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Everything posted by obbm

  1. Well i can report back that it was a good evening. Countless people told us how much they enjoyed it. The young ladies were singing and dancing. The Landlord liked it and wants us back. We need to work on a couple of numbers but all-in-all it went very well. Chris_b dropped in to say hello, while we were setting up, on his way to a gig outside Guildford. Nice to meet you Chris. Next gig is 15th May at the White Hart in Tongham near Aldershot.
  2. Congrats. What's the band called?
  3. Don't be so daft. I'm 63 and still rocking. Even toured for a year at 59.
  4. The original Stingray 5 had Alnico magnets and no phantom coil. They changed to ceramic magnets and added the phantom coil in 1992, probably at the time they were developing the Sterling. The early pre-amps are different from the later due to the way they handle the coil switching in order to equalise the gain between settings and reduce noise. Physically the Sterling and later SR5 pre-amps are different and have some different value components.
  5. What everybody else said. Good luck.
  6. obbm

    obbm's feedback

    Thanks Ewan et al. Eude's cables were in fact Klotz LaGrange cable terminated in the smaller Amphenol jacks. If anyone wants Klotz cable then please just ask. It'll be about 50% more than the equivalent length of VanDamme.
  7. Here's my contribution. This has been up before and is the only picture of The Elite Clique. It was taken about August 1964 on top of Farnham Castle by one Graham Berry who became a TV cameraman and achieved fame by chasing round after Anneke Rice on C4's Treasure Hunt.
  8. Me too. Got bitten by the bug in the late 50's when a guy in our form used to bring in Del Shannon, Johnnie and the Hurricanes and Duane Eddy records and play them during lunch time. He has a lot to answer for. Then I saw various tours at Slough. I shall never forget seeing Little Richard rocking it up on the piano and then coming down and jiving with the audience. He was backed by the superb Sounds Incorporated who were truly inspirational. Another inspiration was the picture on the cover of the Shadows first album with a Fender Precision leaning up against a chair. After a couple of attempts at home-made basses, which were very good to learn the rudiments on, I bought a short scale Framus Star Bass. My first amp was the home radiogram with a Philips tape recorder as a preamp. (EQ?, tonecontrols?, what are they?). Eventually I bought one of the ubiquitous Linear Conchorde 30-watt valve amps and built a 4x12 cab to Marshall dimensions which was fitted with 4 Bakers Group 30 speakers. I can thoroughly recommend Mo Foster's book "Seventeen Watts". It a great account of the early days of rock music and most of the things that happened to him as he was getting into music also seem to have happened to me. First paid gig was New Years Eve 1962. Once I'd passed my driving test I used to cart my gear around in the family Austin A55 Cambridge but my mother got a bit fed up with that and got me an A35 van which used to ferry the drummer and myself around. I recently had a letter from said drummer enclosing a press cutting about a gig the band did. He and the lead guitarist are shown in the photo along with their kit. The strange thing is I have no recollection of ever doing that gig, but it was the 60s. We used to get some of the great bands around this area. The Stones used to play the infamous Wooden Bridge Hotel in Guildford regularly but I never got to see them there. Farnborough Tech College always had great dances and I remember seeing the Yardbirds there. It was shortly after Clapton had left and Jeff Beck joined. Guilford Tech was another great venue and I remember seeing John Mayall Bluesbreakers with John McVie, Aynslie Dunbar and Peter Green (before acid).
  9. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='451585' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:23 PM']Well done Dave.I look forward to seeing you and Steve when you play again in Knaphill. So has Jill and her bum parted ways? That probably sounds a lot ruder than I intended it to, but I'll leave it unedited for now [/quote] :lol:Gill is still in one piece but has other prioiries in life.
  10. Over a year ago my last band, "Second Time Around", foundered. Some of the former members tried to get a new venture off-the-ground but it had its problems. I had a year off to spend more time with my family. Out of the ashes has risen a new "Second Time Around" with three of the original members plus a new drummer and cracking young lady singer. Interestingly one of the guitarists is our own "Sixshooter" who also dabbles on the dark side when not spanking his various Precisions in another band. First gig is this Saturday, 4th April at the Astolat in Guildford. Time to use the Orange/Bergantino for real.
