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Everything posted by Ou7shined

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281182559604"]link[/url][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281182559604"] [/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281182559604"] [/url]
  2. Do you have any more pics?
  3. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1380969515' post='2232892'] From probass.co.uk. .... Will order a new vol and treble with those values and see what happens I think. ... [/quote] Those are the same pot values he's put in the diagram for them so presumably that's what you have already.
  4. [quote name='Johannes Oehl' timestamp='1380827982' post='2231299'] Absolutely no problem with a little humour... Let me continue this entertaining bit with a first peek at the item for sale here: [url="http://postimg.org/image/pf0065o8d/"]http://postimg.org/image/pf0065o8d/[/url] [/quote] Touché
  5. As far as I'm aware EMGs are already shielded internally so shouldn't need any more ... of course belt and braces won't do you any harm.
  6. Those RI pups come as a complete "unit". Foam sandwiched between the pups and the copper plate. Which is kinda cool and a bit retro. However it's all a bit unnecessary as (in theory) you don't need the copper plate in a P bass because the pups are wired up as a humbucker unit and should therefore be hum free. If it were me I might go for the mouse mat (or some such) as previously mentioned above and for simplicity I'd put it under the pup/foam/copper unit and screw it down. If you wanted to separate the layers and install thicker foam in between then that's fine too... just be careful not to jerk the wires in the process as they are quite delicately fixed under the bobbin part. Using springs might end up being problematic as they could get stuck on the tip of copper plate (which by then is no longer resting on the bottom of the rout) and you'd tear it off or buckle it or whatever.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1380801053' post='2230683'] So Ou7shined is marketing picks already..? [/quote]
  8. £7.20 on [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PATRICK-BRAND-5-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Strings-/290491370209"]ebay [/url] or [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PATRICK-BRAND-4-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Strings-/290942714708?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43bd898354"]£4.50[/url] for a 4 string set [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PATRICK-BRAND-5-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar-Strings-/290491370209"] [/url]
  9. A mate of mine collects picks from bands he's seen. I guess a display would give it some sort of purpose.
  10. I love it. The sign writing is a great final touch.
  11. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1380714328' post='2229315'] Mmm chocolate... [/quote] I know eh
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1380716561' post='2229378'] You've lost me.. I just made the connection about being dead and vampires You've got to fill me in now though! [/quote] Probably before your time then young Mr C. A big hoo-ha about a dude trying to rip off another dude halfway round the world.... way back when BC was a different place. Rob turned detective and pretty much got it sorted for him.
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1380712632' post='2229273'] Unless you want a Warwick Vampyre? [/quote] Whoa! Rob and Vampyres. Now that's a big ol' blast from the past. How long ago was that again?
  14. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1380714225' post='2229312'] That will reduce 'switch noise' although it means some very small current might be constantly drawn from the battery. But isn't the issue here likely to be a pop caused by the electronics 'turning on' rather than switch noise or bounce ? [/quote] It will do if you have it in the circuit all the time but if you bring in the resistor as you engage the switch it aught to kill the pop. Although I don't think a SPDT will cut the mustard.
  15. Minor disaster yesterday. I decided to take the demon (still not finished) to band practice later in the evening and wanted the setup to be 100%. So I finally got around to doing the job of shaving off some wood from under the bridge to bring the action in line with the newly formed (and slightly shallower) neck heel. I was stringing it up after completing the task when... snap, crackle, pop! The nut simply folded under the strings !!! I took the strings off and out fell 6 pieces of crumbly hollow plastic nut. Some remnants remained glued firmly to the neck with what looks like superglue. Ok, I hear you say, not a problem for a man of my means to make a new one.... Only I don't have any bone blanks wide enough for this type of nut... and I really want to take it to rehearsal in a few hours time. So I had to improvise. Using the smashed nut all glued back together as a template I made a replica from ebony. Major pain as I'm allergic to ebony dust. Looks like it's been hewn from dark chocolate... and if the epoxy I drenched it in (after I took this pic) doesn't set it rock hard then it might as well be. Actually I've done this before and I know it works. After I removed all the glue and crap from the nut groove, here it is in situ... (I take the sheen off later with some fine sandpaper) Looking at it philosophically the disintegrating nut was a blessing in disguise as now I have a new nut specifically setup and tailored for the job. I wouldn't have bothered otherwise. Cue one awesome setup with criminally low action. (revealing that the 22nd fret needs levelling) It works a treat. And the guys were suitably blown away at practice... so much so our guitarist wants me to build a guitar version for him. This is the first chance I've had to play it at volume. With everything switched to series (each individual pup in series then both pups in series with each other) this thing is full on bassy (perfect for my stoner/doom/sludge side project) and fecking LOUD!!! Bringing the pups back to parallel (individually) but keeping them in series with each other gives more clarity and bite to the tone but with a drop in output. Parallel/parallel/parallel is quieter again and has more clank - a polite clank. I'd bunged on some old used strings from my spares box so I hope new strings will bring the bite to the series/series/series selection. I've ordered up some suitably evil looking black coated Rotosounds for him. If I get more painting done this week, the demon will be getting his first public airing on Saturday night when we do a support slot for Swedish metallers Sister Sin.
  16. A 1meg resistor aught to do it
  17. A hell of a difference can be made by lowering the pups too. I know it's counter intuitive but it works. I think possibly the magnetic field "traps" the strings and impedes their vibration. I visually set pup height to around a 4mm gap with the string held at the highest fret and if I feel something's not quite right the only way is down.
  18. Damn! If only it was a slightly different kind of "guitar" I'd be all over it.
  19. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1380631007' post='2228089'] True, but I have him down as a musician and not a gear head. [/quote] Really?
  20. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1380629627' post='2228043'] You're a bassist. Prepare yourself for the fact that it may not. [/quote]
  21. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1380625922' post='2227962'] I was hoping to find something like this... [/quote] Your a musician. It will happen eventually.
  22. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1380618250' post='2227792'] That's a real posh way of saying "I loup aboot like a gype" [/quote] Oops that was the vodka speaking..... but yeah you're absolutely right.
  23. Mostly I'm like.... But now and again I'm like.... And I don't give a fig about the right ways and the wrong ways of how to play your bass. I convey emotion and the physical characteristics of the music as part of my performance in any way my body feels fit. I'll admit that I did used to go out of my way to crush the stereotype of the bassist who stands motionless and upright at the back though. And even though I have this supposed lousy technique my chops still rule. And the strange thing is I can play perfectly well like this or while sitting down with it under my chin... and have done for many a year. I guess I'm flexible.... literally.
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