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Everything posted by obbm

  1. So where is my old friend going now?
  2. [quote name='crez5150' post='357810' date='Dec 18 2008, 12:32 PM']Ah I see..... your right in that respect but depending how it's connected. Normally +1 and ground are connected and +2 is your hot as it were. What I should have stated a bit clearer was generally two core is speaker cable and three core instrument/signal/balanced cable[/quote] Sorry to disagree but the majority of instrument cable is co-axial. Genuine instrument cable in has a lower capacitance than screened pair. Screened pair is more suited for balanced circuits such as mic and line level connections. Even then there are many different specs of screened pair.
  3. [quote name='crez5150' post='357797' date='Dec 18 2008, 12:24 PM']I don't understand your point?[/quote] Your description is of a jack to jack balanced audio cable, not an instrument cable. Most active instruments use the ring connection in the socket to ground the battery negative and activate the pre-amp. A ring/tip/sleeve jack won't do that. It has to be a mono jack.
  4. If you can, unscrew the cover of the jack plug, inspect end of the cable. If there are two separate insulated conductors (red, black, blue, blown) then it's a speaker cable. If the cable has a single centre conductor surrounded by a woven copper mesh then its an instrument cable.
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='357543' date='Dec 18 2008, 08:47 AM']ok. Im just confused as to what the difference is other than the finish. The DD neck is the same as the DJ neck IIR. In fact if its the Skyline DD neck wont the headstock be red?[/quote] When I was thinking about turning my DD fretless I checked whether I could get a JO neck for it. The profiles of the JO and DD necks are the same. The DJ neck is different.
  6. Very nice combination. The DD neck is a great choice.
  7. O.M.G. I haven't seen that for years. I had a copy of the earlier version and taught myself from that. Bass Tutors and lessons in 1961? You have to be kidding. It was very much a teach-yourself cuulture.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='353599' date='Dec 13 2008, 02:45 PM']Yeah I can drop one down to you some time. It would need to be fairly soonish as I'm moving out of London on the 23rd. In fact, tomorrow would probably be best?[/quote] pm sent.
  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='353562' date='Dec 13 2008, 02:03 PM']No, unfortunately I only have one for the Pro501 guitar preamp. If anyone is likely to have put one togther it will be Traceynorton on the Plexi forum. I've sent him pictures of my Pro4000 in the nude already but he's in California so there's little hope of him actually getting his hands on one for the forseeable. I could take mine to Barry at Torres and pay him to work one out I guess. Barry reckons I'm looking at up to £2k for a custom one off 400w rack mountable head based on the Burman though. The thing is though that both my Burman Pro4000's sound different. The later model has more gain but my amp tech in Chiswick says he can't see any differences between the values of the various components being used. I may well just put it on the back shelf unless I discover an amp that has been severely battered during its life and can be cannibalised[/quote] If you are prepared to drop it down to me I'd be quite happy to trace it out and draw it up. It might make a good pre-amp for my SC200.
  10. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='353369' date='Dec 13 2008, 09:37 AM']This was a guitar amp? I've been approaching a couple of amp makers to see if they could replicate the preamp from my Burman and expand the power amp section to take the power up to 400w. I tried my fave Burman head again this week and with the Celinders and Stingray I fell in love with it all over again. :wub: It leaves the Trace V8 dead in the water for sweetness and midrange warmth. The Trace sounds more raw and boomy by comparison, but as we all know the response of amps and cabs changes with volume.[/quote] Do you have a copy of the Burman 4000 pre-amp schematic?
  11. [quote name='acidbass' post='353055' date='Dec 12 2008, 07:52 PM']And I wasn't aware that Dave Reeves was producing a new Bass head until now....[/quote] Difficult considering he died in 1981. A friend of mine uses a Harry Joyce Custom 100-watt head. Engineering perfection.
  12. She's About A Mover - Sir Douglas Quintet, also recorded by Steve Earle Seven Nights to Rock - Moon Mullican, but also recorded by Nick Lowe and frequently performed live by Bruce Springsteen.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='349423' date='Dec 9 2008, 09:49 AM']Remote control? I'm in a house band for a jam night and you wouldn't believe what some people try to do to the gear!! I've often wished for this myself. I think this is a great idea.[/quote] I've had exactly the same thought for this very reason. My idea is a wireless controlled attenuator (gain of 1 or less) which plugs into the amp Effects Loop. I can then stand out front and as the player turns up the volume, I can just wind it down.
