rounds.
  6. Definitely spoiled. I have one little EX112 🀒
  7. Hi Seb from not so sunny Paisley
  8. Fender Aerodyne https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264152639597
  9. Lovely looking piece of wood and nice to have a few options of pickguard included. Really nice pics too, GLWTS 😎
  10. Never heard of that brand before πŸ€”
  11. Fender Mustang bass https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292926985248
  12. Looks killer 😜
  13. Tina was enjoyable as presenter but so so much omitted that most bass geeks would think important such as the P bass etc, but I also noticed that the drum programme kept away from the manufacturer side of things too and Tina is known for playing that Hofner Club quite a bit with the Heads.
  14. I used to have a Hartke Hydrive 12” kick-back combo. I liked the fact you could switch off the tweeter which I found to too harsh for my liking. Nice cabs.
  15. It’s certainly small enough but would this be loud enough for busking?
  16. What about an Eden 12” cab? I find the EX112 cab is deep and warm with a P bass and is about 30lbs..
  17. Yes, it was mine. Pulled it as was being inundated with requests to post which I’m not able to do. Will prob re-list in the future.
  18. Both of mine are Squier Japan models
  19. I currently have two. Both imported.
  20. Fender Japan made a medium scale P bass in the 80’s. 32” scale with the bass around 15% smaller than a normal one.
  21. Strings fitted. I have the action pretty high to try emulate an upright for string tension. The feel of the tapewounds is really pleasing as opposed to steel flatwounds that I sometime entertain on my P bass so I may get a set for that too. The heavy gauge is great with no wobble and a very consistent tone across all four strings. May mess around with the action a little more once I hear the bass playing back recorded as Im taking it in to a studio next week sometime.
  22. @Jabba_the_gut is that a chambered fretless with a spalted maple top in the 2nd pic? Any more pics of that one, it looks fantastic.
  23. Yes, they are. Fantastic work. It is. Can only play one bass at a time 🀩
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