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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. Hello. I play acoustic fretless bass in a folk band and I'm after a simple bass DI box that I can just plug into and not have to fiddle about too much. I looking to spend no more than £25 but I want the best quality this can buy. Any suggestions?
  2. Discontinued!!!! Where did you hear that? I've had one on order since October 2010 and I'm not expecting it until March 2011 !!! I could go elsewhere, but I have got the right deal with the retailer and have paid a deposit. I also have it on the 17.5% VAT, not 20% as it is now. I have seen that some have started coming into the country now, but have been told that the colour options I chose/want (OW/RW) are still back logged. I really hope it's worth the money and the wait. I just cant wait for it to come. I'm sooo excited. It's the first bass I've bought over £350. I will review it once it comes and post on BassChat. Anyone else got one yet???
  3. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    [quote name='mcnach' post='1058675' date='Dec 14 2010, 04:06 PM']I'm not a Behringer hater, in fact I have used and still use (and like) some of their stuff. My practice amp is great, both the guitar and the bass one, I have a V-Amp2 that is great, and a mixer... But FX... I bought a bunch in teh first couple of years they came out. They work. Fine. But not a single one of them made me want to keep it. The bass EQ I still have, just in case (but it's a bit noisy) and the preamp booster (PB100) that I found nobody who'd buy it off me, which works as it shoyuld, but I have no use for. Everything else is *fine* but ended up buying other brands and liking them a lot more. Latest one was the VB-1, a bassballs clone... it worked, but compared to the real EHX bass balls (which I now own) was VERY uninspiring. I would recommend you forget Behringer pedals, and get a used Zoom B2. It has TONS of sounds, and they are all better than what I could get from the Behringer range. It will be about £45-50 used, what 2 Behringer pedals woudl cost new. It will allow you to experiment a lot with a wide range of FX, and figure out which, if any, you might want to explore further. AND you get a tuner and a basic rhythm machine to play along to and practice at the same time. The Zoom B2 chorus in particular is pretty decent, both mono and stereo, if that's what you're after[/quote] Hey thanks so much for the advice. Yeah, the B2 seems to get a lot of recognition and I think it may be the one I go for. I probably wont buy another Behringer pedal. Thanks again, M
  4. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1055861' date='Dec 12 2010, 11:42 AM']Any chance of a vid or sound clips? You might have got a duff one. From personal and friends experience, I wouldn't buy anyhting from Behringer apart from mixing desk and rack stuff. It rarely seems to work properly.[/quote] Yeah, I guess I could do a sound clip. Might take a couple of days. I've since tried it cranked up on the amp and all it does is add pressence. All the knobs do something, except the rate knob. It certainly doesn't add chorus. Think I might send it back and exchange for the boss ceb 3. Cant make my mind up whether to go for a multi effects unit like the boss me 20? I mean, I haven't used effects in the past, and I dont want to over complicate things, but I'm tempted to see how I get on. I like the idea of options., and to maybe see what effects I may end up using and buying singles later. I play in a mellow rock/folk band. Thanks
  5. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    Hi everyone. I got the Behringer Ultra Bass Chorus Pedal. I cant seem to get a chorus effect out of it. It changes the sound a bit, but it is not what I would call a chorus. I'm comparing it to the sound samples on youtube of a boss ceb3. I've never had a pedal before, so I'm not hugely experienced in this new world, but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if it is crap, or I got a bad one? I will play around with it a bit more, but to be fair if I cant get the sound I expected, then I will be returning it and just get the boss. (I have a unexpected raise in my budget). So far I am not impressed. I will report back.
  6. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    Wow, thanks to everyone for the advice. I love the construction test video. I've taken the plunge and ordered one. If it's crap, then I will buy a better one in the new year. I just need one quick for some recording and cant wait until I get paid next. It was £22.05 delivered from dv247. Yeah, I dont really care about whether the pedal is metal or plastic as I dont jump about on stage. And for 20 quid, I'm not gonna cry if it breaks! I just interested in tone/sound. I would probably use it in 2 or 3 songs in our set and it would be used in the whole song, so might not even have it on the floor. I cant find many video reviews of this pedal on youtube, so maybe I'll do one when I get some time. Thanks again, Mark
  7. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    Just checked some reviews of the GLX, Cant find any bad words. People are saying it is as good or better than the Boss (probably the £35 you would save better)???? I would have no problem purchasing one of these at the end of Jan, I just cant between now and then.
