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Everything posted by Ou7shined
We have to tune to drop D a couple of times in our set so I usually thump out 2-3 of bars of Killing In The Name before we get going which usually gets a few nods from the crowd. Township Rebellion is a classic riff too but yeah +1 to learn 'em all.
Not strictly eBay but if you want a pro-Warwick...
Ou7shined replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
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[quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='100359' date='Dec 6 2007, 05:00 PM']I got my LMK head from GAK and it arrived 2 days later. Might be worth a punt (the prices were pretty good too)[/quote] Seasonal warning! I bought a pedal (Digitech Jamman) online from GAK last week and it still hasn't arrived. They keep shifting the dispatch date forward. I guess Christmas might be to blame but if they simply don't have it in stock I'd hope they'd just tell me.
[quote name='bassman2790' post='104391' date='Dec 14 2007, 05:01 PM']Thanks for the replies guys. It seems the GT-6B is very highly regarded and seems as though it will fit the bill nicely. I'm not usually frightened off by the less user-friendly technology and like a challenge. If I download the manual before I buy, I can get a head start. - Mark[/quote] 'at-tah-boy! There's also a [url="http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/gt-6b/"]yahoo group [/url]with tons of knowledge and tips - check out the midi editor software too. Good luck.
It's quite simple really. I have a Zoom B2.1U but it went back in the box the day I got my GT6-B and I've never used it since. Sure I miss the drum machine for practice, the solid tuner and it's east of programming, but the Boss is way more versatile with seamless patch switching but takes a loooong time to learn it (I can spend hours hunting down a specific sound that I know is there and never find it because I get caught up with the myriad of possible tweaks eg. even just selecting the order of the effect sequences of set effects can have a vast affect on the patches final sound) also via a midi connection the patches can be stored and edited on your PC. It's tuner is a bit twitchy compared to the Zoom's and takes twice as long to get to "pitch" which is 5 seconds dead air longer in a gig than necessary but I guess this is because it is uber accurate. Zoom B2.1U = Golf GTI GT6-B = Kimi Räikkönen's Ferrari
I found it kinda entertaining... but at the same time, a great lesson in what never to do on stage. It's obviously less chaotic than it looks too as somewhere out of site his sound guy is switching his effects for him at well choreographed points. It's probably not even real hooch.
completely unrelated to bass but....
Ou7shined replied to Ou7shined's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
[quote name='WarPig' post='103610' date='Dec 12 2007, 11:01 PM']is it just me, or do the measurements seem abit ambitious, considering the pictures.... 1000cm? isnt that 10mtr?.... unlesss they mean mm...[/quote] LOL I never spotted that. I never got past the factor to get into the details, but you're right. -
completely unrelated to bass but....
Ou7shined replied to Ou7shined's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
Maybe "far eastern ply" is especially resistant to rabbit and puppy teeth. I tell you, if this sells I'm buying a router. ^_^ -
Item number: 110203311801 WTF? (sorry links aren't working today) This is just wrong.... and how much?
[quote name='john_the_bass' post='103401' date='Dec 12 2007, 05:08 PM']if you wanted to look at the environmental impact then I'd rather buy something from a UK manufacturer which has only had to be shipped a short distance - especially when you consider that China are supposed to be the world's biggest polluter - presumably less manufacturing in China would reduce their pollution and possibly world pollution, if different manufacturing processes were used (although why these can't be implemented in the far east, I don't know) - although, if you take into account a product can be sold for less (including shipping it halfway around the world for sale and presumably some form of import tax) by making it in China, than making it here, the Chinese made variant starts to look attractive [i]edit: I've just read that back and it's a right cobbled together, unstructured load of words. I think i can understand what i'm trying to convey![/i][/quote] I think I get what you're saying and it's a good point.
[quote name='David Nimrod' post='103314' date='Dec 12 2007, 03:49 PM']No difference (that I can hear) in the sound - they're both Blueline drivers. But the leathercloth covering isn't as well applied on the Chinese cab, The badge is cheaper (what, me fussy?) and the wood seems to dent easier. Like I say, not important things, but my point is that there is a difference.[/quote] Gotcha. Both mine are Blueline too but are of different makes. Might be interesting to whip off a handle and have a peek at what drivers you've got.
[quote name='David Nimrod' post='103265' date='Dec 12 2007, 02:47 PM']My ABM combo is made in Essex, my 4 x 10 ABM cab is made in China. There are several things about the Chinese cab that are definately worse than the UK combo. It's not drastic, but there *is* a difference.[/quote] What's worse about them? Do you mean build quality or sound wise? Both my combo and cab are english. The construction in both is identical but the combo has Sica and the cab has Celestion drivers. There is a slight perceptible difference between them with the (presumably later) Celestions producing a tad more girth.
I think it actually refers to having thinner eyes and therefore however maliciously intended or not this expression used in an ethnic context comes under the heading of racisms. I'm sure that most of us could get off with talking like this privately with our our mates down the pub etc. (in fact in Scotland it is common to call a Chinese carry out a "chinky" but as this describes an establishment and not a person is not perceived as derogatory) but when you're chatting on the web you have to remember that the conversations aren't private and so consideration for others should be exercised. Shall we put this one to bed and talk about amps or what?
