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Everything posted by Ou7shined

  1. Just my tuppence like, but I really enjoyed his performance... although I found the sloppy bongos and the lead guitar over doing it in his 15sec of fame a bit dodgy. And the fact that he wanted to put a slant on this frequently covered classic by using a fretless (and 2 drummers - ???) is perfectly ok in my book. And for an old boy his vocals kicked ass too.
  2. Pearl Jam's [b]Alive[/b]. We usually keep it for our last one before encores. It's not my most favourite song (although I do love playing it) but the crowd always blow the roof off in the chorus.
  3. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='89314' date='Nov 16 2007, 11:52 AM']That looks awesome! Have you really not been able to find new ones?! I seem to see them all the time in Gamlins, Cardiff (not that that's any help to you...) but I can't find 'em online at all[/quote] I must admit I haven't tried all that hard, just looked in a couple of obvious places but if anyone can find one online could you give me shout. btw I like your awesome cool one (looks comfy) and I like the metal spikey one too - it would be handy to slap hecklers round the head with when they call your clear one gay.
  4. [quote name='jacko' post='89319' date='Nov 16 2007, 12:00 PM']Hmmm. They're advertised as one of a kind then further down they say "These two pieces are identical to the ones used by top bass players like U2's Adam Clayton and System Of A Down's Shavo Odadjian!!"[/quote] I'm guessing that they mean that it is a one off paint job but that the exact same set-up has been used by xyz - just worded badly. Anyway I'm still [u]almost[/u] thinking about it (just the grill like) but I'll get my 1x15 first before going any further.
  5. I've been using a 2" wide, clear plastic one for that last 5-6 years. I like that it looks invisible even though it is just a tad too short for my liking. It offers no comfort whatsoever but it is cool, so hey. In all the time I've been using it I can't recall anyone ever mentioning it until a couple of weeks ago I got a heckler who felt the need to share with us all how "gay" he thought it was as I put it on at the start of our set. It's actually approaching the end of it's useful life now as the pressure point (where the thin bit loops into the thick bit) has started to tear and you can see layers of plastic where it was once solid but I can't seem to find a new one and putting "clear strap" into an eBay search comes up with lots of new fangled lady-bump-baskets.
  6. I saw [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdown-ABM-810-ABM-900-CUSTOM-HOT-ROD-FLAME-Bass-Stack_W0QQitemZ180178738609QQihZ008QQcategoryZ121159QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] on ebay.... ...and it got me [url="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d67/ou7shined/bass/Ashdownfire.jpg"]thinking[/url]. :ph34r:
  7. Thanks Steve. I took a peek inside via one of the handles. They are indeed 8ohm drivers - by Sica. I've made up a simple diagram of the wiring too using the same colour coding. I'll post it too for the possible aid of others. Ok last question any ideas on what this 1x15 cab should be to be a good match? I had had my eye on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140173276631&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=004"]this[/url] but I guess it won't do now.. and it was just down the road from me too.
  8. That's great news. I was told that the 4x10's in the combo are already 4ohm (but there is nothing written on the amp to back that up) so what ohmage of cab is it safe to add?
  9. I've just bought [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7490"]this bad boy[/url] - old style mark 1. I've been told that I can maximise the amps wattage by adding a 1x15. There is a "sub out" and the official blurb from Ashdown states that this is to be used with an "ASHDOWN 400 Watt powered sub unit". Sadly these units seem to have fallen from the face of the Earth since then but that's a whole other kettle of fish. I do have a never used (won it in a battle of the bands) powered 15" 180w 8ohm Peavey wedge (Eurosys 15pm) in storage but I guess this wouldn't do much for my sound at all. Here's the rear of my rig. Can I add a cab to the other output and if so what wattage should I run? We've got a dodgy last minute replacement gig in a few days and the PA will be for vocal only. Our drummer is a hard hitter and our lead guitar falls on the very loud side too, rhythm guitar has just got a new Orange so he'll likely be pulling out the stops to see what it can do so it would be nice to have something in reserve for myself if things get too much.