  8. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1047870' date='Dec 4 2010, 11:40 PM']If you want a budget bass chorus, have a try of the GLX bass chorus as well. Only £35, reportedly budget line out of the same chinese factory as the Boss units. [url="http://www.rockfactory.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=gfx-glxbch"]http://www.rockfactory.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=gfx-glxbch[/url] I'm not a fan of Behringer pedals, they sound a bit weedy to me and casing + knobs feel cheap - well they are cheap! The GLX units are cheap but they are robust. Worth finding a local shop with a few units to choose from, and giving them a test. Only then will you see and hear if it's worth it, or if you will be selling it in a few months to get a better unit. If so, then that's £25 wasted.[/quote] Yeah, I have seen these pop up on ebay. Food for thought. Thanks for the heads up
  9. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    Ok, Thanks Paul. I guess it cant be that bad. They describe it as being very good. I might have a punt on it, £22.05 delivered on DV247 By the way
  10. Gilbert

    Bass Chorus

    I have been playing bass for nearly 14 years, and have never had any effects pedals or ever wanted them as I have always like the natural sound of the guitar and amp. However, I have started playing bass for a new singer songwriter, and feel some of the songs would benefit from some chorusing on the bass. I have been looking around on google and ebay but cant make up my mind and I haven't got much money left with Xmas and a Fender American Deluxe Jazz Bass on order.[/size] [size=6][color="#000000"][color="#000080"]Does any one on here rate the Behringer BUC400 Ultra bass chorus pedal?[/color][/color][/size] Is it cheap for a reason? I saw a fairly good review demo on youtube comparing it to the boss ceb3 and I couldn't really tell the difference in the sound??? (Dont shoot me)!!! There also seems to be a legion of behringer fans out there, but also legions who hate it. I guess it's Marmite. Is it worth me getting it? I want to put some dosh aside to get a higher end pedal later, but I just want something to tide me over for now. I can get the Behringer for around £20 to £25, which I'm afraid is my pathetic excuse for a budget at the moment. Do you really get what you pay for in this case, or should I relax and wait until I have a bigger budget. Also, are there any other recommendations? Boss, Digitech, Ashdown etc. Are these any good?
  11. [quote name='Gilbert' post='1026686' date='Nov 17 2010, 10:41 AM']Wow, thanks for taking the time to write back with so much info. To be honest, my budget has taken a bit of a blow since yesterday, due to car trouble. I will have a look at the amp head and cab prices and weigh up my options. I play original music of a folk-rock genre, and also a bit of funk and heavy rock. Although I would love to have ample wattage and multiple cabs, I think the ease of use of a single uniit would suit my needs for the foreseable future. Thanks for the advice and I will report back once I have made up my mind.[/quote] [size=5][size=4]Any thoughts on the Ashdown MAGc115 300w????[/size][/size] They are more readily available than the GK I was looking at and they are extendable. Good reviews too! Thanks, Mark
  12. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1026568' date='Nov 17 2010, 01:41 AM']There's so many factors that affect the volume of the amp, it's far more than just the wattage of the head (there's more info on that around these forums). The MB115 should do you, but it's worth noting that you can't add an extension cab to it. If you go for the mb210, you get 350w without the extension cab, but you can add another speaker and get 500w out of it. They're still bargains too, though I am bias towards GK amps. Any of the GK gear would suit your need perfectly, as another thread on here showed, most people that use them run them flat, or close to flat. The 4 band EQ is pretty easy to use if you do want to use it. If you go for the lightweight MB series heads (or combos) then they have fairly simple controls (even the bi-amped stuff is fine once you get used to it just a little complex at first). The MB heads are extremely light (under 4lbs) and at 500w are very powerful for their size and weight. GK also do a range of neo cabs that weigh very little. I'm tempted to get a micro rig of a mb500 and 2 1x12 cabs myself, it should be enough for most venues and would weigh in at under 64lbs for a powerful and very light rig. The biggest advantage you'd see from using a head and cabs is at gigs where a bass cab is provided, you could just take along a micro head in your gig bag and not have to worry about cabs. It'd mean you could take one gig bag with your bass, leads and head in it and still be using an amp that sounds like you and you know how to use. it also allows for upgrades more easily, like I said, the mb115 can't have exntension cabs, the mb210 you can add another cab to, but you're still stuck with that 210 "cab" that's part of the combo, if you ever wanted to upgrade to a 4ohm cab, like a 8x10, 4x12 or you wanted to use 2 4x10s, 2x12s or something similar, you'd be stuck. I think you could do far worse than to get an mb500 head and a cheap 210 (GK have a budget range called BLX, which are very reasonably priced, never used them myself though) to begin with with a mind to upgrade the cab later if your budget won't stretch at the moment. It might seem like a lot to pay out when a mb210 is probably a slightly better amp (the speakers will be better), but when it comes time to upgrade, it would make a big difference since you'll only be replacing £120ish worth of speakers instead of £350ish worth of amp.[/quote] Wow, thanks for taking the time to write back with so much info. To be honest, my budget has taken a bit of a blow since yesterday, due to car trouble. I will have a look at the amp head and cab prices and weigh up my options. I play original music of a folk-rock genre, and also a bit of funk and heavy rock. Although I would love to have ample wattage and multiple cabs, I think the ease of use of a single uniit would suit my needs for the foreseable future. Thanks for the advice and I will report back once I have made up my mind.