Another Ashdown fanboy here.... more specifically the ABM series. I occasionally use a MAG 300 2x10 at our practice rooms and it's obviously not in the same league at all. I almost went with Hartke before getting my 2001 "English" ABM but having since tested out an H3500 with accompanying Hartke 4x10 I'm reeeeeally glad I didn't. I'll tell ye how good it is - I always used to play through my GT6-B in an attempt to model the sound I was after, since discovering Ashdown it's more or less just a very expensive tuner now. I've pestered Ashdown CS with my noob questions on a number of occasions and had the replies and helpful pdf files back within hours... sometimes minutes. I have swapped out the noisy Sunon fans for "silent" ones for home use (time will tell if this was a good idea or not) and I use in conjunction with an extra ABM 410T cab for really loud gigs. What I think I've noticed on BC is that Ashdowns are really good value for money and are a pretty decent stop gap before getting into the really superior stuff by which time you don't make any mistakes... or you'd better not as the really good stuff will make your imperfections in playing stand out. Yes? Having said that there are a lot of high profile musicians using Ashdown. The Foo's were on the telly the other night and I turned to the Mrs and smugly said "look there's my amp"........ yeah well she doesn't know any better My mute isn't 100% either but I only noticed this yesterday when I was playing my ipod through it - I've never heard my bass or power "pops" come through the mute ever.
It's all a bit blurry for me. There were always guitars around the house when I was a kid coz my step dad was a gigging bass man and a session musician. Got my own 1st guitar when I was about 16. All my mates were musically orientated too and we had several bands but none that ever actually gigged or even had names. I got into travelling so did many a turn around the camp fire etc. then through necessity got into busking too. I would say that it was probably about 10 years on into playing guitar that I had my first actual paying gig. I'm 41 now and still gigging and though find it hard to find time to practice every available minute of the day like I used to I still make time to practice at least every other day. I hear what your saying about intolerant g/f's etc. It is hard to practice bass in the home and not be intruding into someone else's space. Lucky for me my g/f is so knackered from work that she usually falls asleep watching telly every night - cue practice time. Maybe you could get one of those guitar trainer things that you can plug in headphones a jam along to CD's or if that seems too antisocial get an acoustic, chill out with your girlfriend on the sofa and while she's watching Corrie quietly plonk about then jam along to the adverts (sounds naff but I've been doing it for years - it hones your ability to pick out tunes), watch shows like Jools Holland (where you can see the musicians) and jam along to that too. [b]edit[/b] : [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TASCAM-CD-BT1-Mk2-bass-guitar-trainer-practice-BNIB_W0QQitemZ270194949866QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]This[/url] is the type of thing I was on about.
[quote name='s_u_y_*' post='101089' date='Dec 7 2007, 07:35 PM']Anyone know if it is possible to get the Live version on Jools Holland from somewhere. I've just bought Munia. Great album... much more diverse than I expected it would be. But I really prefered the version of Dina Lam on Jools.[/quote] The Jools Holland that's on tonight was last on on the 8-9 of Nov (I only know coz I recorded the Zero7 bits) so you never know the Richard Bona one might be back on again shortly.
[quote name='Davetbass' post='101229' date='Dec 8 2007, 12:34 AM']I would rather play to a crowd of people for nothing than 5 people for £100![/quote] Totally agree with you there... but wouldn't you rather still that if that crowd had paid to get in that a fair share went to the guys putting on the show rather than half going to the venue who will take multiples of that over the bar anyway? [quote name='Davetbass' post='101229' date='Dec 8 2007, 12:34 AM']My bands playing the Barfly next Saturday... I`ll ask about and see what I can find out for you.[/quote] Cheers mate that would be wkd. but don't go mentioning any names - I don't want them getting upset with us before we even play there.
[url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gQLJdW2eDTo"]Here's[/url] a different version (with very good quality audio ) and it doesn't have Bobby Mcferrin being all enigmatic over it. I like how he includes putting the capo on and making sure it's all in tune as part of the performance.
[quote name='jay249' post='100770' date='Dec 7 2007, 11:16 AM']Anyone know what the song he played was called? it was absolutely brilliant, I loved it.[/quote] I'm not 100% on this but I think it was [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SSt2MLLqkEw"]Dina Lam[/url]
Someone a Play Dot Com must have seen your thread then realised their error. They're up to £34.99 now.
Jammed "Hey Joe" with 2 blokes from Def Leopard in a really really small pub somewhere on the Norfolk Broads during the actual bands break and had a heavy breathing session with Rolf Harris in HMV Aberdeen. He drew me a signed Rolf-a-roo on a scrap of paper but I foolishly gave it to some strumpet I was trying to impress at the time.
Well worth the wait. Très tranquille.
[quote name='16Again' post='100536' date='Dec 6 2007, 09:38 PM']aye you should try the Aberdeen music shops (there are 2 maybe 3!) miserable, unhelpful and majorley (sorry spelling police!) over priced with very little bass choice. in other words....sh*te!! i live above the main music shop in town and go in about once a week, just to see if they have anything worth bothering about and not one of them has said hello or anything, too busy speaking about some guitar or keyboard or wandering around the shop aimlessly looking for f*ck knows what![/quote] Word. You live on the green then bud? :ph34r: I used to love going into guitar shops and feel like part of an elite breed but now I feel more excluded than ever. Unlike years ago when me and some mates were mucking about making videos and we went into a certain top Aberdeen guitar shop (which at that time was up Rosemount) and with the full cooperation of the owner went daft. He even pretended to sell us something in the film. Go into the same shop now and it's like your just an inconvenience for the staff to cope with until knocking off time when they score cool points off their "scene" mates coz they work in a music shop. Ugh... Taxi for Mr. Meldrew....
... if that's yo thang on Joolz Holand right now on Dave.
Well I bought it. I've posted my first impressions [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8928&st=0&gopid=100388&#entry100388"]here[/url].