  11. [quote name='Linus27' post='451487' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:56 PM']Dave, thats a very kind offer, thank you. It's at Jo's at the moment being looked at. If he fails to fix the problem then yes, I would love to come down and compare bass for bass. Do you want me to bring my rig also? I hope to hear back this afternoon so I'll let you know how it goes.[/quote] It might be a good idea to bring your rig, or at least the amp part. When you hear back from Joe PM me.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='451461' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:31 PM']Thats just rubbing salt in to his wounds [/quote] You might think that Dave, i couldn't possibly comment. It would be useful to try it through several different amps and try mine through the MAG.
  13. Do you want to bring it down and A/B it with mine?
  14. [quote name='jonthebass' post='447428' date='Mar 27 2009, 03:55 PM']Pretty much what I was thinking! So - Any chance someones got one, and kind enough, to let me have a listen to in the NW London area? Jon.[/quote] I shall be using mine at a gig in Guildford next Saturday if that's any help.
  15. [quote name='Macko1968' post='447550' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:45 PM']LOL. A few years back I bought a new washing machine. Perplexed as to how to ditch the old one & had the genius idea of placng it in the new ones box & leaving on my driveway during the week of the local fair. It lasted less than 2 hours.[/quote] Sheer brilliance. I shall remember that trick.
  16. [quote name='jonthebass' post='447053' date='Mar 27 2009, 11:46 AM']Hi OBBM, What do you reckon about these new Orange amps being made with PCB's rather than the old turret board & point to point wiring - Any significant difference to the sound do you reckon? I was reading an American site waxing lyrical about the difference, but does it make [i]that[/i] much of a difference? Regards, JTB[/quote] Anyone who has played in a loud band for any length of time will have hearing deficiencies of some sort, come to think of it a high proportion of the population do, so whose word are you going to believe. I suppose there is someone, somewhere with "golden ears" who might be able to tell some difference. I can't hear any difference but then my hearing is cr@p and has been for years. I was brought up with valve equipment and just love the warmth of the tone. My AD200B sounds great to me and that is what matters.
  17. Sounds really good with a Bergantino NV610.
  18. [quote name='neepheid' post='445707' date='Mar 26 2009, 09:30 AM']Last minute bidding with your max bid eliminates this risk. They don't have time to think, one shot at it. If I'm outgunned at this point then I wasn't going to win anyway.[/quote] +1 After all it's an auction, not a classified sale. He who bids most wins regardless of when he bids. Anyone who's been to a live auction knows that. I usually put in an early low bid just to register an interest and then bid my max very late.
  19. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='444687' date='Mar 25 2009, 08:39 AM']On the Coupe presumably not the cab [/quote] Oh no. The cab!!!
  20. [quote name='molan' post='444661' date='Mar 25 2009, 07:54 AM']Because it's a fair bit smaller than a regular 4x10 you won't believe how close this is to actually fitting in [/quote] Surform? Angle Grinder?
  21. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='442401' date='Mar 23 2009, 01:25 PM']I think it's a little noisy (Just a hum) and I have the choice of either selling as is or getting it serviced. Some say that these amps are a little noisy so maybe it's normal?[/quote] All Sound City Mark 4 variants are noisy/hummy to a greater/lesser degree. It's all to do with the design and wiring of the active tone controls in the pre-amp and the way that the signal is routed around using unscreened wire. The earlier versions had a different design. Many users rip out the SC pre-amp and rebuild it to the same design as Hiwatt.
  22. [quote name='Huggy and the Bears' post='441219' date='Mar 21 2009, 06:37 PM']Hmmm... link doesnt seem to work. Cheers anyway![/quote] I've edited my post to provide the URL. Works OK for me.
  23. Try [url="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/TOWN8019/"]http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/TOWN8019/[/url]
  24. [quote name='Currrls' post='439712' date='Mar 19 2009, 08:51 PM']i'd be careful because i think I broke my pedal last night by using a 200mA adaptor with a pedal that requires 23mA :/[/quote] Very unlikely. As long as the voltage is correct the pedal will only take as much current as it needs. Think of a car battery, it can deliver hundreds of amps to the starter motor however it will run just the clock, alarm or radio which require less than an amp.
  25. I've got some Sony MDR-NC22 Noise Cancelling Headphones. Great bass response and ideal for use when mowing the lawn.
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