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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='fenderiko' post='617372' date='Oct 5 2009, 01:11 PM']so you are suggesting that cabs with a rare port are no good for outdoors gigs ? ? ? surly the amp/cab makers would have thought of that when designing the cab ? ? please correct me if Im wrong R[/quote] Just personal experience with the pair of Ashdown Mini 4x8s I had 6 years ago. Fine indoors, especially in front of a wall. Useless outdoors in the middle of a stage. That's why I sold them.
  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='617355' date='Oct 5 2009, 01:02 PM']A rear port only needs a port diameter behind it to work well and most heavy-duty speakon cables force you to give the cab that much clearance at the back - literally only 3" or 4" is required for the vast majority of cabs.[/quote] Except when you're playing outdoors old boy, when your LF content disappears into the field behind you.
  3. [quote name='TRadford' post='616285' date='Oct 4 2009, 10:08 AM']The neck plate seems to be blank though, surely it should be stamped with the serial number or the logo? The headstock seems to be 1976-8 style from what I can make out. The bridge, I cant find one like it anywhere. I suppose its possible it is a 70's stingray thats just had bits chopped and changed.[/quote] My pre-EB has all gold-plated hardware and the neck plate is plain. The bridge should be larger and have the string mutes and yes the pick-up is too close to the bridge. Asked the seller if it was active or passive and if active where was the battery? Answer "hi i know nothing about guitars sorry i cant help you i dont think it has a batt."
  4. [quote name='TRadford' post='616231' date='Oct 4 2009, 08:51 AM']Anyone seen this? Looks a bit dubious to me, but I know little about them. The back plate looks wrong, there is no battery compartment, the bridge doesnt look quite right.... what do you lot think? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290355478695&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Ebay link[/url][/quote] That is very interesting. The neck looks to be original pre-EB. Bullet truss rod, skunk stripe and 3-bolt neck plate. Control plate could be but the body is probably not. The bridge definitely doesn't look right. Story: Several years ago a local luthier borrowed my pre-EB so that he could take a pattern of the body. He had a customer in Sussex who had several old Stingray necks that he needed bodies for. Go figure.
  5. [quote name='lozbass' post='615684' date='Oct 3 2009, 01:38 PM']I use a 502 and I'm very happy with it. As far as I know, it has the same front end as the 902 but a Class D power section. Does the 902 have a Class A? (and bear in mind, I could be talking though my backside - I haven't checked the Epi site for specs). OBBM - how would you describe the difference, i.e., is the 902 "better" in terms of tone or some other factor - power, versatility re: powering various cabs etc?[/quote] It's my understanding that the 902 is also Class D but has a different power supply to the 502. As for the differences I only gigged it a few times with my UL112/T112NYC cabs, both 8-ohms. Bags of power, almost too much, and very, very clean. I used to have a 502 for several years and I think there is a sound difference but couldn't say exactly what. You would have to A/B them to hear the difference. I'm sure the guys on TB can explain. Certainly having two 900-watt power amps gives loads of options for cabs. Running a 5.3-ohm cab and a 4-ohm cab was so simple.
  6. [quote name='NAS' post='615641' date='Oct 3 2009, 12:33 PM']That's a wicked stack, must have sounded wonderful and generated major trouser flapping action. Love the look of the Status too.[/quote] The 212/310 combination was also amazing. Never got the chance to gig it though. It's not a Status, it's a Stingray 5 with a Status neck, my main gigging bass for several years. It just feels and sounds rigth to me.
  7. [quote name='NAS' post='615260' date='Oct 2 2009, 09:30 PM']I'd be interested to know what you run this into (cabs). I've got Epifani UL115 and UL210 (both 500W @ 8 ohms I think). At the moment I use an SWR SM900. I hear the 902C produces a good sound through the Epifani cabs, and the amp is a little simpler than the SWR. Also I should be able to configure it so that I can use the two channels to switch sounds while being able to drive both cabs to capacity. Thanks, NS[/quote] I originally got it to drive 2 x UL310 (5.3-ohm each) but ended up gigging it with my pair of 1 x 12s, UL112 + T112NYC, (both 8-ohms). Very clean punchy sound and oodles of headroom. Before this I had a UL502 for 2-years and I think the 902 is better. I've also tried it with 1xUL310 (5.3-ohm) and 1xUL212 (4-ohm). This goes against the purists rules of mixing cone sizes but sounded pretty massive. I would think it would work very well with your cabs.
  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='615131' date='Oct 2 2009, 07:23 PM']....., but there will be plenty more Bashes![/quote] True and I may have something worth bringing next time.
  9. [quote name='craigonbass' post='615122' date='Oct 2 2009, 07:12 PM']I notice No3 OBBM is missing, is Dave not coming? Craig[/quote] I want to go but I'm not up to it yet Craig. Recovery is taking longer than I thought.
  10. [quote name='NAS' post='614914' date='Oct 2 2009, 04:04 PM']Hi obbm, No "sign off" on this item, is it still for sale? Thanks, NAS[/quote] Still available.
  11. I've had a DJ4, DJ5, JO5, JS4 and currently retain a Duck Dunn which has had a J bridge pick-up added. All of them have been excellent quality. I think the DJ5 was the lightest and sometimes I regret selling it because it had a great growly tone. Perhaps I should get another Note the JO4 and the DD share the same neck specification. The DJ4 neck has a different profile and an extra fret as the body has been slimmed down.
