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Posts posted by obbm

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='28254' date='Jul 7 2007, 11:24 AM']I'm not talking about a £50 or £100 premium on the US price. I would be tempted to pay that. It's reasonable.

    £400, though? Nah.[/quote]

    My comments were regarding distrbution of US products generally. Having had a trawl through AI Focus prices in the US, Europe and the UK I must agree that in this case the UK distributor is without doubt taking the p*$$. Why not complain to AI directly.

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='28198' date='Jul 7 2007, 09:01 AM']No I don't, but consider this:

    If the UK dealer did as I did, and bought it from a US dealer, paying full import tax etc., at the price they were charging they could still have sold it for around £400 profit.

    No matter how charitable and pro-UK trade I'm feeling, I'm not falling for that.[/quote]

    This is all very nice in theory but international trade and commerce doen't work like that.

    Reagardless of wehether you are buying a guitar, an amp, a car or a TV, manufacturers appoint country or regional distributors and dealers to handle the business, set up distribution chains to handle their products because it is impracticable to deal with every customer, or even dealer, directly.

    Distributors are required to provide sales forecasting, stock purchasing, warehousing, sometimes set-up, local modifications and QA, distribution, warranty support, marketing, advertising. He also requires them to forecast sales trends are so the factory can manufacture the right products. For example a manufacturer, based in say California, has no idea what is going on in the UK market. He is reliant on the eyes and ears of his distributor to provide that information.

    They are required to buy and pay for the stock that they are going to onward sell to their dealers. This requires premises, people and money and, money costs money.

    Finally the dealer, your local music store has to make a living.

    That's the way it works and no amount of bitching about it will change things.

    The only reason you know about price differentials is because of the internet. For as long as I can remember, over 30 years, there has always been a significant price difference between the USA and the UK. It is not a new phenomenon. If you don't like it then complain to the manufacturers directly. It is they who set-up the networks and invoke rulkes about cross-border trading. Don't take it out on the local dealer.

    I'm with MoJ. If you buy cheaply from abroad, don't expect the local store to fix it for free. It's your problem.


  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='28051' date='Jul 6 2007, 07:41 PM']£729 retail at the BC so unless I'm mistaken this looks tidy at BIN £300 + shipping & taxes!


    Even allowing for tax and shipping I would think that's a good price.

    It is a shame that the seller hasn't done his homework. It looks to me like a 604 which is based on the 60s Jazz, but the spiel is all about the 704. It makes his rambles a bit of a joke.

  4. Quite amazing. This [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/trace-elliot-vintage-bass-cab-200-watts-pre-1980_W0QQitemZ170128675686QQihZ007QQcategoryZ58719QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]cabinet[/url] and this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/vintage-trace-elliot-ah-250-g-250-watt-bass-head_W0QQitemZ170128674259QQihZ007QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZVewItem"]head[/url] were allegedly used at Live Aid over 4 years before the concert happened.

  5. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='23260' date='Jun 25 2007, 10:24 PM']Of the37 of us that have expressed an interest (so far), we have 13 definites & three probables by my reckoning (I'm keeping a list). 16 who originally expressed an interest have yet to pipe up.


    Well done. That looks quite promising. We'd better start planning another for those who can't make it.

  6. It's fine to run two channels using a Y splitter cord. Some power amps, like QSC have an input selector which routes channel 1 input to both channels. Some have a loop out from each channel so you can daisy cain them together. At the end of the day it will dpend on the input impedance of the power amp.

    If you parallel too many then you will get a loss in level and frequency response. If you want to run lots of power amps then get an audio distribution amplifier. They split the signal, adjust the level and provide buffered outputs. No need for transformers.

  7. If you ever get the chance read [url="http://www.mofoster.com/books/index.html"]this[/url]

    To quote Mo, "[i]Around 1960 my school band, The Tradewinds, upgraded its back line of little 5 watt amplifiers with the purchase of a wedge-shaped, blue and white, 17 watt, 4-input, Watkins Dominator amplifier which, at £38/10/-, we could just afford between us. But the band was divided by the prospect of such awesome power: did we really need 17 watts?".[/i]

    The Dominator used 2 x EL84. The Vox AC30s used 4 x EL84 to get 30-watts and they are a loud 30-watts.

  8. [quote name='nick' post='22779' date='Jun 24 2007, 10:05 PM']Finally got my amp. :) Some photos (not the best I'm afraid) here:


    Cosmetically, it's not as bad as I expected. Just really needs a good clean, some sticky residue on front fascia, scuffed corners,..but nothing too major.

