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Everything posted by Ou7shined

  1. Voted Black coz that's what mine is (single ply though)..... but I wouldn't say no to the tort.
  2. Hey thanks ever so much for taking the time to post this. From what I can see, it looks a little different to the one I have here. He might have used similar techniques to wire them up though. I wonder if you could knock up a rough sketch of how everything is connected in your circuit? I might be able to get a better idea of where he was coming from and replicate it in this one here.
  3. Lol I saw that one. Who knows it might be a good time for it with this sudden trend for double Ps on here just now.
  4. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1393876142' post='2385420'] Rich. Have a look at this thread on the very subject. [url="http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=10021"]http://www.finnbass....ead.php?t=10021[/url] [/quote] Wow well done guys. What a beauty. Great minds think alike eh. I'm sadly not going to make this bash but tell Dave that he and I need to organise a duet for the next one each taking turns to play bass then guitar. Seriously. That modular thing that Stuart found at the end of the thread is very interesting. Wish I'd thought of that.
  5. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1393797893' post='2384511'] That one is from here: [url="http://www.philandjoanworld.com/index.php/pheo_guitars/"]http://www.philandjo...p/pheo_guitars/[/url] But i spent a few hours googling doubleneck and twinneck guitars, and saved a bunch of pictures i liked. [/quote] Nice collection. Do you have one of your own?
  6. Ok so here at last are my thoughts in pictorial form. At first (when I was thinking more practically) I was planning something along these lines.... Hardly ground breaking. But then while I was hunting for inspiration fate brought forth an Ibby Iceman neck and a Dimarzio Model One. Now I've always liked certain aspects of the Iceman design but I'm not big on single cuts or stubby upper horns.... so ideas started forming. As for the Dimarzio - check out this video... [media]http://youtu.be/OFB9o9agOsA[/media] At around 1:06 he finds something close to my holy grail of tones. Very Geezer Bultler the early years. I'm sold on the Model One. So a couple of hours pottering about in photoshop and here's the fruit of my labours.... My g/f calls it the [color=#008000]Green Goblin[/color]. She's not wrong. So here we have a more definitive list of the items I have for this project.... Ibanez Iceman neck Dimarzio Model One EB-3 bridge pickup (may or may not use this) Schaller 2000 bridge Yamaha LL-?? neck Rio Grande Tallboy humbucker Schaller 456 bridge I've seen green speed dial knobs on ebay. Still needs a few details ironed out here and there but generally I'm happy.
  7. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1393789946' post='2384410'] The VPL was the deal breaker for me sorry A [/quote] I think for me it was the brazilian.
  8. Ok then £1000000 for the lot.
  9. Here's meh! (edit : English Translation = This will be me)
  10. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1393677225' post='2383216'] This one is quite compact, and i agree with the idea of angling the necks away from eachother to make it a bit lighter. [/quote] Wow a real "parts box" job that one eh.... where do you find these Using an existing body seems like the idea practical[size=4] solution (and I considered it) but the cost to the aesthetics is too much for me. The trick is finding the balance. I fear that my newest design may be placing more emphasis on looks that it does on practicality. Hopefully I'll be able to tweak this a bit more once I have the timber glued and have something physical to work with.[/size] [size=4]I guess I should get some concept pics up soon. [/size]
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1393671709' post='2383108'] While idly searching for a picture of an audio waveform that closely resembles a knob, I came across (fnarr) this intriguing idea for jewellery based on significant waveforms such as this 'I love you' pendant... But I digress... [/quote] Wouldnt that make a wonderful concept for a buttplug.... for valentines day perhaps? Anyway my vote went to the guy who sadly didn't get a review from Paul (late arrival - oopsie). I felt it was an original piece, dark and supremely atmospheric which suited the subject picture to a tee. The production felt a bit mechanical to me but considering it was compiled entirely of vst's its not surprising. Worthy of a few more votes if you ask me.
  12. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1393661946' post='2383020'] There was no pop when switching. Setting the necks at different depths is something I considered, it could also allow you to get the necks closer together without compromising access to the machine heads.. If I did it again I would go Steinberger, I'd be able to get the necks closer together and drastically reduce the weight. Being able to change necks even on occasion mid song was great but to keep costs down I couldn't build the bass I really wanted. [/quote] Cheers Dom. I guess the weight/mass aspect could actually be more of an issue than I gave serious thought to. Your design looks very neat and yet you'd still prefer less body. Very interesting. Getting the necks closer together isn't as much of a problem for a guitar/bass as the guitar can nuzzle alongside the bass without the machineheads even being close (especially if you don't make the necks parallel). In fact I'm bothered that I could[size=4] place them too close in my effort to save space. What do you think would be an optimal distance apart?[/size] Does a double necker balance the same as a normal one? I'm considering a shorter top horn than standard for my design ... which has now drastically changed overnight due to a bit of late night "inspiration". If things come together as I hope then my new design will make it a world first.
  13. Well done. Great song.
  14. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1393626014' post='2382869'] [/quote] Ah yes. I remember when you built this. I remember too how much I admired it. I take it the switch in the middle selects between fretted and fretless. Something I'm worried about, is there any "pop" as you switch guitars? Funnily enough I was just going over my design in photoshop and I added the upper fret access for my guitar neck in exactly the same way as you have for your fretless. Previously I had envisaged the body just connecting straight up between the two neck pockets. I wasn't comfortable with my new look cut out though. However having seen your pictures I see how it actually looks a lot better in real life than it does in 2d. It will stay. Cheers for that. If there was anything you could do again what would it be? I'm not really a fret watcher but I do look down now and again if I'm making a large jump between frets or I loose concentration. I'm considering making one neck maybe a cm deeper set than the other so I can see the lower one without obstruction. Daft idea?
