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Everything posted by obbm

  1. If you want a 5-string with a narrow slim neck it sounds like you need a Stingray 5. If you want to try a DJ5 why not contact Higgie. I think he lives somewhere in your direction and has my former DJ5 which was a killer.
  2. All it needs now is for one of us to buy it and insist on paying by Paypal.
  3. [quote name='the_house123' post='305371' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:04 PM']Ian, I believe they are the standard lakland pups, as its the standard skyline model and it says they are lakland pups on there site for this model. i could be wrong though as im not sure how I would be able to test which pups they are.[/quote] You can tell by the wire colours. As far as Jazz pick-ups go: Laklands are Red/Black or Green/Black Fralins are Black/White with braid insulation Aeros are Black/White with plastic insulation. I suspect that the Precision split coil are similar.
  4. Precision Thumper - £40 - SOLD Precision Traditional '64 - £40 - SOLD Jazz Eighty-Fours - WITHDRAWN All minimal use. Fitted tried and removed.
  5. [quote name='bnt' post='303733' date='Oct 10 2008, 11:47 AM']Re Knobs, you could look at a Stacked knob for volume/blend, too avoid more drilling. You're totally free to drop the tone control altogether, as long as you never need it.[/quote] I think you will have great difficulty finding a stacked log + ganged log/antilog with centre detent for vol/blend.
  6. [quote name='Dave' post='302031' date='Oct 8 2008, 11:38 AM']Cheers for that OBBM, great advice. Valve "black-arts"... I like it! If only I knew what the HT was, I'd be sure to switch it off. I assume it's the "stand-by" switch?[/quote] Sorry. Tech talk. HT is the High Tension supply to the valves. This can vary from 350-volts DC up to 700-volts. This is the lethal voltage that is talked about and is controlled by the Standby switch. However when you switch it off the voltage takes quite a long time to decay so that is why you have to be extra careful. Just switching off does not mean that it is safe to have a poke under the chassis.
  7. There's a lot of nonsense talked about valves. It's very straightforward, simple and as easy as changing a fuse. It's not a black-art. Just use your common sense. Switch off the HT and the main On/Off. Let the valves cool down a bit and then pull the one you want to change straight out. Line up the pins on the replacement and slot it in. Switch the main On/Off back on and allow the valves to warm up, then put the HT back on. Job done. From memory there are no high voltage connections on top of the chassis. They are all underneath. You should be able to do the change easily without removing the chassis from the case. If you do have to remove it for whatever reason and have had it powered or plugged into the mains then do not pick up the chassis by hooking your fingers underneath. Pick it up by the transformers. For what it's worth I've never cleaned a valve because it might take off the manufacturer's labelling and you might end up with an expensive no-name ECC83. If the pins are bent the straighten them carefully with pair of long-nosed pliers.
  8. [quote name='P-T-P' post='300527' date='Oct 6 2008, 02:48 PM']Not in the least bit jealous or anything.[/quote] Absolutely not.
  9. Works OK for me. My cr@p hearing tells me that the Chi's seem to have bit more depth and low-end compared to the Aeros.
  10. Make a very short XLR-M to XLR-F lead with the screen disconnected, i.e pins 1. This will isolate the phantom volts negative rail from your amp. The DI lead will get its screen from the mixer. Be sure to mark the cable clearly and keep it short so it doesn't get used as a mic lead.
  11. [quote name='Sean' post='299560' date='Oct 4 2008, 07:32 PM']Me.[/quote] Extremely cool. Is it a one-off or from a production run? I can find no mention of it apart from here. Also is it a Skyline?
  12. [quote name='Sean' post='299475' date='Oct 4 2008, 05:19 PM']Interestingly this DJ has no binding and no "Darryl Jones" signature on the headstock. It also has 250 Ohm pots whereas the Aero ones have 500 Ohm pots. What pots do the Fralin ones have?[/quote] My Fralin DJ came with 500K pots. Who owns this one then?
  13. The pick-ups are wired to the centre terminal (slider) so that when the pot is turned right down the output from the pick-up is connected to ground, so there should be no output. If it is not doing this then there will be some unwanted bleed-through.
  14. The wiring looks OK. The white wire from each pick-up should go to the centre tap of their respective volume pots. Could well be a pot problem. You could try checking them with a multimeter. BTW the pots should be audio taper (A) or logarithmic (LOG), not linear.
  15. Post up a picture of the wiring. It sounds like one of the pick-ups is not wired to the correct pot terminals.
  16. So what's the story with this then?
  17. [quote][b]Misleading & Discouraging Payments[/b] Sellers who state in their listing that they accept certain payment methods must not selectively offer those payment methods to buyers or discourage buyers from using those payment methods. This means that sellers must always accept payment from buyers through the payment methods they have selected in their Payment Details section of their listing, including PayPal, and must not act in any way to discourage buyers from paying by these methods. Breaches of any part of this policy may result in a range of actions including: Listing cancellation Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings Limits on account privileges Loss of PowerSeller status Account suspension[/quote] By stating [quote]I Am Not Excepting Paypal I WILL ONLY EXCEPT CHEQUES OR POSTAL ORDERS!!!!![/quote] He is still infringing his Ebay User Agreement.
  18. Good to see you back again Chris.
  19. It's gone again, probably due to the No PAYPAL statement which infringes ebay rules.
  20. It's had bids cancelled and finished. but relisted at [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Olp-Ernie-Ball-Musicman-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ280272927625QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280272927625"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Olp-Ernie-Ball-Music...emZ280272927625[/url] . He's removed the reference to Sterling pick-up.
  21. I've asked some very pertinent questions about the pick-up. Also asked if I could collect. I'll post the answers if he replies. I also believe that by refusing to take Paypal he is infringing the listing rules. For some time now Paypal has been mandatory.
  22. I used a Linear Conchord (30-watts) and a 4x12 cab (4 x Bakers Group 25-watt speakers from RCS, Croydon) from 1964 -1967.
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