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Everything posted by obbm

  1. I can see that I'll have to mortgage the cat and buy it back.
  2. I bought this new in 1998. Used it for several years and it picked up a few knocks and dents along the way. I have basses for using not for show. Took it to Austin, Texas to make an album so it's flown in the cargo hold long hail. Had the nut replaced with a brass nut for extra zing. I tried various pick-ups in it but when sold it was back to standard. I thought the £600 I sold it for was very fair considering the condition and what I paid for it new. Oh and I sold it because I had completed and was very happy with the Status necked SR5 and couldn't justify having two of them. Here we are at Bognor Live 2002. It's a good one, go for it.
  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Orange-OBC-410-4-Way-Bass-Cabinet-Black-NEW_W0QQitemZ310075249845"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Orange-OBC-410-4-Way...emZ310075249845[/url]
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='260456' date='Aug 11 2008, 11:19 PM']Yep, they're a bit like that. Sound nice though. I'm expecting OBBM to post pics of his gold n rootbeer 'Ray next [/quote] Nah I can do better than that. This was my MM family in 2005 before I downsized and bought the Laklands. The root beer Ray on right now has its original black scratch plate and the pacific Blue Burst SR5 now has Status neck with side LEDs and Nordstrand MM5.3. (Makes mental note to self - must take some current pictures )
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='257595' date='Aug 7 2008, 09:15 PM']how much would it cost to get one of those necks bought and fitted to my ray?? iv been thinking about it since i got it, bet it plays fantastic[/quote] Lots, and with the side LEDS, lots and lots.
  6. Here's my only bit of Status since I sold the Stealth.
  7. I've got a Status Graphite neck. Does that count?
  8. [quote name='thumbo' post='257069' date='Aug 7 2008, 11:46 AM']My sound has taken a u-turn recently. Orange AD200B, Berg NV610, Streamer Stage 1... filth..... [/quote] Snap. Well that makes two of us with the same rig.
  9. [quote name='BassManKev' post='254725' date='Aug 4 2008, 05:50 PM']certainly doesnt sound like a jazz[/quote] That depends on your hearing. anyway in this case you are not comparing similar pick-ups so there will be a difference.
  10. [quote name='BassManKev' post='254686' date='Aug 4 2008, 05:18 PM']tis weird, my single coil setting is really quite bright, brighter than the other two for me, but i never use it, im mainly a parallel man [/quote] What pick-up are you using?
  11. [quote name='Shockwave' post='254556' date='Aug 4 2008, 03:55 PM']Ok well i wired it up one way. The Bridge sound is perfect MM humbucking parrelel sound, The middle position sound is quiet and dark single coil sound. The Neck position is very bright and loud humbucking sound. Is this right?. Cheers.[/quote] Excuse the pun but it sounds like you've cracked it. The bridge (parallel) setting is always slightly quieter and deeper than the series (neck). Single coil should sound a bit like a jazz bridge pick-up soloed. Because you have half the number of coils it will be quieter.
  12. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='254443' date='Aug 4 2008, 02:33 PM']The V type preamps are all the same .....[/quote] Not quite. The V8 is a more sophisticated version with 7 valves.
  13. It's one of [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/schem/V-Type/V4.pdf"]these[/url]. No compressor No overdrive channel. 2 valve pre-amp Final Gain stage Phase inverter.
  14. The Americans have a saying about car engines that "[b]there ain't no substitute for cubic inches[/b][i][/i]" I am firmly of the belief that this also applies to bass cabs. I once had a UL110 and changed to a Ul112 because it was too middy/toppy. Now I run a UL112 and a T112NYC. The tweeter is off on the NYC and at 25% on the UL but it still lacks those deep lows. I did a side-by-side a T212NYC which was thunderously deep and mellow. The UL310 was also much deeper. I have resigned myself to the fact that I needed a decent sized cab to get the sound I wanted so I now have a Berg NV610. Nice.
  15. As a result of a number of enquiries on the subject they posted this in their support Q&A section. [quote]Q: I have heard that using a tube power amp can damage Epifani drivers - is that true? A: \"Apparently there was some confusion regarding my generalized statement on the use of tube power amps and speakers. Let me clear this up once and for all. Basically, a speaker cone can break up in two ways as the wave forms emanate off the speaker - Axially and Conically. As the wave form moves out along the cone of the driver the wave can broken by the subtle twisting of the cone itself. That is referred to as “Conical Break-up mode”. “Axial Break Up mode” happens when the cone stops moving like a piston and begins to flex axially from the voice coil to the top of the cone. Due to the low damping factor of most tube power amplifiers, there is less control over the driver than with most modern solid state or digital amps. Less control means a greater excursion of the driver and more opportunities for the driver to break up either Axially or Conically. The net result of that effect manifests itself in the overall wear and tear of the driver. The lifespan of the driver will be shorter - how much shorter depends on how rigorously the speaker is used. So what does this mean to a working bass player? Basically if you run any rig within some common sense parameters it will work fine for years. Use and abuse a rig and it will get damaged. We strongly suggest that you experiment with our products and anyone else\'s in pursuit of \"your\" tone. Our cabinets work fine with tube power amps and we have a history of players who love these cabinets and use them in conjunction with their tube power amps.[/quote] I think the key word is moderation. I'm going to run my 1x12s with the Orange head for a while.