  15. I can't imagine that Elixers are any less inclined to mark the board than other rounds. TI's are quite bright.
  16. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1393616723' post='2382717'] I've got a Pangborn circuit in one of my basses. Push/Pull on one of the volume controls, phantom power. Seem to remember that there was a stacked pot in there and the circuit board was enclosed in something or other. I'm a bit busy this weekend but I'll see if I can have a poke around and let you know what I find. [/quote] Aw man that would be awesome thanks. No push/pull in this one though.... just scratchy barely functioning crap. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1393616723' post='2382717'] Edit: There used to be a Pangborn group on Yahoo. Common comment was that the electronics could be a bit unreliable. [/quote] From what I have here I can well believe it. It sounds lovely plugged in ... you just can't change anything.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1393605906' post='2382540'] You will need extra arms. And to be as cool as this guy. [/quote] Hahah. A bass fit for a destroyer of worlds. Imagine his monthly bill for deodorant though.
  18. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1393603802' post='2382503'] Here's one I made earlier At the Cardiff Bass Bash. Not me playing it. [url="http://s970.photobucket.com/user/gelfin5959/media/DSCF0005_zps6bccc808.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Nice design mate. I like how you offset the necks so that they lined up vertically in the playing possition.
  19. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1393590650' post='2382281'] Alright! Yes! Ace! Heres a page of ideas for you. Ive been wanting to build a twin neck myself, as so have been collecting images for inspiration. Heres a collection of them, though admittedly half are twin basses, but screw them! [url="http://trichards.co.uk/gallery.php?load=images/gallery/Doublenecks/"]http://trichards.co....ry/Doublenecks/[/url] Also, consider making them splittable, ala the genesis. Guy built a tribute, and the method he used to keep them together was good. Heres his build diary. [url="http://www.grubersaberhagen.co.uk/Grubersaberhagen/Genesis_Build/Entries/2009/6/27_Genesis_Build_Part_1.html"]http://www.grubersab...ild_Part_1.html[/url] Good luck with it. [/quote] Wow. Cheers for the link bud. It would appear that with the exception of one or two they all have to follow a certain similar formula. Mine I think will resemble the Hayman/Shergold job held by the happy dude.
  20. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1393586395' post='2382202'] I played a twin neck for a couple of years , I came to the conclusion that the only way to get the weight down was to go Steinberger! I did plan a second attempt but the cost was going to be astronomical (you are building two basses) [/quote] Hopefully with this being half bass and half guitar it won't be too bad. The guitar neck does feel very manageable compared to what I'm used to from basses.
  21. Hi all. I've been given a single pup Pangborn with dodgy 'tronics to work on. The owner has made one or two home "improvements" in it's time. Chiefly the Vol pot, which does absolutely nothing now. He also partially installed an LED for the active circuit. It was a horrible mess and I've spent all day tracing, re-soldering, removing extraneous wires and replacing old corroded ones) and still can't figure out what's wrong. My poor finger tips are now scorched from soldering and de-soldering in the tiny space for the controls and I'm pretty fed up. The big old preamp is still wrapped up old school style in it's original masking tape and copper foil. So I'd rather only crack it open as a last resort - although tracing the circuit would be much more finite if I did. Below is my diagram of how it was originally presented to me (once I'd removed all the dross). I hope I've made everything clear enough. To the best of his knowledge this is how it was before he started modding it too. Although he can't be certain of the pot value that he removed. I've tried a 500k B and a 10k pot in case it was a bit fishy like an EMG circuit but nothing helps. Note : The centre control is stacked - both pots are fixed and adjust simultaneously. What I thought was a 50k treble pot in the diagram actually turns out to be more like a 100 when measured. The controls are vol>bass>treb in active mode (bass and treb seem to work to an extent) and I presume that it should then become vol>tone in passive mode (with the treble pot now out of the circuit) but obviously it doesn't function in this state. The pup bypasses the vol pot which itself bypasses the tone and the lone connection to the tone pot (if that's what it is) seems pointless. Any suggestions guys? Many thanks in advance.
  22. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1393606850' post='2382557'] I've been meaning to post some constructive feedback on everyone's entries, so here goes...! [b]....[/b] [b]Ou7shined: [/b]As those above, good use of samples. Love the bass tone/playing. Interesting melody. The simple rhythm part really works. I really like the middle section where the bass drops out, leaving just the ghostly synth part. Subtle but very effective. Nice mix and production. Great track! [b]...[/b] [/quote] Wow thanks Paul! I was obviously very much out of my comfort zone genre wise with the track but I just let the vibe of the project dictate the direction it took. Although not my usual thing I do hear references to some of my biggest non rock influences in there. Going back a few days after first recording it I realised that the simple percussion line you mentioned was reminiscent of Pink Floyd's Childhood's Dream and Obscured By Clouds (in fact I think I now see a few nods to the mighty PF in there) and from the bass and keys side I hear a little Kate Bush. I find it fascinating how these musical flavours steel themselves deep within us and pop out subconsciously into our music when they feel like it. I'm glad you mentioned the production as making the grade. My monitoring is through a quite old 2.1 Logitech computer setup and although I think it sounds ok most of the time I worry a lot about my "mastering" such that it is.
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