    I haven't yet got a cab, but I wired it up to 15" inside my Trace Elliot 150w combo to test. Crikey, it seems incredibly loud!
    Lovely warm growl to it, just the sound I've been after, & trying to get with various driver pedals. The bass & treble controls on both channels do actually alter sound quite a bit - variety of different tones possible, from 'dubby' to 'clanky'. However treble boost switch doesn't actually seem to do anything, at least to my ears - no problem.
    Valves inside are old (dusty) Mullards: 2 x EL34's & 3 x ECC83'S

    Only thing...is that it has some kind of earth problem. Whereby, hum goes when bridge or anything else earthed on guitar is touched, etc...(?)
    Also, mains lead & speaker cable are fixed. Was considering putting IEC connector & jack socket on back, along with corner protectors. Though on the other hand; I quite like keeping things original, especially if it is a rarity - not sure yet(?)

    Thanks Oxblood for all the info - you're a star!

    Very happy with this find. ^_^[/quote]

    Nice bit of history. Those output valves look like EL84s not EL34s. That would give the amp an output of around 15-17 watts.

  9. [quote name='NickThomas' post='22621' date='Jun 24 2007, 12:37 PM']There's obviously a cost involved in the venue. Do we need to be sending donations, or will it be sorted out on the day?[/quote]

    I will be collecting the usual £10 from each person on the day. If we get enough people this should cover the cost of hiring the venue and anything over gets donated to charity. I am proposing that this time it goes to the Meningitus Research Foundation. Our local Jam organiser lost his teenage daughter to it a few years ago and he and other musicians do what they can to raise money for research.

  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='22140' date='Jun 22 2007, 09:45 PM']+1 on that - Cheers Dave! ^_^[/quote]

    Thanks Nik and John

    Lets keep a high visibility on this thread so we get a good attendance on the 18th Aug.

  11. [size=3][b]South East Bass Bash[/b][/size]

    [size=3][i]Saturday 18th August[/i][/size]

    [size=3]10:00am - 6:00pm[/size]

    [url="http://home.btconnect.com/backlinestudios/location.html"]Backline Recording and Rehearsal Studios[/url]
    1-2 The Archways
    Guildford Park Road
    GU2 5NP

    Farnham Road Car Park is 60p per hour or £5 per day.

  12. [quote name='dr.funk' post='21718' date='Jun 22 2007, 08:29 AM']I wondered where this thread had gone, didn't realise it was at the top. I will definately be coming and can bring any of my gear should anyone wish although I appreciate it is not of the same quality as the rest of you! :)

    Well done Dave for booking it. Regarding the emails I'm not sure that the address is checked that often, when I did my work experience there it wasn't very professional although it is great for what it does. Ive done numerous gigs in the liveroom and I think it sounds pretty good.[/quote]

    Steve told me that they have an email problem so that was the reason for zero response. What a way to run a business eh?

  13. Venue booked.

    Saturday 18th August

    10 am to 6 pm.

    I guess we now need to start listing who is bringing what.

    I'll bring Lakland DJ5, Lakland Duck Dunn and Epifani rig plus whatever else takes my fancy.

  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='21207' date='Jun 21 2007, 08:31 AM']Come on then, are us "London types" invited or not? :) If there's parking I can bring Urb with me.[/quote]

    Everyone is invited.

    The venue is accessed from the Farnham Road Car Park so there is no problem parking - it just costs.

  15. At £10 per head, 10 is the break even point so it looks like its a go.

    There are still a few other locals who haven't signed up yet - Merton? Walbassist? Wildman? plus some in London expressed an interest. It's a quick 40-minute train ride to Guildford and a 5-minute walk from the station.

  16. [quote name='Blink' post='21035' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:08 PM']Does anybody use an SWR 6x10 cab? My new band is playing heaver stuff and my 2 Aguilar GS112's were lacking punch and depth at our last gig. The SWR is reasonably compact and at low shop volumes seems to sound good. What is it like at gig volume?

    Any help gratefully received before I part with any cash.[/quote]

    I had one and it was great but my back didn't like it. Very loud, very punchy.

  17. It's starting to look like the 18th but what happened to all those who were so keen for this to happen?

    Looking at the current numbers it is either not financially viable or we just do it beween 14:00 and 18:00.

    If the dates don't appeal then we could move it to October, November, December or later, or just forget about it.

  18. [quote name='Rumble' post='21030' date='Jun 20 2007, 09:01 PM']If you had the choice between a P bass [u]OR [/u] a jazz for playing covers (70' to present day), which would it be and why?

    (I'm thinking Lakland DJ or Bob Glaud)


    Don't forget the Lakland Duck Dunn.

  19. Until you can get someone to do it properly for you why not use some electrical terminal strip. The type with screw terminals. Do them up nice and tight.

    I was at a meeting near to your work place yesterday. No doubt I will be back again within the next month. If you can hang on til then I'll bring my iron with me and do it for you.

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