  10. Ma doo's are aye chappin' thanks. I was gonna type up some dates for yiz but it's just quicker to copy over a flyer. (I hope this outrageous self promotion doesn't contravene forum rules)
  11. Mmmmm waaalnuuut! One of my favourite woods. Swirly. Your custom jobs look wicked good luck with the fretless. I'm probably gonna have to get a fretless at some point too if I'm to do Jeff Ament any justice but for the mo I'm using my GT-6B to simulate one.
  12. I have 2 slight dings on the neck of my otherwise pristine Ibanez SRX300 where it fell (and bounced) against a table The dings are on the back of the neck and have no discernible effect upon the playing or sound but it just bugs me that they are there. Can they be removed? Many moons ago in a different incarnation I used to build and repair furniture and a trick that we could sometimes employ with small dings was place a damp cloth over it and gently iron over the area and it would rehydrate and expand the wood until the pit disappeared. I'm reluctant to try this on the neck as primarily I'm scared there's a chance of warping the neck by heating it and secondly it's obviously a hard wood and might not respond anyway. It feels and looks like bare wood but (and I'm just guessing here) presumably there is an extremely thin, clear matt finish of some sort on it, this would put the kybosh on that plan too. I suppose I could always claim it on my home insurance but that seems quite drastic considering the damage.
  13. [quote name='neepheid' post='42309' date='Aug 7 2007, 08:57 AM']Nae bad, fit like yersel?[/quote] Ha ha a fellow granite city loon. If you're [b]un[/b]lucky enough to be passing by the Moorings this Saturday night you'll get a lugful of us rockin the shop. If the Moorings ain't your cup o tea (and lets face it they are shall we say "niche" :ph34r:) we've got Drummonds and The Lemon Tree coming up too. Are you gigging? What do you play yersel?
  14. Hi fellow bassists. My name is Rich. <- that's me. I live in Aberdeen, I'm 40 and a full time dad. I've been playing guitar for well over 20 years now (whoosh - gone just like that) I don't think that I'm all that good really but whatever it is I'm doing I must be doing right as fellow muso's and fans alike seem to rate me. I've always considered myself more of a guitarist (6 stringer) but over the last few years circumstances have conspired against that notion and I keep getting typecast as a bassist. After a 2 year break from music to pursue the career mentioned earlier and long history of playing in grunge bands (were talking original scene here - not the current yoot resurgence) I was headhunted and persuaded to join a brand new Pearl Jam tribute band called... wait for it... Pearl Jammin'. It's a wee bit odd that I'm the same age as both our guitarist's combined, but as they never guessed that I'm a wrinkly until I let slip down the pub last week I'm not that bothered about it. We are gigging and pulling in a fair crowd in Aberdeen venues. We've got bookings for further afield coming up too. I would put my bass playing style down to years of hooking into the minutia of Geezer Butler magic. Other influences have been Horace Panter (The Specials - my first favourite band) , Flea, the subtle tones of a chap called Walters from a 60's outfit you may have heard of named Pink Floyd have helped and now I am coming to appreciate just how good Jeff Ament was/is. My own creations smack of Soundgarden. I have a great appreciation of all types of music but very little tolerance for modern chart stuff which I see primarily as regurgitated pap geared toward a consumerist market rather than providing for an enthusiast one. I'm particularly taken by [b]Opeth[/b] at the moment - which might say a lot about me actually. My gear -> [b]Ibanez SRX300[/b] + [b]Boss GT-6B[/b]... ...and that's pretty much it really. I'm quite literally "sans amp" I generally DI from my GT-6B into whatever PA we're using and if circumstances dictate, I can DI to the PA from my Laney RBH700 which I simultaneously pump into a 10" Peavey wedge to use as a bass monitor for me and the drummer. At home I practice through my NAD/Castle hi-fi - my neighbours love me and at rehearsals I use whatever lump the room provides - usually Peavey or Ashdown. I'm technically pretty rotten and not up on pro gear so I guess I'll not be much help 'round here but as a veteran I might be able to chip in with my tuppence from time to time and I'll probably ask some dumb-ass questions to top up my failing grey matter too. Right, I need to go to bed now... this has taken faaar too long to do. Night all. Mind how ye go. btw : fit like = Aberdonian for hello
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