  14. [quote name='Gazm' post='345972' date='Dec 4 2008, 11:02 PM']I won a subsription in the BC raffle but have never had a copy :-([/quote] They were told at least twice about this. If Adrian reads this maybe he can sort it.
  15. I also seem to get 2 copies. The first to pm me their address can have the latest issue. - GONE
  16. [quote name='endorka' post='336042' date='Nov 25 2008, 09:25 AM']Ok, I'll play devils advocate - you don't! That particular arrangement of that particular tune has sold millions and is loved by millions throughout the known universe. You may think the bassline is boring, but presumably they disagree. Adam Clayton must be doing something right here - and if you can figure out what that is, you'll learn something, and maybe earn something. If you want to play basslines that are more fun, find some and learn them in addition to 'With or Without You'. After a while you'll hear how to spice up simpler lines without being intrusive and ruining the original feel of the tune. Unless, of course, that is your intention! Jennifer[/quote] +1. Well said. I once saw a delegate at a BGM Bass School taken to task for trying to spice up Highway to Hell. As the professional taking the session said, "It's the rythmic plodding bass line that people tap their feet to. Change it and you destroy the song. Don't do it". If you find bass lines of established and proven numbers too boring then find other songs, write your own songs or take up another instrument.
  17. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='334312' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:35 AM']I hardly ever notice it......until I read about tinitus and then it's clear as a bell! So as daft as it sounds, try and live with it rather than fighting it. If it's an infection, hopefully it'll clear up.[/quote] It's not an infection, it's nerve damage. You may be able to subconsiously suppress it temporarily but it will never ever go away. I've had it for over 25 years, 24/7. The worst is when everything around you is quiet, then it's really loud.
  18. [quote name='BOD2' post='329467' date='Nov 14 2008, 11:06 PM']I don't know that these would solve "humming" problems. The mains supply in the UK is actually relativley "clean" and doesn't usually add any noise to equipment - not that you would notice in a gig environment anyway. Plus, a more common source of humming is ground loops and airborne interference picked up by guitars and these devices would do nothing to prevent this. I'm sure there was a thread ages ago (or it may have been on the old site) and the concensus was that these devices would not solve many noise problems in the UK. Hopefully someone else might come along and back this up (or refute it) and add some clarification...[/quote] +1. Don't need one in the UK. I doubt very much that the problem is mains originated.
  19. [quote name='Telebass' post='327746' date='Nov 12 2008, 04:48 PM']It is, actually - Precisions had a 'narrow neck' optiion for quite a number of years. Def special order, though. There's certainly not that many of them, though...[/quote] Yup. I have a factory built '78 Precison with a Jazz neck. As far as I can tell it is all original. Back to Jack's original pots, it still goes on today. When I got my Lakland DJ4 I wanted to know if it had the Aero pick-ups or the newer Lakland own. After several emails with the factory I discovered that it had in fact got Lindy Fralins. When asked why they told me that they'd probably run out of Aeros so put in the Fralins as they had them. It doesn't just happen with instruments. Back in the early '80s I was Registrar for the Historic Sports Car Club and used to vet eligibility. One member tried to register a McLaren M1 Canam car that had been completely rebuilt from a pair of front suspension uprights and a chassis plate. Fake or not it was still worth tens of thousands of pounds. I guess you could do the same with a bass serial number plate and a bridge, or maybe someone has?
  20. Nice opportunity for someone. It's a pity I don't meet the criteria. Please say Hi to Johnny B from Dave P (ex OBM). Ask him if he's still quivering?
  21. Lots of useful info and discussion [url="http://forums.vintageamps.com/viewforum.php?f=3"]here[/url] After this length of time it may well need to have all the filter/smoothing capacitors replaced as they do tend to deteriorate. Go for it.
  22. He bought my Thumper. A super-smooth transaction. A fine upstanding gentleman and a Lakland owner to boot.
  23. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='324354' date='Nov 7 2008, 05:37 PM']Hi Folks, I'm pleased to say that I paid a cheque into Basschat coffers today for [b]£186.06[/b], which is half of the funds raised at September's Bash! The other half of the funds raised has been paid to 'Enable Me', the disability charity that I work for.. In total, over £500 was raised through the event which is amazing, but after paying for room hire and other costs on the day, the total raised for the good causes was just under £400! So this is a good opportunity for me to thank everybody who helped make it happen (especially Merton, WalMan & JohnnyLager) and also, a good opportunity to thank everybody else who either came to the Bash itself or who contributed by making donations etc. Cheers Nik[/quote] Well done Nik and team. An excellent result.
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