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Everything posted by obbm

  1. I've just had a look inside my Prodigy and the mains transformer is most definitely 220/230/240 only. There is no primary connection for 100/120 so it looks like they have different transformers for different markets. It would also explain why the European version took much longer to appear. Looking at the tightness and complexity of the wiring from the transformer I would not want to attempt to change the transformer. I think a step-down transformer is the best solution. Transformer input connections
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1468926824' post='3094333'] Couldn't agree more. Go for OBBMs wired solution if you are on a budget! (You do do the instrument and iem combo cable don't you?) [/quote] I have made a few in the past using stereo mic cable but this is a bit of a compromise for the tone purists as it's not proper instrument cable. Saying that no-one has complained of poor frequency response so I guess they are all happy with them. I did find a cable that had an instrument core and a stereo monitor core but it is quite expensive to get 100m and since the Referendum the pound has dropped and now it's very expensive, so it's back to genuine stereo mic cable.
  3. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1468910773' post='3094169'] Illegal operating frequency?!? How is this policed? Is it likely to cause problems if we went for that unit for example? [/quote] Some one used to sell this illegal brand through Amazon last year and I reported them to Offcom. Apparently Offcom regularly check the likes of Ebay etc for illegal wireless equipment offered for sale in the UK and get the adverts stopped and products confiscated. I would steer very clear of cheap illegal wireless kit.
  4. The GK MB500 cannot have a speaker load lower than 4-ohms so each cab will have to be 8-ohms. That means that the power will be split equally between the cabinets, but not evenly between the drivers. I had a similar problem and opted for a 2 x12@4-ohms and a 1x12@8-ohms which gives a combined impedance of 2.667-ohms. Fortunately all the speakers are 8-ohms and are effectively wired in parallel so the power is divided equally between the three. The only way to run this set-up was to change the amp to one which will operate down to a load of 2-ohms.
  5. [quote name='nash' timestamp='1468444158' post='3091029'] My new rig. [/quote] Nice to see that the Precision is still going well.
  6. The T-series cabs were Epifani's original Cabs. First there was the T-*** NYC range and then the T-*** UL. The first series UL-*** were introduced sometime in the early 2000s. I bought a UL310 from the Gallery in early 2005 and used it a lot that year. Very good it was. Sometimes I regret selling it.
  7. [quote name='jeigenbass' timestamp='1467666044' post='3085278'] Thanks! So does that mean I would never be able to add another cab safely? not even another 4 ohm one or in parallel (my amp has two outputs)? [/quote] If the amps spec says no lower than a 4-ohm load then that is it. You should not any lower regardless of how many spare sockets there are.
  8. Everybody buying before the price rockets up?
  9. The PA100 is a valve amp and uses a multi-tap transformer to match the output stage to the speaker load. It always gives the full output. You must never run a valve amp without a load connected. The power output of Solid State amps however varies depending on the connected load as you say in your last line. Solid-state amps can be run with no load connected.
  10. It makes no difference at all Si. There will be some who say that separate cables is more secure because if one cab or a cable fails then the other will continue but how many times have you heard of it actually happening.
  11. Bought an Mesa amp from Dan on Sunday. It was despatched on Monday. Delivered today, Tuesday. Excellent. What more can I say except thank you.
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1465297040' post='3066839'] I remain unconvinced about buying cables designed for the mid range. What if you prefer a scooped tone? [/quote] That's easy Jack, it's just a matter of not connecting the strands in the central conductor that carry the mids.
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1465288147' post='3066718'] And the "singerproof XLR" he made for me, is still going. [/quote] That's nice to hear. I'd often wondered if she'd managed to destroy it yet.
  14. I added a sub-woofer to my TV. It helps. I ran a couple of Facebook threads a few weeks back complaining about the sound on the Michael McIntyre show where all the vocals were drowned in the mix. In a follow on Dave Swift commented about how he despairs of the BBC's sound, especially on the Later show, and it appears some of the band do too.
  15. [quote name='K450B' timestamp='1464767775' post='3062241'] Missed the point, thats a mini amp - i asked "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] What i wanted to know is there a particular headphone i can simply plug in to my bass"....... :-)[/font][/color] [/quote] The output of a bass, any bass passive or active does not have enough power to drive a pair of headphones so you need a small amplifier to provide that power.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1464697704' post='3061499'] Would a piece of heat-shrunk colour tube at each end be an option for those wishing to identify cables by colour..? Just a thought. No qualms with 'Quality First'; you've already 'nailed' that aspect. [/quote] That's always been an option, in fact I usually suggest it for mic cables. Another option is a name label under clear heatshrink. Very useful for identifying exactly whose cable it is in a multi-band situation.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464690416' post='3061394'] There is a red cable on his site, not sure if that means he does coloured cables or not. Might be an idea to ask him. [/quote] Thanks for the intro Mark. That photo of a red lead dates back many years so perhaps I'd better change it. These days I only offer black because Klotz AC110 and Sommer LLX are only available in black. I also have 99m of Sommer Classic Tweed which looks like it will be on the shelf until I retire or expire. Vandamme is available in many colours and as there are many other suppliers offering these at ultra competitive rates I see no point in trying to compete with yet another "me too" product. In Klotz and Sommer I supply what I believe is a better quality of cable. At the end of the day my view is that it's the performance that counts, not the colour.
  18. Paul, is this any good to you? 1m, 2.5-sq.mm. jack to jack socket Yours for the postage.
  19. [quote name='jonnyom900' timestamp='1464222579' post='3057753'] did this sell? [/quote] Yes it did. Thanks for reminding me. Title edited accordingly.
  20. obbm

    N Sadowsky BD

    Nice one. I just love the natural look. I have 2 Metros, a PJ and a UV70, both natural 4-stringers, and they are without doubt the best basses I have ever owned. They feel and sound just right. I'm always getting good comments from the band.
  21. I recently picked up an Extron XPA1002 1U half-rack 2 x 100w power amp to drive a butt-kicker for my personal monitor system but I've not tried it with a bass yet. With the same family of products there is the XPA1002 Plus which will give 200-watts bridged into 8-ohms. They often come up on Ebay [url="http://www.extron.com/product/product.aspx?id=xpa1002"]http://www.extron.com/product/product.aspx?id=xpa1002[/url] Extron are a well established company in the AV market and the amp seems well made although it does use some odd types of connectors which are not difficult to source. Of late I've been using a Sansamp BDDI going straight into the Effects Return of a TH500 bypassing the pre-amp. Sounds good.
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