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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='sixshooter' post='419921' date='Feb 26 2009, 10:33 AM']Going for the full set then Dave?[/quote] Indeed yes!! A nice subtle rig for the Thursday night Jam.
  2. obbm


    [quote name='BeLow' post='419667' date='Feb 25 2009, 10:11 PM']Thanks fellers really useful input from some the more experienced contributors - very much appreciated. The focusrite looks very handy, but the comments on the BBE very helpful. When I was reading the reviews there was coment that the input gain controls was over sensitive, but I think this may have beem modified for later models. Any one else got anything to add?[/quote] There was a mod issued to reduce the input sensitivity. It involved changing a couple of resistors and removing two capacitors. Not sure if there was an equivalent one for the solid-state version.
  3. A useful source of historical and other Orange information is [url="http://forums.vintageamps.com/viewforum.php?f=4"]here[/url]
  4. Just had a mailshot from Watford Valves. Celestion are about to up their prices significantly. Watford are doing a [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=1750"]special offer on 32-ohm 10-inch speakers for Trace Elliot cabs[/url]
  5. [quote name='William James Easton' post='419021' date='Feb 25 2009, 09:07 AM']whats the going rate second hand and how far does the ad200b go back? (years wise like) almost given up to be hinest....(oi fate, nudge nudge wink wink)[/quote] When I got mine about a year ago the going rate was between £700 and £800. It took me quite a long time to find it however. Almost new, very little use, one tiny mark. You just need to be very patient.
  6. Could this be something to do with the fact that the P pick-up is split coil and the J is not, causing half of the P to be out of phase with the J. My PJ has split coils in both positions and no problems.
  7. I got my AD200B off Ebay. What do you need to know?
  8. obbm


    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='418817' date='Feb 24 2009, 10:04 PM']OBBM used one for quite a while.[/quote] Correct although it was the T version. I had mine apart, as I tend to, and the main gain and EQ stages were almost identical to the Alembic F1X, which I also had apart and drew up. The real problem with the Fender/Alembic design EQ is that you can only cut the mids. The BBE has a swept parametric which overcomes this. Also the DI out is very good and the compresoor ain't bad either. Why did I sell mine? Oh I know I kept overloading the input with the MM Bongo. That was one hot bass.
  9. Gary Tallent - oh I've just remembered he's got one.
  10. [quote name='Murph_Orpheus' post='418078' date='Feb 24 2009, 03:58 AM']I suppose my next question then would be what about the amp situation? A lot of those cables I've looked up are only rated at 6 amp. Also would plugging all my gear in like that affect my sound?[/quote] I doubt very much that you have much equipment that draws over 6-amps. What have you got in your rack and what is the consumption of each item?
  11. There are 2 ways you can do it. 1. Cut off the Euro plug and fit an IEC plug at the appropriate length. or 2. Buy some short moulded IEC to IEC cables.
  12. I use a distribution unit made by [url="http://www.introdelta.com/product-detail_102_11_13-amp-horizontal-pdus.php"]Introdelta[/url]. 1U high and 13-amp outlets. I used to use IEC distribution strips but as most equipment comes with 13-amp plugs I changed to 13-amp as it is a lot more flexible when you need to add additional/borrowed/hired kit.
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='417224' date='Feb 23 2009, 10:31 AM']My V8 stopped working for some reason over the weekend, its like the amp is on permenant standby. So I need to find an amp tech somewhere to take a look at it, I think...[/quote] HT Fuse?
  14. If I remember correctly this first batch had Precision/Glaub width necks, not the Jazz width neck.
  15. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='416057' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:21 AM']Dave- are you looking to sell the Fralins ad would they fit in to a Joe Osborn?[/quote] Sorry but I wasn't Nick. I'm planning to fit them into my pink '62RI jazz.
  16. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='416036' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:00 AM']Nice one. Just as an aside; has anyone swapped pups on their DJ and got recordings of before and after? Obviously pup selection makes a difference in a bass but I've known some basses where it makes a bigger difference than it does in others.[/quote] Swapped from what to what? I'm just about to remove the Lindy Fralins that came in it and install some Aeros that arrived from Hawaii yesterday, to get it back to stock. I have no means of recording anything however.
  17. Agree with all of the above. Excellent company to deal with.
  18. I've recently had a searing pain in my right elbow which came on as the reult of painting a wall. Very difficult to raise the arm above horizontal and painful to twist or indeed use scissors or cutters. I tthough it would go away but it didn't so as a last resort I went to the docs and he diagnosed tennis elbow. I told him that I didn't play tennis but he just ignored me gave me a steroid injection in the part of the elbow where all the tendons meet. It's pretty well fixed it now. Go and consult your doc Alan.
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='411820' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:29 AM']A bit worrying that the link to Absolute Music Solutions has a statement that you can use 1x8 ohm cab or 2x4ohm cabs. I'd have thought they had that the wrong way around![/quote] You are correct. The labelling on the back of the chassis is very confusing. When I wrote to Orange about it Adrian Emsley replied: 1 x 8 ohm cab = 8 ohm socket 2 x 8 ohm cabs = both 4 ohm sockets 1 x 4 ohm cab = either 4 ohm socket Maybe someone should tell Absolute about their error. It could be expensive for someone.
  20. Could you be tempted with a '79 Precison, Fullerton made with a jazz neck?
  21. [quote name='ogri' post='409063' date='Feb 13 2009, 09:24 PM']just dug two out that have sat in the outside shed for nearly ten years, plugged em in, waited for the valves to warm up and... they both worked! faultlessly..not even noisy. thats handwiring for ya..christ they built things to last back then..i used to use em as a pair with the jolly old rick-o-sound stereo jack in me '77 bass, miked up..what a palaver. anyway, left em in our local music shop this morning, by this afternoon a few guitarists are creaming theirselves over them and wanting to buy em(they do sound berluddy good), but i have no idea what they are worth. i gave fifty quid each for em but that was about fifteen years ago. theres two on ebay, one is at about a fiver with the back missing, the other has no valves but the bloke still wants £245 for it!! so not much of a guide there.. ..anybody got any idea what they are worth? tenner..? fifty..? a ton..? cant really see them being worth all that, but they sound better than an old marshall plexi, more like a '45 or a good vox[/quote] Considerably more than you imagine. Have a look at Ebay "Selmer" completed listings.
  22. [quote name='molan' post='407842' date='Feb 12 2009, 06:05 PM']In fact we could turn the Ampeg on a few hours in advance & it'll heat the garage up nicely [/quote] I'd only be able to afford the electricity for it if I get my pensioner's cold weather payment though.
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