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Posts posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='BB2000' post='92661' date='Nov 22 2007, 12:18 PM']I think the last batch I got were from rapid.

    Just checked - they're £4.08 inc. VAT (£3.47 exc) (10+ from Rapid). However, I must have got them somewhere else since they don't have the right angle ones (RX-AU-silent) and I bought some of these as well.

    In any case £8 for the planet ones is a bit mutch.[/quote]

    As long as you buy 10 off you can get that sort of price but if you only want one then you are going to pay a good deal more, especially when you include VAT and carriage and VAT on the carriage.

    If anyone wants just one of either the straight or right-angle silent jacks then pm me.

  2. [quote name='BB2000' post='92618' date='Nov 22 2007, 11:24 AM']£8 - that's a bit steep. Neutrik do a silent jack (NP2C-AU-Silent) that usually retails for about £3.50.[/quote]

    Where and does that include postage?

  3. I think that is a 1510X I quote from the catalogue:

    "Although usable as a full range enclosure, the 1510X is designed specifically for use in a bi-amped system. It's 15" and 10" drivers produce sparkling highs and deep, tight lows. Power rating 300 Watts / Impedance 8 Ohms / H 780mm / W 610mm / D470mm / Weight 48Kg/106 lbs."

    I guess that each driver is 8-ohms and there should be separate input (not output) connectors for each driver.

  4. A postscript to this little saga.

    Last week I got an email from Hipshot saying they were sending me a smaller bushing. It arrived today, was the same diameter as the stock tuner and had the same thread as the Xtender. I've just fitted it without modifying the bass and it is working perfectly. The only thing is that the bush and washer are chrome whereas the stock items are satin finish. I'm not sure that anyone will notice.

    If anyone is considering ordering one directly from Hipshot check the diameter of the bush in your bass and specify accordingly.

  5. Old valve PA head. 100-watts. Tone controls are a bit restrictive with only bass and treble. It'll work with a bass but better with a guitar however the power stage will do for anything so you might need a better pre-amp.

    Slmer had a range of valve amps including the Treble'N' bass 50, Zodiac and the PA100. All very similar architecture.

    Prices vary depending on condition. For £200 it would need to be in good working order.

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SELMER-P-A-100SV_W0QQitemZ270184060875"]A PA100 went on eBay for £33 at the weekend.
    [/url] but a Zodiac 100 went for £261 recently.

    Old PA heads are a great way to get into valve amps however you need to get them thoroughly checked over by a qualified technician before putting it anywhere near a National Grid Interface connector.

  6. [quote name='charic' post='90341' date='Nov 18 2007, 04:41 PM']Biggest response ive seen was to
    Status Quo - Rocking all over the world

    the band hated playing it as it was just for a joke but it backfired when the entire function room stood up and moved to the dance floor lol[/quote]

    We do a couple of Quo numbers and are not ashamed of it.

    This does raise the bigger question however as to why do band members so dislike playing the songs that the paying punters like. I could reel off a whole list of popular numbers that my fellow band member just will not do. It's a kind of musical snobbery.

  7. [quote name='BeLow' post='90156' date='Nov 18 2007, 10:20 AM']That said I quite like playing Mustang Sally which others find hateful for probably the same reasons you mention on SHA Dave![/quote]

    I'm with you on that. Get them right and they rock. Actually it's the guitarists who get bored and can't be bothered to do them properly.

  8. Interesting list. Have you thought about who your target audience is? Age, etc.? We've found that occasionally our set list can empty a pub rather than fill it because of the age group we target. Are you aiming at Joe Public in general, the Musos of your area, the 50/60 somethings or are you just playing what you want to play because you like the numbers?

    We are always looking for songs that are not the obvious choice or which other bands do all do. For example we opted not to do All Right Now, only as a request, as everyone else does it and do Wishing Well instead.

  9. [quote name='BeLow' post='90142' date='Nov 18 2007, 09:47 AM']Sweet home Alabama is a horrible song in bass playing terms, it feels a bit like running fingernails down a blackboard to me - but 'the customer is never wrong'[/quote]

    The problem with SHA is that nobody ever takes the trouble to analyse it and play it properly. It has three different sections that require everyone to work together to get right and makes it interesting.

  10. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='88060' date='Nov 13 2007, 08:16 PM']Yeah it was wierd last World Cup. You could hear shouts of "goal" in the neighbourhood and then my digital TV showed that the ball went in.....

