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Everything posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='75761' date='Oct 17 2007, 08:48 PM']Me!! [/quote] So where is he/she in Surrey then?
  2. [quote name='kevbass' post='75720' date='Oct 17 2007, 07:35 PM']Looks alright for £640 to me [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ernie-Ball-MusicMan-STINGRAY-bass-guitar-Music-Man-USA_W0QQitemZ290171541893QQihZ019QQcategoryZ101561QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ernie-Ball-MusicMan-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Looking at his feedback he seems to deal quite a bit in Stingrays. I spotted one of our own number in the list of buyers.
  3. From the front of the nut to the centre of the first row poles is 762.5mm (Interestingly it's a fraction over 30-inches) From the front of the nut to the neck side of the pick-up is 750mm From the front of the nut to the bridge side of the pick-up is 799mm I hope this helps.
  4. I've got a 500K blend if that is any use.
  5. [url="http://thedudepit.com/simplemachinesforum/index.php?topic=1733.0"]Lakland Skyline Glaub with Dark Star and jazz neck[/url]
  6. I will measure my SR5 for you tomorrow. Best to go from the nut to the pick-up as the bridge saddles are moveable structures. BTW Bongo and SR5 are different. Bongo HH bridge pick-up is closer than on the SR5.
  7. In 1962 there were very few British amp manufacturers period. I remember Vox, Bird, Burns, Fenton Weill, Watkins, Selmer and Linear. Marshall had only just started. This was just pre-Beatles and before the music explosion that they helped create. Carlsboro is most certainly a later period.
  8. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='74488' date='Oct 15 2007, 10:58 AM']I liked the Phil Lynott look Dave!![/quote] I know Nick but I've realised that I have to act my age. . This is not as classy as Homers. The only reason you like it was that you could see Gill's backside reflected in it when she was wiggling. I had a P that was B/B maple and that had killer looks. I'll get a Black one and try it.
  9. [quote name='eude' post='74478' date='Oct 15 2007, 10:47 AM']Holy crap! That bass is gorgeous! Is it a special edition? I've never seen a Black DJ with a maple neck and blocks. Oh, and I'd go with the black scratch plate by the way. Cheers, Eude[/quote] Maple neck with blocks is a standard option. Both my DJ4 and DJ5 are maple with blocks. I'm going to get a black pg now.
  10. Alan Try this on the J-Retro: Wind back the bass pot because the J-Retro has bass boost at the detent. Wind back the treble pot to take the top off. Wind the mid frequency all the way back, i.e. as low as possible Boost the mid level pot to taste. Pan the blend control towards the bridge pick-up. I find this a good starting point and it punches through everything. I use this with the amp almost flat and then boost the bass control a gnats if need be or tweak the blend back toward the centre. Works for me.
  11. Very, very nice Alan. It's making me think that perhaps I need a black instead of mirror on my black DJ5. Oh and the J-Retro is not the de-luxe.
  12. obbm

    DarkStar P

    Looks very nice and guaranteed to sound superb with that DS.
  13. The Effects Return comes back into the Output control pot and from there to the mute circuitry. There the signal splits in two. One goes to the power amp, the other to the 160Hz sub filter and output jack.
  14. Assuming that there are no issues with it, that is a very good deal for a pre-EB Stingray. I wouldn't let mine go for as little as that.
  15. [quote name='Beedster' post='71714' date='Oct 9 2007, 05:52 PM']Keeps me off the streets! You never know, one day therell be the genuine '57 that no one will touch 'cos they all think it's a con! This guy's 10 miles away so if he replies I'm going! Chris[/quote] I think it's a bit further than 10 miles from Canterbury to Ashford, Middlesex.
  16. X2 is a wireless system. It should have a low consumption. You need to check how much current it draws and then get a suitable 240-volt to 115-volt transformer. There are plenty of suppliers of these and a plug-in one will probably be more than adequate. On a different point the X2 is made to USA wireless specs and regulations, which are significantly different to the UK and the rest of Europe. It is NOT type approved for use in the the UK. Just so you are aware importing and using it will be illegal and if caught will render you liable to a fine and equipment confiscation.
  17. I used to have a Soundcraft Powerstation 600. Excellent and "British EQ" to boot. They can be got for a reasonable wedge.
  18. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='70641' date='Oct 7 2007, 02:42 PM']I'm pretty sure they're Aeros Dave - a quick look behind the s/plate revealed black & white twisty stuff but I can't see any insulation. I'll have a proper look when the new s/ps arrive from Roger. I have to say it's a very nice bass - seems to do everything really well. I really love the neck, in fact I'll go so far to say it's the best neck I've had on any of my two hundred basses.[/quote] I have to agree. Best neck I've ever played. It is effortless. Black and white twisty is Aero. It would be interesting to A/B yours and mine one day to hear the difference between Fralins and Aeros. Maybe the next national Bash.
  19. What pick-ups does your DJ have? If the wires are black/white twisted with plastic insulation they are Aeros. If the they are old style fabric insualtion they are Fralins. If they are red/black then they are Lakland's own. Pleased to hear you're enjoying it. The DJ4 is definitely my bass of choice these days.
  20. My last package took at least a couple of weeks or so I wouldn't worry yet. It's probably stuck in the postal dispute.
  21. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='63583' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:32 PM']I [b]WILL[/b] be a bass playing Grandad in March 2008. How [b]SCARY[/b] is that?!?! Sorry - back to topic. [/quote] I've been a bass playing Grandad for 2-years now. The Pink Jazz is already earmarked for my grandaughter. Sorry - back to topic.
  22. Wow, I've just caught up with this thread. I have to own up as being the perpetrator of that scuffing. It was caused by two cabs rubbing together in the boot of a Merc A-Class as you can see on this pic from the Ashdown web site. I bought this cab from new in January 2003. Along with its twin, I gigged them for about 18-months before going from the sublime to the ridiculous and getting an SWR Goliath Senior. I then sold this cab to kneale from Merseyside. A friend of mine still has the other. A pair of these cabs are amazingly punchy. In one pub we played there was so much bass that the drummer’s hat used to rotate on his head. I eventually sold them because as my hearing deteriorated I found that I couldn’t hear myself when standing directly in front. At 30 feet however they were awesome. They are fine cabs for indoor use, if a little heavy at 30 kg. So there you have it, a continuous history and a great bargain, and no I'm not getting paid to write this.
  23. If you buy anything then don't carry the receipts, sales bill or credit card slip with you. Send them home by post.
  24. I run 40-120 on a Lakland DJ5 with no problems with the B. In fact I've used those gauges on all the 5s I've owned without having to go up a gauge or two.
  25. What make/model of speakers do Marshall use in that cab?
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