  13. [quote name='BobTheBassist' post='1026502' date='Nov 16 2010, 11:05 PM']Hi everyone how's things? I'm from cambridge and have just found this place while looking for a new bass. I been playing bass now for about 14 years, barring a short interlude when I stuck the stem of a wine glass into my left hand and I like to think I'm reasonably good. I tend more towards adding bass lines to someone elses music than writing my own stuff but within that play a good variety of punk, ska, metal and good old rock and roll (60's and 70's mostly) with a bit of drum and bass if it's particulary well done. Oh and I love the chile peppers. I currently use a Trace Elliot RAH-1000 12 with a speaker cab which I designed myself. My bass however is... wait for it... a bass collection sb101 made in that mecca of musical instruments, south korea. And after 10 years of daily abuse it's dead. And I'm sad because it's been like a little yorkshire terrier to me, so full of enthusiasm and dumb love that I don't mind it occasionally peeing on the carpet. But it's now gone and the time has come... for warwick. Now I know they're not for everyone but every time I've tried one I've loved. No one will change my mind, and many have tried. So that's me. Also I tend to be a bit socially backward and don't usually get into forums and posting on them. If I breech etiquette in some way please be gentle with me.[/quote] Hello from Mark in Kent
  14. [quote name='Gilbert' post='1025349' date='Nov 15 2010, 11:37 PM']Hello. I am looking for a kick-ass amp to compliment my new active Fender American Deluxe Jazz Bass which I will be receiving in January. I want a good all-rounder as I play folk to rock to punk. I would prefer a combo, but if any one disagrees, then sell it to me. I currently play through a Peavey TKO 80 Scorpion (which I think is 80w) bass amp, which is a decent workhorse and I paid only £30 for it on ebay. It's just a bit of a lump to carry about and I hate having to mess around with the graphic eq every gig. I want something a bit bigger on wattage that will easily fill mid sized venues with a bit of room to spare. Smaller on weight, easily portable and easy to just plug in and play without having to mess around with graphic equalizers. Speaker size is giving me a headache. I've looked at 2x10". My current amp has a 15". I know the 2x10 would give me a tighter sound, maybe I should get a 2x10 for now and a 15 cab if I feel I need it later. I've had a look at a few amps, but it would be interesting to hear what ideas you seasoned pro's have. Oh and my budget is running dry, so under £500 if possible.[/quote] Thanks for the info, I have looked at the Roland D and it seems there are only the 210 combo's about. The Mark Bass is well over budget. I have played a Mark Bass before and hated it, don't know why, just couldn't get on with it. I like the idea of having a big stack behind me, but I will probably never play a venue large enough to warrant it, and if I did, then I guess I would be being paid to play and would be able to afford the big boys stuff. In my never ending search I came across a GK mb115 for £316 on soundsliveshop.com. It's 200w and something like 15kg? Keep in mind that my current Peavey amp is 80w and I have not had any problems filling out sound and rarely had the volume over 1 o'clock. When I do play larger venues, the sound guy DI's the bass anyway. I kind of think this could be the thing I'm looking for. The only thing I can imagine with a 15kg amp and 200watts is stopping it dancing across the stage!!
  15. [quote name='rOB' post='1026236' date='Nov 16 2010, 07:14 PM']Some info on this range here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107751"]Link[/url][/quote] Thanks Rob There is just so much to consider. I'm driving myself crazy!!!!
