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Everything posted by Ou7shined

  1. [quote name='budget bassist' post='230101' date='Jun 30 2008, 09:57 PM']I thought i was the only one that thought "never been gigged" was a totally arbitrary statement to make, but obviously not, my basses have undergone more damage at home than anywhere else, other people's homes, school, college, practice, gigs etc, i really don't see the point in saying it, most people look after their stuff wherever it is. More to the point, damage is damage, whether it's done at a gig or not, I don't care where it's been! if there's damage then show us, if there isn't, then I don't care! I understand the relevance with cabs and things because yeah they do get bashed about a bit. But basses, they stay in their cases if they're not strapped round your shoulders most of the time.[/quote]Amen.
  2. [quote name='neepheid' post='230113' date='Jun 30 2008, 10:15 PM']Stihl strimmer line [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260145716690"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=260145716690[/url][/quote] Ha ha dude you crack me up. Have got 4 diff thicknesses of 36m long?
  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='230062' date='Jun 30 2008, 09:14 PM']Of course... ...but if you ever change your mind, I've got a nice crisp twenty right here.... J.[/quote] Hmm a crisp one you say. :brow: Has it ever been gigged?
  4. [quote name='Bassassin' post='229975' date='Jun 30 2008, 07:53 PM']Is it old JapCrap? Give you £20... [/quote] Indeed sir a Cimar at that... ..but I'll be keeping it (twas my 1st gee-tar) I was just using it as an example of how telling the truth can be misleading. But you knew that.
  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='229869' date='Jun 30 2008, 05:23 PM']BTW - Now you've told us all you've managed to 'mince' a tele copy that's been kept in the house - best of luck if you put anything you've gigged in the for sale forums.[/quote] Ouch dude that's nasty.
  6. Like I say I reckon there's a case for cabs which as we know can get banged about quite easily going to and from gigs. [quote]What harm can the expression do?[/quote]Harm? I think it could be used to give a false sense of added reliability to an object based on a truthful account of it's usage. It's misleading spin. BTW do you want to buy a Tele Deluxe copy? It has never let me down and has never been gigged.
  7. My bad, buddy. :blush: What are thses string? Got a link?
  8. Ha ha exactly.
  9. [quote name='mrhectic' post='229792' date='Jun 30 2008, 03:48 PM']sorry to overtake your thread, but im just curious at to [b]what setting you have your ashdown ABM 500 on Ou7shined?[/b] I have an ashdown 500, and am still messing with the EQ. Its a funny EQ on the ashdown 500, with the mix of sliders and knobs.[/quote] Just click on the [url="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d67/ou7shined/bass/30062008281.jpg"]link[/url] mate. It was hard to get to grips with for me too. I just kept plugging away for months with no real plan until I hit my sweet spot. Of course it changed for every venue but I keep it here for my own piece of mind.
  10. [quote name='geilerbass' post='229783' date='Jun 30 2008, 03:28 PM']I used one of these (ABM) at a band rehearsal on Friday (I always use studio amps, since I don't have a car) and had real trouble getting a desirable sound, despite lots of fiddling around. The drive gave a nice bite to it, but the sound was, as you describe, kind of woolly. I prefer a tighter sound and wasn't able to get that - maybe it's a compression thing?[/quote] Going through the same ABM 410T Cab at those settings my ABM is darn close to my LMII (EQ's at 12 o'clock & VPF up high) although admittedly it has a more transistory dryness to it. My mud dried up a long time ago so to speak.
  11. [quote name='neepheid' post='229756' date='Jun 30 2008, 02:55 PM']...I thought about sandwiching all 4 between 2 bits of wood, but because they are of different thicknesses, it would be tough to guarantee uniform clamping across all four.[/quote] As long as the ball-ends are prevented from passing through then it'll be fine. If these plastic strings of yours don't have a ball-end then tie a grannie knot.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='229707' date='Jun 30 2008, 01:59 PM']I think its the ABM's that have the Wooly rep (and im one of those spreading it)[/quote] I'd pick ABM over MAG any day. That said, I'm ditching Ashdown (and not necessarily because of it's sound) in favour of Markbass now so it's moot.
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='229707' date='Jun 30 2008, 01:59 PM']Hmmm, that doesnt look like a MAG to me ;-)[/quote] Not much gets past you Dave. But did you miss that I mentioned it is an ABM.... twice. I just put my settings up as a starting point so he could have a bash at them to see if there any good for him on the off chance. I dial in these setting or similar to a MAG C115 300 EVO II at our practice rooms and find it fairly acceptable.
