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Herbie The Rad Dorklift

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Everything posted by Herbie The Rad Dorklift

  1. Didn't see this forum before... >.< Bought this from Thom on here, I believe the Gent before him custom ordered it. Plays and sounds like an absolute dream.
  2. I have noticed that volume definitely makes a difference. In short, I'm not really sure what kind of tone I want.. I'm new to bass. I just thought there was maybe something that everyone ALWAYS uses. Like, in my guitar rig I'd always use a graphic EQ pedal, but never thought about it for bass. Are compressors something you'd have on all the time if you had one?
  3. My rig is as follows: Markbass Mini CMD121p Sandberg MM2 That's it! I'm using a Boss TU-2 (Soon to get a Polytune as I prefer it), and use the DI out on the amp. I'm after anything to make my sound "better", so I'm thinking EQ pedal? Compressor? Sonic Stomp? What are your never-leave-home-without pedals? I play in a pop rock band, and I EQ my bass pretty flat at the moment (All dials at 12 o'clock on the amp, the 2 filter knobs off for now as I haven't experimented with them, both humbucker pickups on the bass and flat bass EQ).
  4. Got his today from ThomBassmonkey, was also owned (and custom ordered) by another member here. Sandberg MM2. It sounds bloody lovely with my Markbass....
  5. Hiscox arrived this morning from Reidy's. Top service and overnight delivery.
  6. I've messaged the guy about the Hiscox, no reply as of yet!
  7. I'm looking at these two: [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/skb-1-skb-fb4-shaped-standard-bass-case--42256"]SKB[/url] [url="http://www.dv247.com/cases/hiscox-std-ebs-electric-bass-guitar-case--25567"]Hiscox[/url] Ideally, I'd like one of those fancy tweed looking ones (Like the Fender), but they aren't molded to fit the bass. Wouldn't it move around? How are these compared to the Fender ones: [url="http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=6297-3980&ref=base"]Tweed case[/url] Many thanks.
  8. I see. Out of interest, how much are these worth?
  9. Why aren't you interested in selling?
  10. I can't try one, which is annoying, but that cream/shell 5 string looks hella nice.
  11. I don't know much about bass outside the usual suspects, and I came across this brand just today. The Apeiron H5: It looks wonderful, and the price is alright too, £1450. Now, how would this compare (build wise, I understand sound is subjective and all that) to a Fender 5 Jazz at £1413: Or my dream bass, a Musicman Stingray 5 double humbucker at £1700ish. Is the clover up to scratch build quality wise against these 2 USA basses? How do the parts compare? How does it sound? My bass amp is a Markbass Mini CMD121p. Thanks to anyone who can help
  12. I don't know much about bass outside the usual suspects, and I came across this brand just today. The Apeiron H5: It looks wonderful, and the price is alright too, £1450. Now, how would this compare (build wise, I understand sound is subjective and all that) to a Fender 5 Jazz at £1413: Or my dream bass, a Musicman Stingray 5 double humbucker at £1700ish. Is the clover up to scratch build quality wise against these 2 USA basses? How do the parts compare? How does it sound? My bass amp is a Markbass Mini CMD121p. Thanks to anyone who can help EDIT - Bugger wrong forum!
  13. I think I'll just get the extra pup. You never know, I may end up using it lots....
  14. It just felt a bit "tight", but maybe I'd get used to it and prefer it I'll try getting used to playing by the bridge on my Schecter.
  15. Ahh it's still called picking even with fingers eh? *strokes moustache* I'm a guitar player you see, been playing bass for about a year, but trying my best to do it "properly"
  16. Maybe I just need to man up and finger down by the bridge? (I did plenty of that when I was younger )
  17. Perhaps I could VERY carefully superglue it on? Or indeed trim some double sided trim tape to size (probably the safest, reversible way). Another question; is it worth getting the extra pickup? Even just to noodle around with for different sounds? I'm buying new, so an extra £135 isn't [i]that[/i] much more...
  18. I could fit a thumb rest, but I'm useless at DIY! Would I just screw it in, or would I need to drill?
  19. I'm currently playing a Schecter Stiletto Custom 5, great bass for the money, but not mine. It has 2 pickups, and I rest my thumb on the "neck" pickup while fingering. I'm soon to buy a Musicman Stingray 5, and don't know whether to get the extra neck pickup for £135. I won't really be using the pickup selector very much (I tend to stick to one sound), so will only really be using it for a thumb rest and aesthetical value, unless of course I decide I love the neck pickup sound. I can't try one out because it's all bridge pickup only Stingrays near me. Do I: A) Get a Stingray with both. B ) Practice fingering over the bridge pickup on my Schecter and get a 1 pickup Stingray. C) Buy a 1 pickup Stingray and "hover" my thumb. ?
  20. How do, I think I [i]may[/i] have secured a Musicman (which is my ideal bass), so take any other offers and I'll get back to you if not! thanks.
  21. Any chance of it being couriered?
  22. Great guy, great sale. He's currently enjoying my Fender P. Cheers
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