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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Frusty' post='323755' date='Nov 6 2008, 09:45 PM']Yeah your right I think. Does anyone know if Fender made these (i.e a p body with p and j pickups) with a precision neck?[/quote] There was an MIM version. If you Google Precision Special you just might find some information about them.
  2. Thanks for your comments. I've ordered one and I'll let you now how I get on with it.
  3. Does anyone use one? Which is best for bass?
  4. My Neice is about to get a bass and practice amp for her 13th birthday. Unfortunately due to distance I can't provide any hands-on motivation or tuition. Can anyone recommend a start-from-zero type of DVD to get her playing?
  5. obbm

    Gwilym's feedback

    Top man. Thanks for the EBS Microbass 2. A perfect transaction.
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='320717' date='Nov 3 2008, 10:05 AM']Dave. I thought the head had a XLR in on the front. Is this not the case?[/quote] Difficult to tell from the documentation however it says that it's mic level and most drum machines come out at around -20db (consumer line level) so I still reckon that the effects return is a better bet for the drum machine/ipod.
  7. Barrie, I've just had a look at the manual. The XLR is Line Out not In. You could use the Effects return, set to parallel for the drum machine. The balance between bass and drum levels would have to be controlled by the drum machine output control. As for using headphones, there might be enough level coming out of the Line Out to drive headphones, otherwise you could use a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rolls-PM52-Connect-Headphones-to-Amp-Speaker-Outputs_W0QQitemZ150291421559"]Rolls-PM52[/url]. This unit enables headphones to be driven from a power amp. I believe that happy jack got one recently.
  8. obbm

    obbm's feedback

    [quote name='Gwilym' post='320174' date='Nov 2 2008, 02:50 PM']+1 for obbm i've done a few deals with him in the past, and he's just bought my ebs mircobass. no messing around, in fact perfect! cheers obbm[/quote] Actually I thought I'd bought an EBS Microbass
  9. In a similar vein I'm looking for a +12v and -12v supply. The T-Bone In-Ear Transmitter needs +12v The Rolls PM351 Monitor Mixer needs -12v both with respect to signal ground. I'm also going to need -9v for the EBS Maybe I'll just have to make one.
  10. I was talking with Paul Geary the other day about in-ear monitoring and ear-protectors as he's just had some made. He used an independent supplier, Hand-held Audio, however the actual items came from [url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=71"]ACS in Banbury[/url]. Some research has shown that they have an extensive dealer network and can provide a similar service to Specsavers. I have an appointment at my local chap later today to be measured up for some T3 in-ear monitors and some ER hearing protectors. If you have a preferred set of earphones then I believe that they will make some ear-moulds to take them. According to their web site they will be exhibiting at Music Live. Perhaps they will be offering a special show deal.
  11. [quote name='Machines' post='315238' date='Oct 26 2008, 05:50 PM']Just found this in a random google search... [url="http://www.clivebutton.com/products.htm"]http://www.clivebutton.com/products.htm[/url] Interesting.. I thought Mark Gooday was meant to have done it ?![/quote] Not at all. Clive did all the design. Read Mark's biog [url="http://www.garycooper.biz/articles/interviews0502-1.html"]here[/url]
  12. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='311601' date='Oct 21 2008, 09:50 PM']WOW! Been playing it for 28 years and I never knew all that. I just play it [/quote] +1, but I've been playing it since the album came out in 1963, mein gott that's 45 years. Just for fun try pushing the changes on the run up from E, G#, A, C by a whole note.
  13. [quote name='bremen' post='310523' date='Oct 20 2008, 03:40 PM']Can I slightly derail this thread and ask for recommendations for *really* comfortable (ie custom) and great-sounding in-ear monitors that'll double as hearing protection? I have narrow canals and haven't ever found earphones or earplugs that don't feel horrible. Something for on-stage monitoring, in-rehearsal attenuation and on-bike entertainment. That's be lovely. Thanks![/quote] +1
  14. Looks like EBS is the way to go. Strange thing is that I had one back in '04 and traded it back to the Gallery when I bought my first Epi speaker. Who does the best deal? Italy looks good.
  15. I have a project on the go to builld a tiny rig comprising pre-amp/DI, personal monitor mixer and in-ear wireless. I have sorted the latter two but I need recommendations for a pre-amp. My immediate thoughts were EBS, Sansamp and MXR. The Avalon is nice but expensive and OTT for regular gigging. I reckon to build the whole lot into a tiny flightcase or box so rack-mount is a no, no. Who can recommend what, and why?
  16. [quote name='Hamster' post='309065' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:20 AM'] What makes you so sure it's a solid state amplifier? [/quote] [url="http://www.schematicheaven.com/marshallamps/bass20_20w_5502.pdf"]How about this?[/url]
  17. 5502 is a solid-state bass amp from around 1984. Not a valve in sight.
  18. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='308836' date='Oct 17 2008, 06:24 PM']I had the official Genz Benz footswitch but I didn’t want the shaping options and it was also too big to get in the bag (f***ing useless American design…don’t get me started).[/quote] Why not take it apart and have a look at the wiring?
  19. Garden centres sell self-adhesive copper tape. You find it under slug repellants. You stick it around plant pots and it stops the slugs climbing up but works equally well in a bass.
  20. [quote name='uptonmark' post='308082' date='Oct 16 2008, 07:12 PM']thanks for the [b]quick[/b] replies[/quote] It would have been even quicker if you'd used Google.
  21. [quote name='uptonmark' post='308076' date='Oct 16 2008, 07:04 PM']not for the bass, more for the whole track, i would like to know who played the following tv themes: south bank show and (on tv before some of you were born)...... weekend world title and artist would be appreciated if anyone knows, won`t hold me breath though [/quote] I seem to remember the South Bank Show was Julian Lloyd Webber, Andrew's brother. Try googling "Weekend World". You'll find [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weekend_World"]this[/url]. Last line.
  22. [quote name='simondee' post='308018' date='Oct 16 2008, 05:11 PM']oooh I've got one of these. I really hate the jack lead it comes with - does anyone know where I can get a right-angle one instead?[/quote] You mean like [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=370055180656"]this[/url]
  23. Just supplied some cables. Nice straightforward transaction. A pleasure to deal with.
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