  16. [quote name='Welshbassist' post='253738' date='Aug 3 2008, 02:52 PM']What about that whole Epifani thing a couple months back? I'm not 100% if this is right, but people said they weren't really designed to be used with valve amps, or something like that![/quote] I initially raised the subject with Epifani and received the following: [quote name=''Epifani'']The damping factor is usually very low in most tube amps; this causes the speakers to move with less control which could result in damage to the cones. The companies that produce tube amps design their cabinets for use with tube amps, we would have to stiffen the cones which would drastically alter our sound. If you use it be careful.[/quote] I responded with: [quote name=''obbm'']I can understand what you are saying however is this a problem specific to Neo-speakers? For example does the same apply to my NYC cabinet? Also do you use custom-made speakers or regular OEM designs (Eminence/B&C)?[/quote] And their answer was: [quote name=''Epifani'']To answer your question about the speakers they are always custom made to our specs, that’s why they sound different. In order to use them with tubes they would have to be made differently. Tube amps generally have a different sound fat and round but not necessarily as responsive. The NYC cabs were not made for tubes either[/quote] I believe they have subsequently issued a statement about this which is on their web site
  17. [quote name='Shockwave' post='253464' date='Aug 2 2008, 07:30 PM']Its white and black on the S side. and Red and Green on the N side. I am not able to open it up to find what is at the far end at this moment in time. Rob.[/quote] OK Rob try this NS Red to pre-amp Red NS Green to pre-amp Green NS White to pre-amp White NS Black to pre-amp Shield If it doesn't sound right then swap over the white and black and see if its better that way.
  18. [quote name='Shockwave' post='253440' date='Aug 2 2008, 06:34 PM']heres a pic. I can probably solder the wire off but it probably wont look the same again.[/quote] I need to know: Which colours are connected to each coil Which colours are at the end with the single fixing screw.
  19. [quote name='Shockwave' post='253430' date='Aug 2 2008, 06:11 PM']Then why on earth does Nordstrand not show that fact on the website? All it says is its a direct replacement for a Musicman Stringray 5. This kind of thing really annoys me. Unfortunately i am nowhere near you![/quote] Technically they are correct. The original SR5 was introduced in 1988 and used a 2-coil pick-up with a modified SR4 pre-amp. It had coil switching of sorts but was very noisy in single coil mode and ttere were level differences when switching. In 1992 they changed to the 3-coil pick-up and a totally different pre-amp which overcame these shorcomings by using a balanced input and had a switchable resistor chain to balance the gain when changing modes. If you can take a picture of the underside of your 5.2 and send it to me I'll try and work something out, to give you parallel and serial however single coil will be very noisy. Alternatively send it back as unfit for purpose and get a 5.3 which will just drop in. I've got a 5.3 in mine now and it is very worthwhile mod.
  20. The SR5 pre-amp really needs a Nordstrand 5.3 pick-up to work correctly. The pre-amp uses a form of balanced input in single coil and series mode. I've spent a lot of time playing around with various pre-amps and pick-ups in mine. There might be a way to do it but without actually having the 5.2 it is very difficult to explain. If you're anywhere near SW Surrey the I'd be happy to try and fathom it out.
  21. [b]A very rare Peavey MAX bass pre-amp. [/b] - SOLD This is the same as the front-end of the uniquitous T-Max amplifier. It has separate tube and solid state channels each with its own pre and post gain controls. 3-band EQ in the tube channel with active punch and bright switches. Active low and high shelving EQ in the solid state channel plus a 7-band graphic EQ The channels can be used independently or blended - remote switching is available. Variable cross-over with frequency and balance controls. Low-impedance balanced and high-impedance unbalanced DI outs. 1U 19-inch rack mounting. [url="http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/maxbass.pdf"]Manual here[/url] £200 plus £20 postage. [b]Soundtech PL602 2-channel/stereo Power Amplifier.[/b] 2 x 300w into 4-ohms 2 x 195w into 8-ohms 1 x 600w into 8-ohms bridged 2U 19-inch rack-mounting £100 plus £20 postage
  22. [quote name='Merton' post='251847' date='Jul 31 2008, 09:20 AM']Don't own such a bass I'm afraid OBBM does tho [/quote] I nearly didn't. I had to physically prise it out of Matt's hands before he left when he called in a couple of months ago. BTW mines and SR5.
  23. [quote name='gilmour' post='245488' date='Jul 22 2008, 04:28 PM']You're a legend, thanks so much [/quote] No problem. I've spent many hours with SR5 pick-ups and pre-amps.
  24. How's this? [attachment=11079:MM5pup.jpg]
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