    Well we are in the digital age and the analogue dinosaurs will get less and less. I can hear a delay in my wireless though most of the believers will tell you there is no latency.[/quote]

    Just remember digital is not always better.

  11. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='87979' date='Nov 13 2007, 05:46 PM']Been there done it bought the bluetooth thingys. See post in talkbass sometime ago. The data rate is not good enough.....

    What is curious is that these things are normally in the computer gamester's arena.... don't the fingers, the audio and the visuals need to sync CRUCIALLY in video games?

    I look forward to a higher spec implementation of Bluetooth.[/quote]

    I regret to say that any form of compression introduces delay. Just have Freeview and Analogue Terrestrial TV on together. Live TV will be a thing of the past when analogue switch-off happens because it will always be delayed.

    Long live analogue.

  12. Second Time Around played the Cricketers in Rowtown, Addlestone near Woking last night. Appreciative crowd, happy landlord and some return dates.

    After the sound problems at the last two gigs (see Gramma Pad thread) we seem to have found a very acceptable solution to bass boominess and overall balance.

    1. Bass amp on Gramma pad to isolate from the floor.

    2. Both guitars now on opposite side of drums to me.

    3. Both guitar amps (Marshall 2x12s) on castors and not sat directly on the floor.

    As a result nobody was fighting to hear themselves and the overall sound level was lower and better balanced. I found I was playing at a lower amp setting but still able to hear myself very clearly even though I have a significant hearing deficit. The wired in-ear system stayed in the gig-bag. I must try and record the next gig in Guildford on December 8th just to be absolutely sure that it sounds OK out front.

  13. [quote name='Platypus' post='86434' date='Nov 10 2007, 11:43 AM']Dave,
    Yes, satin finish on both as I remember - NiceGuyHomer is the current owner of that DJ though.
    Hope its gets sorted out ok


    I need to take my DJ4 apart again and see if the original satin post will fit the Hipshot. Even if it does the bushes and washers will not match.

    Interestingly I've had no response from Hipshot.

  14. [quote name='Muppet' post='86427' date='Nov 10 2007, 11:33 AM']Dave, I'm thinking about an extender for mine. what's the best way to check before i order - measure the diameter of the existing hole? If so what should it be?



    For what it's worth Steve, mine is a 2006 and I measured.

    Hole: 15.8mm

    Original Bush: 15.7mm

    Hipshot Bush: 16.8mm

    I'm going to go ahead and get the hole reamed out and fit it then at a later date when I have some spare cash get the other 3 matching tuners and have the other holes taken out.

    Then i can sell a nice set of 4 Hipshot tuners. :)

  15. Reply from Lakland

    "We've run in to this problem with a few of our Skyline production runs. A smaller tuner was used which isn't compatable with the replacement D-tuner. The solution is to have the hole reamed out to fit the new tuning machine. A qualified technician can do this fairly easily.

    If you are interested in having a complete set of tuners that all have the same finish, we do offer a set of american made Hipshots which are replacements for the korean made tuners that came with your bass. These have the same finish as the D-tuner that you bought. These would also require reaming to fit properly."

    Looks like I'm inot buying another 3 US tuners and having all the holes reamed out.

    Platypus - Does your DJ4 have satin finish string-posts? Does your Hipshot have the same?

  16. The story so far:

    1. email lakland - What is the correct Xtender for a DJ4 please?" - HE6C 1/2"

    2. email Hipshot - What is the correct Xtender for a DJ4 please?" - HE6C 1/2"

    3. None in the UK so order from Hipshot directly

    4. Wait 2 weeks, collect from Post Office, pay duty and tax

    5. Doesn't fit:-

    - Headstock bush is larger - no way I'm going to drill it out, anyway they are advertised as a drop-in replacement,
    - Can't use existing bush as threads are different
    - Chrome instead of satin finish

    6. Try it on Duck Dunn - same problem

    7. Irate email to Lakland and Hipshot - awaiting reply

  17. [quote name='Finbar' post='84633' date='Nov 6 2007, 10:04 PM']You sir, are a gent :)

    If you get back to me about those other cables, I'll get you my address to post things to - just whack them in with that lot?

    Do you take paypal by the way?[/quote]

    I'll get back to you first thing tomorrow and yes I do take Paypal.

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