  14. Definitely sell them separately. I don't know about prices of hand but stick em on here with your ballpark figure (some bright spark will pop up an say if it's realistic or not) and they should sell for pretty much what they're worth. You might get more for them on eBay but the hassle involved probably isn't worth it. btw I thought everyone loved Fenders on here - not that I'd know like.
  15. Good question. I think that Ashy's have a rep for sounding woolly which is probably true if you haven't put the time in finding the sound you're after. It took me months of tweaking my ABM evo 500 before I found my settings and when I did I found it works pretty much for different basses too. [url="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d67/ou7shined/bass/30062008281.jpg"]Here's mine[/url] (ABM) jungle tip : if you share your amp on stage from time to time and find your settings get mucked about with, mark your settings using your g/f's (or your own) eyeliner - don't let her find out, they go ballistic for some reason. These marks can be easily wiped off and replaced as your settings evolve or permanently when it comes to sell.
  16. When buying 2nd had gear you often see the phrase "never been gigged" as a testament to it's great condition. All well and good but this implies that when we're on stage our primeval monster kicks in and we do a Hendrix and set fire to it. From what I've seen in these day of health and safety this happens less often. I can see a case for cabs as they're always getting bumped into doorways, stairwells, back of the van etc. while on the way to gigs, and the other night a most apologetic drummer from a support band put his pint on my 4x10 leaving a ring which wiped off easily enough but my point is why should guitars, amps, pedals etc be at any extra risk when on stage than being at home/studio. Personally speaking, with a 2 1/2 year old daughter running about at home my stuff is under greater threat of damage than on any stage. Thankfully she's pretty well trained. I've a Tele Deluxe copy at home. It too (to my knowledge) has "never been gigged". However it was my very 1st electric guitar which I bought second hand over 25 years ago and is totally minced. I think it is a pointless and potentially misleading expression.
  17. Friday night, The Tunnels - A/deen. Pearl Jam trib. Good gig some real PJ fans made it down and filled the mosh pit. An odd bunch - there was a guy in a suit whizzing around and doing that hip-hop spinny thing on his back. Our singer didn't make it - he was ambulanced into A&E an hour before soundcheck with a violent ear infection which left him with no balance and spewing his ring up all over the place. Luckily for us his identical twin brother (also a rock vocalist) was able to step up. He rushed home and printed out the lyrics for the ones he wasn't sure about and got us to tune down a tone to make getting some of the high notes a bit easier. This in turn meant some of our song that we normally drop D were played in drop C - it sounded odd to us and my strings were hanging off but it worked quite well, although I had a frantic few moment setting up my extender to cope with our pitch change. And when it came to the crunch he did a great job. He said there were a few song where he repeated the same line 14 times. But nobody really noticed. I'll bet that some folk didn't even notice he wasn't our usual singer. His task wasn't made any easier by the fact that our drummer decided to play everything at twice the speed we normally play at - we normally play a bit faster than the original anyway. I tried to get him to slow down during the first 2 songs but he didn't seem to understand so I had a word during the gap between songs 2 and 3. His reply to me was a defiant and mystifying "Huzzah!". I noticed that he was doing it on purpose when he started catching the front of the beat in the songs that were started by the guitars. He can be a right @ssh@le at times. A few choice words will be said the next time we're all together. The only other noteworthy point about the night was that I'd given myself a Wattie Buchan style mohawk before the gig which remained in place all night despite a lot of frantic head banging and sweat. I've been growing my hair but it's just been so hot lately I decided to chop it all off. I only did it as a one off for a laugh but it went down so well ('specially with the chicks) that I've kept it.