  16. Thanks guys. Not much about in my price bracket with the suggestions you gave me. Any thoughts on this ?? : [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/gallien-krueger-mb-210-bass-guitar-amp-combo--70248"]GK amp[/url]
  17. Hello. I am looking for a kick-ass amp to compliment my new active Fender American Deluxe Jazz Bass which I will be receiving in January. I want a good all-rounder as I play folk to rock to punk. I would prefer a combo, but if any one disagrees, then sell it to me. I currently play through a Peavey TKO 80 Scorpion (which I think is 80w) bass amp, which is a decent workhorse and I paid only £30 for it on ebay. It's just a bit of a lump to carry about and I hate having to mess around with the graphic eq every gig. I want something a bit bigger on wattage that will easily fill mid sized venues with a bit of room to spare. Smaller on weight, easily portable and easy to just plug in and play without having to mess around with graphic equalizers. Speaker size is giving me a headache. I've looked at 2x10". My current amp has a 15". I know the 2x10 would give me a tighter sound, maybe I should get a 2x10 for now and a 15 cab if I feel I need it later. I've had a look at a few amps, but it would be interesting to hear what ideas you seasoned pro's have. Oh and my budget is running dry, so under £500 if possible.
  18. Hello, and Thanks to you all for the great advice. Since I last logged in I have tried a American Fender Jazz at a local shop and was as impressed as I thought I would be. It just felt natural and I was at one with it, I just didn't like the colour. Anyway after further research and careful thinking I went and put a deposit down on a American Deluxe 2010 Fender Jazz in Olympic White. Over my budget by £170, but I think it's got to be worth it. I decided to go for this one due to the active options of a greater tone variation which I liked on my Ibanez sr300. It also has a Active/Passive switch so you can run it in the original passive mode. It also looks fantastic and sounds great. I have added a link to a video of a guy playing it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AnvU52UYvE"]Check this Review out.[/url] I'm now thinking of upgrading my bass amp. I currently play through a Peavey TKO 80 Scorpion 80's bass amp, which is a decent workhorse and I paid only £30 for it on ebay. It's just a bit of a lump to carry about and I hate having to mess around with the graphic eq every gig. I want something a bit bigger on wattage and smaller on weight, easily portable and easily fill mid sized venues with a bit of room to spare. Something that is easy to just plug in and play without having to mess around with graphic equalizers and gives great tone through all the ranges. I've had a look at a few amps, but it would be interesting to hear what ideas you seasoned pro's have. Oh and my budget is running dry, so under £500 if possible. Thanks to all for the advice and for making me feel welcome.
  19. I've been playing bass for 13 years and guitar for 17 years. I have my guitar sorted, I play acoustic only and own a Epiphone Masterbilt which I love. However, I am finally in a position to buy a high end bass, one that I will want to keep for life. I have worked on a small budget for so long having various low end and mid range bass guitars but never falling in love. My first bass was a Tanglewood Rebel, was OK, did loads of gigs and recordings until the electrics started playing up and I retired it. Then I got an Epiphone P bass, again was OK, pups loud and clear, but sold it to raise funds for my next bass. Third bass was a Ibanez sr300 pearl white, had a really good tone range with the soundgear style sweeper active pups, super fast thin neck. Did many gigs and recording with this, but I never quite fell in love with it, so after a year I sold it! Fourth bass and the one I own at present is a Ibanez artcore AGB200 brown semi. OK I admit I was bowled over by it's looks and this is actually a very good bass with a very nice tone, powerful enough pups, and easy to play with the short scale neck. I really like it but I still want more..... I also own a Crafter BA 400 EQ fretless on which I use roto trubass black nylon strings and use for home recording. I get pretty close to a upright bass sound in the mix and I'm happy with that. But it doesn't get anywhere close to competing with acoustic guitars in a jam, which is a disapointment, but as far as I'm aware, not many acoustic basses do, which seems like a waste of time owning one if you got to plug it in anyway. (Forgive me if I'm wrong and tell me the acoustic bass that does cut it please!) Any how, I'm thinking about a fender jazz american standard. You always see fenders used when you see live pro bands and most of my fav bass players use the jazz bass. Maybe that's the sound I've always desired. This would be my first fender and I want it to be an american as if it wasn't, I wouldn't be satisfied. I know it's a personal choice, but just wondered if any one on here would put me on the right path. Am I being sucked in by the brand, I mean, can buying a american fender ever be a mistake? What are the serious contenders at the £1000 price bracket? I would much appreciate any feedback, Thanks
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