  12. I've dug these out from my archives and removed the component values. It shows the similarities between these pre-amps. All three have the same tone control structure (Fender) - bass and treble boost only, mid cut only. The F2B is the most basic design uses two valve stages to achieve its gain The F1X has a cathode follower first stage to provide a very high impedance input and low impedance output to the effects loop. All the gain is in the second valve stage. The tone control has an additional deep switch. Not shown is DI output stage and an adjustable crossover for bi-amping. The Trace uses the same fundamental circuit as the F1X with a few componet value changes. There is an added Mid Shift switch. There is a second valve of which the first stage is used to bring the gain back up after the tone circuit and the second stage is another cathode follower to provide a very low impedance output. The Trace V8 pre-amp is an evolution of this with a switchable dual valve overdrive stage positioned between the output of the second stage and the tone circuit. It can be switched by relays and can be controlled remotely.
  13. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='607235' date='Sep 23 2009, 11:17 PM']Not really, they are based on the Showman circuit but they are not the same. The Trace has a different tone circuit to the F-1X. The F-2B channel is closer to the showman.[/quote] OK there are some minor component differences but the basic circuits are still the same.
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='606708' date='Sep 23 2009, 03:04 PM']Any chance of a scan of that?[/quote] I've found the front end schematic up to the point where if goes to the DI and the crossover. I'm not sure that I ever did the rest and certainly not the power supply, they are so boring. I'll email you what I have if you pm me your email addy.
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='606630' date='Sep 23 2009, 01:17 PM']What preamps have you got lying around these days, want to loan me any I'll return them I promise *ninja*[/quote] Sadly I have none these days Steve. If I did have any you would be very welcome to try them. All I have are 3 solid-state heads, an Orange AD200 and three project valve amps. I went through a whole load of pre-amps when I was gigging intensively a few years ago finally settling on an Alembic F1X. With a 5751 instead of the 12AX7 it was beautifully smooth howver the weight of it togther with a QSC and tuner, all in a flight-case was too much weight.
  16. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='606256' date='Sep 22 2009, 11:11 PM']F-2B is a dual F1X isn't it with a few less switches, like a more basic but dual version?[/quote] Not at all. Different animal. In the F2B both stages give gain with the tone stack between them. The F1X has a cathode follower first stage to give a low impedance drive to the effects loop. All the gain is in the second stage with the tone stack following. Then there is a solid state output driver, transformer DI and crossover for bi-amping. When I owned one I took it apart and sketched the schematic.
  17. [quote name='dood' post='606217' date='Sep 22 2009, 10:43 PM']I'd urge you to see if you can find a Trace V-Type preamp. The schematic is very similar - but I actially think the Trace is a better design - and has an effects loop ;o)[/quote] Sorry to differ but the Trace is the same as the Alembic F1X and BBE BMAX-T. F2B is different design.
  18. I will provide a new Bassic-bits 1m Klotz Speakon to Speakon cable (see #3) 1. Trace Elliot Stainless Steel strings 40-100 gauge 2. Trace Elliot Acoustic Phosphor Bronze strings 40-60-80-100 gauge 3. Bassic-bits 1m. Speakon to Speakon cable 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  19. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='604195' date='Sep 21 2009, 06:51 AM']Every Ray ive played (owned 3, played 8 others) has had the weak G string disease!! whats that all about?[/quote] Fo years I used 40-120 gauge strings and even with the Nordstrand the G was slightly weak, then I changed to 45-125 and now it's fine.
  20. I've been playing SR5s for the last 11 years. My current one was acquired in 2003, was fitted with Status neck and a Nordstrand in 2005 and despite trying other basses it is the one I always come back to, in fact it is my only 5-string now and consequently is used all the time. Incredibly clean and precise but dirty if you dig in. Rarely, if ever goes out of tune. I was sorely tempted to get a Sterling 5 HS but opted to go down the custom route for my next 5-string. Only another 10-months to wait.
  21. I remember the Applejacks. One of my band members is mentioned on the Brumbeat site. He played for the Downbeats from 1962 til 1964. Their singer left to join the Applejacks and then moved off to star on the West End Stage. Happy days. He still has his Hofner Verithin and it sounds great, for a guitar.
  22. Alan, I have eventually settled on Stainless DR LoRiders (45-125) on my Stingray 5. I tried all sorts of strings and these have come out the best.
  23. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='589620' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:13 PM']Well i've finally got round to getting the the English muff'n.... superb bit of kit just what I wanted! I've been experimenting with settings anyone got any they'd like to share???? Thanks[/quote] I've revoiced the EQ section (changed the capacitors) on mine for bass i.e. same as Alembic F1X, Trace V-series, BBE Bmax-T. Just need to put it all back together now.
  24. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='589394' date='Sep 4 2009, 09:09 AM']I think it was 2 or 3 quid last time i ordered from them, not too extortionate compared to some places. I got 2 EHX adapters and a reverse polarity adapter for around £15 posted[/quote] Interesting. They ramp up their postage up by the item which really bears no relation to the actual cost of postage. FYI I've been doing EH Boss socket to jack adaptors and plug to jack adaptors for about 6 years now. £4.50 each to BCers plus £1 postage for up to 6 cables.
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