  18. Here's an update to our conversation. It's a bit long but worth it for the comedy value alone.... (or how some people think they're completely right when they are plainly wrong) As always no edits. [b]him[/b] [quote]I have recieved a dispute notice from ebay regarding our transaction.. we could have resolve this issue if you had sent me your phone number as i asked but you refused to do this and make threats and fales acusations, which had left me to respond in accordance..so if you want to sort this out ASAP call me as I dont spend most of my time on the internet as i travel freqently i am in wales at present and will be off to portugal on sunday 29th...so call me or send your number so we can resolve this! ..... 07976 ******..[/quote]Ah so that explains his attitude. It's my fault! I wonder if his bad spelling is my fault too. [b]me[/b] [quote]You sound surprised but it was you that actually challenged me to initiate the process. ??? You seem very put out by all this but remember all I did was enter into a legally binding transaction on the basis of your description. Up to now you have been less than helpful in resolving the situation, consequently I am now fully prepared to take whatever means at my disposal to see this to conclusion. I'm not sure why you insist on requesting my phone number. What we need to do here can be sorted out quite easily through the correct channels and given that you feel I have made "threats and false accusations" I think it best for us both if everything be kept in writing anyway. You say that you are "a consistent ebayer", I take it that you are saying that you are a good ebayer with a good record. Why then, before we take this any further, don't you stand by this and simply accept the return? In all honesty given the case that's built up against the auction it would be pointless not to. You said that entering into the return/refund process would be a waste of your time, the truth is that if you had already done this all this would have been out of the way by now and far less time would have been wasted.[/quote]Yes I know it's patronising and skirts some big issues but I wanted to remain as impersonal and truthful as possible while not aggravating him any further. [b]him[/b] [quote]The simple reason for wanting your number is to "communicate" I looked at the posting and the description for the item where it states the Amp was "used" and it is your responsibility to communicate with me for further details regarding the item. The Amp is in immaculate condition regarding its usage and a couple of minor scratches, and It has never done a gig!.. Ok! look I will be away until the 6th of July so you can send the item back to me, I will email you ASA I get back!![/quote]So apparently "immaculate" encompasses a multitude of meanings including "not having been gigged" and only pertains to the way it was used rather than it's physical condition. How silly of me to have accepted the general meaning and not to have emailed him for his unique definition of the listing prior to bidding. I guess he really IS into communication. Result though. Now all I have to do is wait a week until he's spent my money in Portugal then denies ever having received the amp back from me. Perfect.
  19. I opened a dispute as he challenged and since then his emails have dried up. I composed a couple of emails along the lines of "not such a big man now eh?" to try and coax him into replying but when I read them back I wasn't happy with how I sounded so I deleted them. Not being good at confrontation and arguing I just can't find the proper words to say. Ebay have given me a semi exclusive number to call for advice but I don't know how long to leave it before getting in touch with them. I think it's fairly obvious he's going to be a dick and hold out as long as possible. I'm willing to take it to whatever extremes too now.
  20. [i]Midwife :[/i] Congratulations Mr. Pickguard... it's a [b]ROCKSTAAAAR[/b]!!!!
  21. [quote name='BassManKev' post='227616' date='Jun 26 2008, 09:12 PM'] i mean the pickguard is like a stingray's only, well, weird shaped sub's are great basses, i had one for over a year, stil my longest owned bass, its just the lack of body contouring, hence my slab of wood comment, made it a little uncomfortable for the forearm, n the painted neck sometimes felt a bit sticky, but its a great bass, certainly better than most basses for around £350[/quote] I'd read about sticky neck syndrome before I got mine and was almost put off by it but it turned out (in my case anyway) to be utter nonsense. Unlike some high gloss necks I have not noticed any impedance with the S.U.B.'s matt/satin finish whatsoever. As for the contouring or lack of that's not a problem either. I play very low slung, finger style so my right arm is straight down but even when I'm sitting down practising with my wrist hooked over the top it doesn't dig in or bother me. Maybe I'm just made of tougher stuff. I have noticed though during particularly hot gigs that I get a sweaty forearm right where it makes contact with the body. The only real issue I have with mine is the neck width. I've been used to J and Ibby necks for years and I'm finding the crossover a little tricky If you fumble a run or don't hit the fret absolutely spot on the bass lets you (and everyone else) know with a very pronounced MM buzz.
  22. [quote name='BassManKev' post='227049' date='Jun 26 2008, 12:40 AM']is that a mirror pickguard??[/quote] Sure looks like one. That could be fun. I already amuse myself by momentarily blinding folk with my SUB's oh so shiny control plate. Hmmm, I just remembered tho, I used to have one on a J bass years ago. Thought it would be cool but it lasted about 2 weeks - I got fed up constantly rubbing off finger marks.
  23. 1 Find someone who has always wanted to be in a band but has no discernible talent. 2 Bestow the position of "manager" upon them. 3 Sit back (rehearse) while they do all the phoning and flyers. This will reap dividends for about 6 months to a year when they finally figure out that being in a band is not really all it's cracked up to be and can actually be hard work at times. 4 See step 1.
  24. [quote name='neepheid' post='227391' date='Jun 26 2008, 02:28 PM']...thinking that some kind of [b]sandwich[/b], friction based design is called for...[/quote]Yup that's where I was going.
  25. Sounds like you had a rough one mate. What kind of strings are you unsing?
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