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Everything posted by Ou7shined

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381485308' post='2239651'] Been reading this for some time. It looks amazing. What wood have you used? Also, please post the full tour list it would be great to see you with it. [/quote] Thanks. It's Utile... a relative of mahogany. Here are our (revised) tour dates. We also have a wee Scottish tour at the start of Nov.
  2. Ok folks sorry for neglecting this thread for a bit. I've been busy working on other people's basses and also waiting for some pics of the demon in action to materialise. Thanks for all the comments. Since you last saw him, he's been painted.... properly this time. I chose satin black so that the reflections would highlight more of the 3Dness. In practice this hasn't really worked. I was told that on stage it was quite hard to make out all the detail. So I'm looking to return to the bronze idea and brush on some gold highlights. (more pics when this happens) Oh yes and black coated strings. As you can see I have been working on a prototype stand for him. The idea started off as a simple insert chock to protect the rear rams horn from impact damage in the back of the tour van. The guys tend to not have much respect for our gear while loading and unloading so I thought it prudent. But then it came to me that I could probably convert it into a stand too. It is a chunk of alder (a bit of scrap from WoodyRATM's bass actually) which is cut slightly smaller than the hole, then padded out to a tight fit with felt strips for protection. I then split it and hinged it and found a gate hook in my odds and sods tin for the lock. As an original concept, I'm quite chuffed with the idea. With it's dual function, even more so. (you can see the tip of the copper tape coming out of the control cavity used to earth the bridge in these pics) And now for the money shot .... Last thing, I placed an OG decal on the headstock. It took a great deal of soul searching before I did this. Strictly speaking I shouldn't have as I never made the neck from scratch but as this is a tour bass I'm doing a bit of shameless self promo.
  3. Aaaaand it's here! Working beautifully and the 12v setting is perfect for my Markbass Little Dist. Had to chuckle at the instructions (translated from Chinese) warning about the "brinking" led on low power. No more power worries for the tour though. A big big thankyou to Si and of course Silvia and all you other beautiful bassy people.
  4. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1381486111' post='2239666'] it's had quote a bit of work on it but still pretty tasty!.... [/quote] "Good Moaning! I was just pissing by the door, when I heard two shats......"
  5. A trussrod is made from at least 2 "rods" joined together at both ends. Turning the nut is effectively lengthening or shortening one causing the other to either expand and therefore bend or in the middle or contract forcing the other one to bend.
  6. That last one sounds a right cracker
  7. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1381307860' post='2237162'] Fair enough. Same as above Ou7shined, I'll let you know the postage later on. [/quote] Many thanks mate. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1381307913' post='2237165'] Aw, I love this community, I really do [/quote] +1
  8. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1381307475' post='2237151'] No prob Ou7shined, you probably need it more than I do - you can have it [/quote] Ohh Silv you're a wee angel. Ta. X
  9. Woops too late
  10. Someone lifted my PSU at our last gig. What do you want for thus beastie?
  11. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1381223026' post='2235875'] Ou7shined, yes, that makes sense too! [/quote] Apart from my inexplicable apostrophe.
  12. Or pin a single index topic with links to each band's topic. I see the merits of both pinned and a sub-forum but I think we should wait and see how many band's utilise this feature before we start panicking about it.
  13. A tiny bit of swarf, wire or conductive fluff in a cavity shorting out to earth would be enough to cut the volume.
  14. [quote name='PTB' timestamp='1381180422' post='2235598'] When I click on the photos, I'm told they're private & I can't see them. [/quote] Me too.. which is a shame as your band looks a lot prettier than mine
  15. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1381181404' post='2235616'] In theory (if the whole body wood does make a difference rings true) if I moved the pickup back so it is right against the wood in the cavity would this have a positive impact on tone as well? At present it sits in the middle of cavity so the pup doesn't touch any wood (oo er!) [/quote] I doubt it... but then I'm not big on the theory of tone woods in an electric instrument.
  16. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1381178738' post='2235569'] I really can't see an extra centimetre or so making enough of a difference tone-wise ... [/quote] You be surprised. I've been recreating a well known G&L pup placement for a few basses then recently decided that I'd try something new. I moved it about a cm neck-ward and voomp! All of a sudden we have new harmonic overtones.
  17. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1381158779' post='2235138'] Got any pics of you 'shredding the goat'? ... and that's not supposed to be a euphemism! [/quote] Haha not yet. But I expect something will turn up online in a day or 2.
  18. It is my belief that the pup placement in the 'ray (or any other bass) is integral to it's sound. I'd go for it.
  19. Thanks guys. They are just a selection from our home town Aberdeen over the last few months. The Forum (top) Duthie Park (mid) and The Tunnels (bottom) We have a wee UK tour in a couple of weeks then a 4 night support tour in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen (maybe a Perth date too) at the start of Nov and I will hopefully keep you up to speed and in more detail with those. Also if and when some pics from last Saturday's gig materialise I put one up here too.
  20. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1381140072' post='2234736'] Ah thanks I may measure mine and see how it fairs - is it the positon of pickup relative to last fret that counts as opposed to distance from bridge? I've never been too sure of these kind of things, but as Im getting more interested in tinkering it is good to know. [/quote] Yeah, the positions of your saddles are variable depending on the intonation whereas your frets are fixed reference points with good access so that's where I take measurements from.
  21. From the centre of the 21st fret to the middle of the pup on my 'ray is approximately 169mm. HTH
  22. Can we start posting our own ones or are you going to start a sub-forum for it?
  23. I like it.
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